I see I'm a bit late on a topic of intense debate (been a bit busy elsewhere on the Internet these last few months).
I'm reading this topic, talk about information overload, as well as intense name-calling, massive outing of fellow members, and PMs reposted in public. I mean, guys, seriously?
That aside, I'm either missing something central in this whole debate (and yes, I've tried to look it up elsewhere in the forum and found nothing to explain it; I may have missed it), but this whole issue appears completely out of proportions. But do feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
I just don't get how someone else pitching in to a fresh upload can be that big a deal.
I assume (because I couldn't find data to the contrary) that 1 gb upload is worth the same to the seeder regardless of whether or not someone else is seeding the same torrent at the same time. 1 gb up = 1 gb up, yes?
I assume (because this issue centers on fresh uploads rather than aging/stale torrents) that having, say, a 50 kbps upstream connection means you can dish out 50 kbps to someone wanting the stuff, and get credit for it. 50 kbps = 50 kbps, yes?
I assume (because this is how it's stated in the FAQ) that seeding for 6 hours gets you the same amount of seed bonus regardless of whether you're the first seed, for some other reason the only seeder, or one of two or more seeders. 6 hours seed bunus = 6 hours sed bonus, yes?
If these assumptions are correct, a second seeder during first seed can only affect the torrent uploader if his presense clears the uploaders initial-seeding/powerseeding flag in the client, with low bandwith or short duation second seed (effectively making the first seed take longer).
Or, what am I missing?
I expect there's an underlying problem here; one that's a known issue on several private trackers with ratio control: Leecher exhaustion. If new members find themselves hard pressed to maintain an acceptable ratio because there aren't enough leechers to max out the new members' allotted upstream, that's a problem that should be handled in the backend, by the site admins and out of public view, either by setting a well-balanced minimum ratio or freeleeching torrents in bulk from the bottom of the pile.
A bittorrent community, or any community that functions by members serving data to other members from their own bandwidth, must never ever chastise its members for serving the expected data to other members. No exceptions.
I don't come here for the torrents (entirely different reasons, not even remotely related to this issue). But I do check in from time to time, as I do at a lot of torrent sites I don't actually visit for the torrents. And a discussion such as this one, especially with the tone it's taken, that's just sad.
So, did I piss someone off? Feel free to tell me in PM if it cannot be phrased within common forum vocabulary. I'm no stranger to being unpopular; it's cool.
On a side note (and kinda off topic) that really made my day.
somewhere up this topic, I read something kinda on these lines: "I posted this coyrighted flick, and that guy stole my upload!"
I forget who posted it, and I shouldn't care to point fingers at any one particular member, anyway. But I just found myself wondering if the poster actually read that particular complaint to himself before pressing 'submit'.
On a second side note (completely off topic) also from somewhere up this topic.
Someone suggested adding extra/dummy files to the torrent file bundle. Please, don't do that. No one (or only a rare few) keep those files. The only thing these added files do is prevent later reseeding of the flick once the original swarm has died out and the peeps who could reseed only has the flick and none of the additional files in the pack.
~ Neo