There are many of them available… You just need to do a little research with Google. Google is your friend.

Posts made by MrMazda
RE: Video downloader torrent mymusclevideo
RE: Why is my UL and ratio not changing?
After looking at your profile, it would appear that there are no leechers downloading any of the torrents. This is why you have not seen your ratio or upload stats change.
RE: Sex chat
Not so much now given that the generally speaking, IRC is not what it used to be back in the days of 1990's dial-up internet. Now I don't find it as much of a thrill as it used to be.
RE: Gentle or Rough Sex?
Lady GaGa puts it best… "When it comes to love, if it's not rough, it isn't fun!"
RE: Would you have sex in a public restroom?
I've done it before many times, and I'll most certainly do it again. It's some of the hottest sex I've ever had. No conversation necessary, just straight to business and off you go
RE: Do you prefer top or bottom?
I'm mostly bottom, but in the right context with the right person, I'm sometimes versatile.
RE: Sex at work?
Kinkiest thing I've ever done at work is watch porn. I don't think it's advisable to do it with one of your co workers unless you are about the drama
I couldn't agree more… The last time that I had work-related sex, it landed me in jail! Haha!
RE: Bareback
With very few rare exceptions, I'm exclusively bareback… What's the point in doing the nasty if you can't do it right?
RE: Monogamy
Monogamy?! You mean it isn't an expensive piece of wood? Well I'll be damned!
Oh wait…. That's Mahogany I'm thinking of... :hehe:
It's very hard for me to stay to just one person... They have to be reeeeeeally special.
RE: Looking for suggestions on best cloud based storage
Similar to gaypraha2, I too have a dedicated server, only my dedicated server actually consists of FIVE different dedicated servers all linked together with Dropbox, and all in different physical locations across multiple cities in my area. It works with Windows, Mac, iPhone, Android, Linux, and more.
Sure it is a small monthly fee, but in my experience it's well worth it as it makes doing updates to websites I host a breeze, among other things. All of my documents libraries, music, etc. is all synchronized across all of my computers and devices using Dropbox and either Junction on Windows based devices, or Symlinks on my Linux platforms to point everything to my Dropbox backups. The best part is that all 5 servers can go down, and I still have the Dropbox available to me to redownload everything. I can also set custom sharing so that I can share large files more securely, and I can share them without the need for worry about excess bandwidth usage across my server stations to maintain optimal system performance and speeds to the user base at all times. Even my 4 mail servers are synchronized this way so that I can make seamless transitions between servers.
RE: Http error 499
HTTP 499 means that the client (your computer) closed the connection before the server answered the request. In most cases, this is caused when there is a relay that the connection must pass through that fails the connection, triggering an HTTP 504 (Gateway Timeout) occurs when trying to answer your request. This occurs when using some form of a proxy or hide-behind system for anonymity on the internet. What happens is your computer actually connects to the proxy that the real server hides behind, and instead of an HTTP 502 (Bad Gateway), it results in an HTTP 504 (Gateway Timeout). When the gateway times out, so does your computer's timeframe for receiving a response, thus triggering an HTTP 499 on your end as your computer terminates the connection before the proxy can respond with the real server's response, instead of the proxy issuing an HTTP 502…..
Simply put, the tracker side configuration is f***ed
RE: Best deaths
Although there's no way of knowing for sure, it is quite likely that the studio has taken a heavy hand with the DMCA approach and has had them removed from unauthorized public circulation.
RE: Wrong Tracker
The official answer to this question is it really does NOT matter what you put in the tracker of a torrent when you create the .torrent file. Once you upload that .torrent file, the system will over-write any tracker information that you have supplied with the proper tracker for your individual account, containing your personal secret passkey. This is why you must redownload the .torrent file from the site to seed your torrent after uploading it.
RE: Bareback
Quote from: : danijelr15 on Yesterday at 09:27:20 am
If you want to be 100% safe, then stop having sex.
^ Unfortunatelly, that's an absolute truth… Sad
Even then shit can happen : Mary got pregnant without even touching a dick :cheesy2:
Yes well…. The bible is not exactly a book of treasures..... It's a book where a guy comes back from the dead, snakes talk, a guy walks on water, and a virgin has a baby.... It seems a little "far fetched" to me :hehe:
RE: Seed 2 IP?
Seeding from multiple IP addresses is not a problem. This has not and will not affect your account in any way. The only rule is that you cannot use more than one account on any individual IP address. So… As long as you're only using one account with these IP addresses, there is no problem.
RE: Seeding ? Something has changed???
I just took a quick look at your profile and it would appear that the vast majority of the torrents you have seeding do NOT have any leechers downloading them. The ones that do have leechers have very few leechers and a plethora of other seeders. This likely has a LOT to do with why you're not seeing upload traffic from these torrents.
RE: Proper Settings For Optimul uTorrent Uploading?
About the only thing that's not setup by default is the port forwarding in your router. It is very important that you go into your settings to check what port that uTorrent uses. Once you have this, you need to forward that port in both TCP and UDP from your router to your computer. This will allow for optimal uploading results.
RE: Seeding and leeching Flawed.
There is also the option of making a donation for a more instant gratification. This however is not mandatory and you can opt in or opt out of this method. Also, you can contribute to the forum, upload new pictures to torrents, vote for categories on torrents that you have downloaded, and even reporting duplicate torrents in order to get a bigger SBP build up. These SBP can be used to get upload credit towards your ratio.
RE: Happened twice now, Can someone help me?
There are one of a few places that it could be found, depending on the method used, which can include the system event viewer.
So it would be under control panel? Where at?
Sorry for the delay…. Click Start, then right click "Computer" then click "Manage" as I recall... System Event Viewer is located in there. There are 4 or 5 main categories as I recall. If you take a look at the journaling information on the partition (if it's NTFS, which it should be), you may be able to determine when these files were deleted as well. This may narrow down the time frame you'll need to search through in the system event viewer. Looking at this information however can be rather complicated and often requires an administrative utility such as the Ultimate Boot CD in which to extract this information. So…. There is a way to do this, and yes, it can be done, however doing so is easier said than done. Doing a walk-through of this process would be very difficult to do through a forum based method.
EDIT: After making this post, I just noticed that it appears that you are on Windows 8.1, which by default, does not include the "traditional" start menu. I'm not sure exactly what the back-door method is for Windows 8 & 8.1 to get to the system event viewer since Microsoft bastardized their user interface configuration. That being said though, you can turn Windows 8.1 into a more Windows 7 looking (and working) experience (or to an even older style). If I recall correctly, it's not free, however it's not expensive either. It's called Start Is Back. If memory serves me correctly, it's a one-time charge of $2.99 USD.
EDIT: I also forgot to mention that from my experience, Start Is Back is very different than the free alternatives in that the installer if downloaded through the link I posted here does not come with any added crapware that you likely do not want to opt-into. This is because the program makers use the minimal fee to make their money, instead of pushing the crapware down your throat that they get paid to try to sucker you into installing (and get paid for every time someone does).