It's fake news. And fake actors. They look like typical libs (BETAS). All relaxed like what? These guys are leaning against a wall… that's it, just four dudes chillin', and you say they're a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION! WOW!!!! You really made a great freaking case. Did you go to law school? Cuz you should be granted Attorney of the Year.
Posts made by ManHandler
RE: Racist, fascist, anti-government terrorist movement spreads from U.S. to Canada
RE: Republican-Led Senate Panel Details Ties Between 2016 Trump Campaign and Russia
Yea right. It was treason pal. Clinesmith ADMITTED that he altered a document and pled guilty. The whole FBI leadership and the Obama admin KNEW. It's obvious and he's the first domino. They literally altered documents to say the OPPOSITE of the truth. That's TREASON. Ok? It's big time buddy. You may not be able to swallow the reality right now, but you will. Because Obama Gate just got blown wide open.
RE: COVID Killed Her Dad: 'His Only Preexisting Condition Was Trusting Donald Trump'
Oh PUHLEEZE. Blaming Trump for the virus? You are beyond help. You're trying to get attention by saying things that are one up over your democrat mis-leaders in congress.
RE: 10 Reasons Liberals are IDIOTS
Just look at Maxine Waters too. She has the worst district in the country, and she doesn't even live in the district she represents. It's got the worst grades, the most violence, the worst pollution, and she has the audacity to talk about Trump for some fake dossier and that he's a racist when she and the Dems supported Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood? Who said that black people are weeds that need to be exterminated? Who Hillary praised as a great person? Same with Pelosi. Look at San Francisco. It's turned into a complete shit hole where people are leaving in droves and the homeless population is growing so they're allowed to shit all over the streets and loot stores and shoot up heroin in front of kids in public. This place is pathetic. Any of you who support this nonsense should be ashamed of yourself for being so damn stupid. They're destroying this country, ripping it off, and you're a complicit sellout all for your little social justice crap. Take a look around. There will always be people who don't like you, like homophobes, but also like me, a gay man, because you act so oppressed when you can do whatever you want. You blame others for your situation that you personally created out of your own toxicity. Democrats are sick. Republican leaders are sheep, but you keep pressing this anarchy shit and you're going to find out real fast that it was a dumb move. Some stupid BLM teenager is going to set off some War Vet, who's seeing his country being destroyed, and it's going to end in casualties. Then BLM or Antifa might back off because they'll see that these useful kids don't really think the risk is worth it. The Democrats plan is a total dead end, literally, it ends in death (of them). These little teenagers in Antifa have no idea what they're up against. And you libs are cheering them on to their deaths like pawns!
10 Reasons Liberals are IDIOTS
I may make a list of reasons why Conservatives are the same (and I might), but I’m sure you already have that one so it’s not important right now.
10: Voting for people because of their skin color (just so we can have a black president). And in the case of Kamala, chosen specifically because of her skin color (admitted and open by the Biden camp). This is the opposite of the Civil Rights movement.
09: The top ten most polluted cities in the country, are run by liberals, yet they claim they care about Global Warming and Conservatives are destroying the planet with their gas guzzling and coal burning (while their spokespeople enjoy private luxury jets while telling us to turn out the lights).
08: The top ten cities with the lowest reading and math comprehension, are run by liberals.
07: The top ten cities with the most gun violence, murder, rape, and theft, are run by liberals.
06: Governor Cuomo blames Trump for the high number of Coronavirus deaths in his state when Cuomo literally signed an executive order mandating that Covid patients be sent to nursing homes (the most susceptible people), instead of the Navy ships that Trump sent, resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands. That’s murder, and the Democrats are ok that their mouthpieces at CNN and MSLSD are agreeing with Cuomo.
05: They all look the same. When I was in high school, I dressed in goth to be different. But I looked like the others, so I stopped one day. I started wearing bright colors. It’s the same with those who think that getting a bunch of tattoos and dying your hair blue or pink will make you stand out as “unique.” You’re not special, sorry. You look exactly like all the Antifa and BLM people do. It’s a hive mentality and a void of sameness. You’re not cool, you just look like you’re desperate and your ego is there to do damage control because that’s the only way you can survive.
04: They don’t understand the difference between a Republic and a Democracy. A Democracy is not “everyone gets a say.” It’s mob rule, and it’s the place where the minority loses it’s rights.
03: Joe Biden and Kamala and Hillary and the bunch of them are disgusting people. Talk about Haiti with Hillary and taking 90% of the billion she raised in charity for “administrative purposes” and you know why everyone in Haiti hates Hillary. Kamala the one who hid evidence of an innocent person and kept people locked up longer than their sentence to serve cheap slave labor for the state. Joe who is demented and racist and a pervert and who did a quid pro quo with Ukraine and who committed treason in the Obama admin. Fast and Furious, the IRS targeting of the Tea Party conservatives, weaponizing our system for political reasons, E.T.C.
