A list of gay churches in your area!
See Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:27, Deuteronomy 23:18
A list of gay churches in your area!
See Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:27, Deuteronomy 23:18
Anaface is an algorithm designed to score your beauty, using facial symmetry based upon the principle that symmetry is prettier in all things.
Just upload your picture or someone else's and it does the rest.
That red "thing" in the picture is not the first thing that comes mind when I think of speedo.
Even as you say that, Japan has the highest life expectancy in the world for women and very high for men. In addition, they also tend to be the thinnest. Whatever rhetoric exists for health insurance companies making windfall profits, is a moot point. Obese cause excess strain on the health care system, increasing the cost for healthier individuals who strain the system less. Also, obesity is comorbid with increased stress and depression, further compounding the problem of decreased productivity. The reason why the law is in place for the aforementioned age bracket is because the metabolism slows down as you age; therefore, it is less likely to occur among younger Japanese people.
Does anyone think the U.S. should follow suit? http://www.ncsl.org/research/health/childhood-obesity-legislation-2013.aspx
The United States will have tax incentives and insurance premium reductions for thin people.
your profile says that you are from the Netherlands, homosexuality isn't really an issue there is it. Europeans are much more in touch with feminine side.
The sooner everyone realizes Windows is a virus & Apple is jonestown flavored kool-aid the better we will all be.
In the Beginning… Was the Command Line. Linux is & always will be military grade hardware for the battle weary veteran of countless civil wars.
Don't reign on my Victory Parade. :cheers:
Right on, although I don't like command line. Not a computer person.
In Europe, guys usually wear speedos but it works mostly because fast food isn't as popular as in the U.S.. Some people really should not sport mankinis. Do you prefer short budgie smugglers or long bermudas?
Aside gay subgenres, America has a huge obesity epidemic, in the eyes of the CDC and especially in other countries. Maybe caring about fashion and eyebrow is too much, but not shaving and being overweight is bad for your health. I want someone who wants to take care of themselves. You don't have to care only about appearance, which is why the U.S. also lags in education. They spend too much time watching Paul Verdi and Joan Rivers
I had seen someone asking how to play iso files maybe they didn't get it here.