I disagree with the Uk… the Uk is ok because it has the pound this situation would be intolerable for them if they had the euro also... some of these countries have the material resources they are just poorly managed by a corrupted political mass, thi is just now a wait for the euro to burst and countries to regain soveraignty... then reconstruction might take place, however it would have been better to have finished the euro in 2008.
It is as raphjd said, "The UK has the Pound which it maintains by itself". Those countries which adopted the Euro, did so because they couldn't afford to maintain their own. Spain is bankrupt, Greece is bankrupt and Portugal and France are on their way there. Italy has more corrupt prime ministers with more sex scandals than the Queen Mother has had birthdays. The supposed sovreignty with which you speak is only recognised when you can take care of your $%W :afr: internal affairs so to speak. Switzerland still has their CHF, Sweden has the SEK, Denmark has the DKK and the UK has the GBP, which they have to pay to keep their currency for being part of the Eurozone. I think they (non-Euro countries) should let them fall on their bums, then see what happens.