02: The idea that Trump is this racist, mysoginist, homophobic, etc. Bullshit. That’s in your imagination. You are dead wrong and stupid.
01: 90% of felons are Democrats. I guess that’s why they want to Defund the Police and release violent criminals. I’ve seen three stories THIS WEEK, where violent criminals were released and then went on to murder the person who accused them. This party is the dumbest party I’ve ever witnessed. It is literally so stupid, that people who claim to support it, are not relevant whatsoever. All they got to say is Orange Man Bad and that’s it. It’s stupid. Take your guns. Release the violent criminals. Wow. Please don’t try to tell me how smart that is. This is a losing strategy. I get releasing someone maybe for pot possession, but not someone who raped. Idiots. I really could make this a list of 100 reasons, but that’s all for now.
11: (Edited) Liberal states like California and New York are literally having a mass exodus from their garbage states where Democrats they elected (stupidly) are taxing the hell out of them and running their states into the ground.
Joe Biden Committed TREASON, period, that's a FACT
The evidence that the Obama administration overtly committed treason is blatant and UNDENIABLE (unlike Schiff claiming the evidence against Trump is overwhelming - yet never provides anything and he's the head of the intel committee. At this point it's obvious that the Dems only chose Biden because he literally did a Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine and it's the only way to make it look political if Trump dares investigate ACTUAL CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR. He's a disgusting person and an empty vessel and clearly has dementia. He can't remember where he is half the time, but he was deeply involved in spying on Trump's campaign, and I have issues with Trump, but I would NEVER vote for that piece of human filth. He's a pervert and videos of him are all over the place inappropriately molesting women. The idea that Liberals could vote for such a disgusting piece of trash is highly disturbing, and just FYI, to all you libs on here, the gay community isn't "owned" by Democrats. Neither is the black community. The evidence that they committed treason is in your face, but they act like angels. They're politicians! Quit being so naive. When Durham is done, hopefully we will see some justice against these traitors in the Democrat mob.
Kamala Harris WITH HELD EVIDENCE of an INNOCENT MAN plus more!
As a prosecutor, this BITCH, decided that she would HIDE evidence that exonerated an innocent person. How could you vote for someone THAT disgusting? What if it was you? What if she gets into the White House and decides "I guess I can do what I want, because they voted for me?" Yea, that's not all. She was picked by Biden BECAUSE of her skin color, as Biden said he would choose a woman of color. You're not supposed to pick someone because of their color. That's the opposite of the Civil Rights movement. Liberals are quite frankly, the most hypocritical, stupid people you will ever meet. They're just dumb. And they all think they're unique when they die their hair blue or pink thinking that they're special or unique, when just the opposite is true - they all look EXACTLY the same.
RE: The Pandemic and the GOP’s Science Problem - The Christian Taliban?
Yea, there's no science whatsoever behind this Covid SCAMDEMIC. It's designed to collapse the economy, (Walmart and all the big boys get to stay open while all the Mom and Pops die.) And not just Mom and Pop restaurants, just wait til the evictions start and people can't afford to pay their rent. This is all by design by the Dems to destroy this country and it's about to get nasty. The Democratic Party is openly committing TREASON and everyone knows it. They're protesting the mail in voting due to covid by not social distancing and not wearing masks, in big groups. I guess there's no chance of getting the Coronavirus in Walmart or at a protest, so let's just end free speech for people who just want to go to Church. I'm not Christian but it's totally obvious that the Dems are trying to destroy this country.
RE: Republican-Led Senate Panel Details Ties Between 2016 Trump Campaign and Russia
There was no collusion with Trump and Russia. You guys had your chance and for over two years you wasted millions of dollars investigating Trump on information that they now admit was a total lie. Clinesmith is the first domino to fall. He ADMITTED that they lied. Let it go. There's nothing there. The only collusion was Hillary and the DNC paying Russian agents for a fake dossier to interfere in the election. It was the DNC that interfered, and that's the only fact in the case. I don't care if you like Trump or not, the Democrats literally and factually committed TREASON. Sore losers need to talk about their plan rather than just Orange Man Bad all the time. You aren't swaying ANYONE with rehashed false crap.
RE: Historic grassroots campaign to reclaim our democracy (U.S.)
Who cares? She's an idiot.
RE: You may not be able to fix stupid….
That quote isn't even intelligent. You can't fix it, but you can see it. Wow. Sounds like apathy deep down. You've passed complacency and your ready to go back to bondage.
RE: Trump's no dummy….
