We're probably part of the reason they don't get paid as much. ;D
Posts made by MancCub
RE: How much are porn stars paid?
RE: TOM DALEY * PICS * do u find him sexy
Too twinky for me, but I can see why lots of guys do fancy him.
RE: Who is your favorite all time male pornstar (gay or str8)?
I don't have one favourite, but the guys I like change all the time, depending on what movies come out and what kinda mood I'm in.
Although I have to say that I hate Rocco Steel - so sick and tired of seeing him. So many studios use the same guys all the time, I find it very boring.
RE: Should I make a move?
Get him drunk and subtly question him in a way that seems joking and random, usual drunken talk.
Don't try it on with him, you're gathering information when his guard is down and more likely to be honest with answers.
RE: Best smelling body washes
I like Sanex - they always smell fresh without smelling 'of' something.
RE: Evolution
If you love debates you might like this one if you haven't already seen it.
It's Hitchens and Stephen Fry debating Ann Widdecombe (a UK politician) and a Catholic Archbishop on whether or not the Catholic Church is a force for good or evil in the world. They take a poll from the audience at the beginning and the end.
RE: Evolution
I always agree with what Christopher Hitchens said (from what little I've seen of him - I haven't even read his books!) but I just find his targets unusual choices. Bill Clinton - fair enough, I guess.. But Mother Theresa, Princess Diana fans? I find those odd choices…
In contrast, Richard Dawkins seems much more empathetic as a whole... and he has the patience of a saint (ironic choice of phrase perhaps).
Christopher Hitchens based his work not solely around debunking religion but also about debunking the establishments and politics that support it.
That means casting light on politicians, diplomats (he hated Kissinger) and figures of popular culture; where their public images and private characters were very different - mirroring that the public face of religion is one thing but the practical application of religion is something very different.
He was infinitely intelligent. Dawkins is too, but Hitchens was in a class of his own - debunking the very notion that one has to have "patience" when debating something that he considered to be completely irrational.
RE: Mac/IOS or Windows?
Mac - it's more intuitive (in terms of user-friendliness) and integrated.
RE: Who's the hottest Male Musician for you?
Brandon Flowers for most beautiful.
Adam Levine and Nelly for being fit dirty fucks.
RE: What is your fetish?
I have a foot fetish. I love men with big meaty feet, but well kept at the same time.
RE: What's the world's most gay friendly country, city?
Some say it's the Nordic countries. Anyone from there who wants to validate that?
Scandinavia was the first place to legalize gay marriage. Even though they are extremely tolerant, there is almost no gay scene, which was decreased by the government to prevent the spread of AIDS.
The Netherlands was the first country to legalise same-sex marraige, followed by Belgium. Neither of those countries are Scandinavian.
RE: What's up ratio?
Units here are powers of two:
1 KB = 1024 bytes
1 MB = 1024 KB
1 GB = 1024 MB
1 TB = 1024 GBSo 0.98 TB * 1024 GB/TB = ~1004 GB. Actually the upload and download is stored in bytes and displayed rounded.
That is the way how Microsoft Windows uses units, but using KiB, MiB, GiB and TiB would be correct and avoid confusion with decimal system based units (as used by storage device manufacturers).
Ah I see, that explains it, thanks for the help.
And thanks to the others for replying too, appreciated.
What's up ratio?
So my download buffer went to 999gb and I thought it would quickly go to 1000gb, but it suddenly started to show as 0.98tb. It's been like that for hours even though I've uploaded at least 2gb since then.
Anyone have any clues as to what is going on?
RE: Stop cruising restrooms
I concede that I am being harsh by using the derogatory term fems. Its true that I have had a rather religious upbringing. And after suffering years of bullying, name calling starting from high school, I make great effort to be straight acting. I have just completed my degree in mathematics and intend to go for still higher studies. I feel bad seeing feminine guys tarnishing lgbt community and making us feel weak and less capable by acting more feminine and flamboyant than chicks.
I think that's quite an appalling attitude to have.
If you can't even accept other gay men, who may or may not be straight acting (why would they need to act straight when they are in fact gay?), then I have no pity for you with regard to any discrimination you might face.
If gay men want acceptance and tolerance then they had better practice what they preach.