@ianfontinell said in Why do new upscaled posts immediately get hit with a 1-star rating?:
If you just run an AI software to "enhance" the image you might be objectively losing data as opposed to the desired effect. But a proper job can lead to fantastic results. Much more important than having the proper software it is having the proper knowledge on what you are doing... I just assume 99% of the people doing it in their homes don't.
I'm not a colector, I put much more value into efficiency rather than having the source material. I prefer smaller files with modern encoding rather than a 5GB DVD ISO for example. Put that same 5GB ISO against an "enhanced" version and I'll have the ISO anytime...
I have to disagree on the software not being important. Yes, there are a lot of video tools that can "enhance" images with lots of possible ways to tweak them that most people don't know how to use. BUT, that is where artificial intelligence is starting to shine. I'm not saying it is fully there yet, but each year it gets better and better. Those 99% of people who don't know what they are doing, soon won't have to know all that much.
I greatly appreciate when an older filmed movie can be cleaned and upgraded to be viewable on my big screen. I'm talking 20th century movies, so most of the smaller files that float around are complete garbage and were made 20 years ago. So, yes, it is nice to be able to go back to a (more) original source and use modern encoding from that and not a crappy 400 - 600mb avi file.
I'm not talking taking a video that was originally recorded straight to video at HD and "enhancing" it to 4k. In that case I probably agree with you, it might be losing data and the gain isn't going to be worth it.
But taking a classic Cadinot movie that was originally made on film, then digitized to DVD 20 years ago and trying to eliminate the graininess and correct the coloring that was messed up when it was clumsily digitized 20 years ago? I can't wait to see what the AI enhanced software will be able to do with it!
I'm not concerned about efficiency, I have 25TB of storage and a GB Internet connection, I want something that will look good on an 80" TV not a phone.