I have some big problems with Trump, but if you voted for Hillary, than you're just a stupid piece of shit. Sorry. In Haiti she raised a billion dollars in charity and promised to build a hospital and then she kept 90% for administrative fees, fucking over all the Haitian people, who now hate her guts. If you think that's ok, there's something seriously wrong with you. And as far as your Putin puppet bullshit, guess what? Mueller did two years and said there was no evidence, whatsoever. In fact, they literally manufactured evidence, it wasn't even an investigation. That's now the facts. In fact, the only Russia collusion was Hillary and the DNC paying for a fake dossier from Russian Intel Operatives who admitted it was just a conversation in a bar… that Trump had Russian hookers pee on him. You should be ashamed of yourself for being a total idiot.
RE: DemFBI Lawyer to Plead Guilty for Falsifying Documents to SPY on Trump - Treason
Typical liberal attacking Trump personally because you have nothing else.
Yea the last four years have been nothing but Orange Man Bad and does Trump's son have cerebral palsy and he's so racist! I'm an independent I have to stress, but these sore losers have no plan for anything, no ideas on how to change the problems. Nothing. Just move on already and tell us your plan. Just attacking the winner all the time is a serious sign of delusion.
DemFBI Lawyer to Plead Guilty for Falsifying Documents to SPY on Trump - Treason
Looks like the truth has finally arrived. The Obama Administration openly committed treason. Not good… Not good... Just the "beginning" is the word.
RE: A covidiot's observations on the pandemic
Oh please. Don't give me that stupid look. The conversation between Biden and the Ukraine President was released. It showed Biden doing a Quid Pro Quo. You fire the prosecutor, or you're not getting the money. That's what they accused Trump of, a Quid Pro Quo, but all Trump did was say, "Could you look into Hunter and Burisma some more for criminal activity?" Help us out because we know there was criminal behavior and we need the evidence, which was the phone call between Biden and Ukraine Prez, where Biden says thanks for getting him removed, even though he did nothing wrong. The President is the head of Law Enforcement, so it's his duty to find evidence. I'll defend Trump on that one, but that doesn't mean I will vote for him.
RE: This Is Extremely Dangerous To Our Democracy
What about CNN for a live story where they said as soon as the President moved into the Oval Office he removed the bust of MLK JR? What about a story where CNN and MSNBC actually edited footage of fish being fed to make it look like the President disrespected Japan's culture? Again, I'm an Independent, but where you're going is just a bunch of nonsense. Don't be a hypocrite.
RE: The Law & Order Candidate
big vax
Oh dear.
I'm glad I have a tinfoil hat to protect me.
[/quoteRight, because there's not money in vaccines. Are you for real? Bill Gates wants to vaccinate the entire population. 7 Billion. Do you have any idea how much money he has invested in this? He'd be the world's first trillionaire. Tinfoil hat. Conspiracy. Get real dude.
RE: A covidiot's observations on the pandemic
What are you talking about? Impeached? Didn't uphold the law? Are you out of your mind? Joe Biden is literally on tape, you can hear him, with the Ukrainian President saying - the prosecutor did nothing wrong, but he has been fired. Joe Biden says, good. This is the prosecutor who was investigating Hunter. Joe brags in the open about having the prosecutor fired and withholding the money. It was a quid pro quo, yet all Trump did was what? He asked for them to look into Hunter, who has no experience, who is not a candidate, and before Biden was even running. You have two extremes of quid pro quo. One is extortion, the other is asking for help in a criminal investigation. It's so freaking obvious too. Now just because I point out that Biden is blatantly corrupt, doesn't mean Trump isn't. I'm an independent, and Biden did exactly what the Democrats were blaming Trump for.
RE: The Law & Order Candidate
Doesn't mean anything. Flynn was exonerated. It's like you actually believe the system isn't capable of wrongfully convicting anyone when it comes to Republicans, but when it happens to a Democrat, oh it's not valid. Democrats aren't felons at all. They're all just nice people who don't say 23 billion dollars worth of damage to this city? It's just your imagination. I'm no fan of either side, but you're no different then they are, same stuff coming out of your mouth. It's just pathetic to me that you actually think the two party system is real, when both CNN and FOX are both sponsored by big pharma and big vax. Your point is just rehashed vomit. Do you actually think that your point is going to change anything? Why even make it? It's so insignificant in the grand scheme of everything that's going on, that it doesn't even register as real.
RE: Bill Gates of Hell Patent #060606 Digital + Physical Tattoo
Drinking bleach is a meme started on YouTube about wanting to commit suicide rather than wanting to listen to liberals.
Hydrogen Peroxide drinking became a thing from the same crowd that brought us "flat earth" shit and other insanities.
Well, the point is BIll Gates has a patent for a tattoo that connects to the 5g grid (your bank account through your phone), through a vaccine, and the Patent Number is 060606. Are you fucking kidding me??? They question Gates about Conspiracy on CNN but don't ask him why his patent is numbered 666.