@hottie124 I like it when it's rough sex, when there's a certain struggle and when they both laugh from time to time or when they show their tongues, I feel that these scenes are exciting and seductive because they both seem to enjoy it. Bubble or round butts still turn me on, and when they do the missionary position and lay on the bottom's back, they grab his arms and lash out with everything while kissing his neck, ear or giving a little bite. I agree with suits, police suits or uniforms make men look super sexy. The face is also important, youthful and occasionally a well-preserved forty-year-old, sometimes it doesn't matter that they don't have muscle, but that they are attractive to the eye, somewhat casual.

Amante de las películas de terror, música variada y gusto por la lectura. ¿Qué es la vida sin un poco de diversión diaria?
Procuro subir torrents livianos y de buena calidad, así que ténganme paciencia.
Best posts made by LonelyBoy26
RE: What type of porn turns you on the most?
RE: Question for bisexuals
As a bi man, I can tell you that it doesn't work that way. It is true that we have the advantage of going unnoticed because we can go out with women without feeling forced to do so. We really like both sexes almost equally. It's not always 50-50, but in my case, it works seasonally, sometimes I like girls more and sometimes boys more. If I'm horny, I prefer boys because I feel they have easier access than girls, plus there are no risks of pregnancy (That doesn't mean there isn't a condom. I always try to use it) On the other hand, when you start going out with boys, most Assume that you are homosexual and the girlfriends you had were only for appearances. I always say that it is better to ignore the standards of others.
We have had sex education that does not accept midpoints, that is, either everything is black or white. We are a kind of gray that is sometimes more black or sometimes more white. Bisexuals are not repressed heterosexuals or indecisive homosexuals, because, as I said, it depends on each one.
If you want to know if a guy had sex with girls, ask him about his experiences. The easiest way to unmask him would be to ask him where in the vagina he inserted his penis. Believe me, a lot of people don't know that women have two orifices, so they assume everything comes out of the same place. -
RE: How to reseed a torrent?
I already resolved it. I had to download my torrents back and find the folders where the original files were on my own. Excuse the paranoia.
What should I do if I change my IP?
I hope to hit the category. I am going to change my address, so I don't know if I can keep my account or I have to make a new one because of the change, that is, I will move to a place with another internet.
RE: Infatuated with a straight/bi guy. Mixed signals. What to do?
I agree with the others about quitting. I know it may sound ugly, but many guys over thirty who go through that situation hardly ever come out of the closet. Most of them already have the ideal of man and family imposed as their greatest desire, so declaring themselves homosexual no longer seems like an option, not because they will not be happy, but because they will lose all their family and friends who, until then, they can suspect and joke about it about it, but it's all guesswork. His circle will stop talking to him when he tells them the truth and that terrifies them, because they don't know if risking everything for one person is worth it, because sometimes love is not enough. Imagine that in the future his “straight guy” hang-ups get you into trouble and you end up leaving him, then he'll end up worse off and blame you for ruining his life. My advice is to stay away. If he loves you, the distance should make it clear to him what he wants and he will come back to look for you, although I recommend waiting for him to come out of the closet on his own initiative, otherwise it won't work.
RE: Post the last movie you've seen and how you rate it
Nocturnal animals. A real gem, I love how the story is built and that heartbreaking ending still makes me cry. Also, the music is excellent.
RE: Download torrents
@joaogu21 Você precisa baixar um programa, a maioria deles usa o uTorrent, embora você também possa usar o Mipony, e depois simplesmente arraste os torrents para o programa ou, diretamente, clique no torrent e quando for solicitado para abrir com um programa, você seleciona uTorrent e pronto, você escolhe a pasta onde deseja salvar os vídeos e pronto
desculpe se algumas coisas não são entendidas, eu tive que usar um tradutor
Latest posts made by LonelyBoy26
Ayuda para cargar torrents
Hola gente que hable español. Me gustaría saber cómo puedo cargar torrents en pleno 2023. Antes usaba el programa que te daba el sitio (en lo personal me parecía cómodo), pero ahora no encuentro ese programa y mi inglés no es tan bueno para comprender correctamente las instrucciones de carga, y el traductor no es de mucha ayuda, así que estaría muy agradecido si alguien puede guiarme a subir mis archivos.
RE: Life after Z-Library ends
@frampolar Yeah. Link in Tor: http://bookszlibb74ugqojhzhg2a63w5i2atv5bqarulgczawnbmsb6s6qead.onion/
Link in I2P: http://kkd7tiqf5lv3olqfdnkw4znmmmmnjo2xqlxrp5ntthp6juowaiha.b32.i2p/
I hope it works for you, good luck. -
RE: Life after Z-Library ends
@frampolar Don't worry, Z-Library is back, only now the links are available through the Tor browser.
RE: What kind of man are you most attracted to? reply with a photo!
@mrsolo Yeah, it's very cute, but very sexy. His name is Mark Tanner.
RE: What kind of man are you most attracted to? reply with a photo!
I like young men with nice butts
Gay language?
More than anything, my intention is to know the language that is used within the gay community, you know, to discreetly flirt or say things related to sex but without being so specific. For example: that they have made you a "rey de reyes" (I don't know how this expression would be translated, but I understand that it is double penetration). Another example: once in a bar (straight) a guy came up to me to tell me if I liked a drink, and when I told him I didn't know it he left half indignant. The thing is, a friend told me some time later that this is a subtle form of flirting that I didn't understand. In my defense, I think it was not very clear, but I do not know about you.
Do you know any form of flirting that makes life easier for first-time gays, or any expression that they have been told that at first they did not understand and when they had more experience in the world it was very evident? -
RE: What TV Series Has The Best Male Nudity?
Maybe the one I'm currently watching "The Time Traveler's Wife". Theo James appears naked every time he travels back in time (which he does a lot), so you can see his butt and pecs. In episode 3 the protagonist leaves him naked on purpose, that's all I'll say xD
Ty Roderick, Bastian Karim, Ken Summers, John Kael, Devin Franco and Rafael Carreras. I have a selection of them that always make me come, no matter how many times I've seen them.
RE: Heartstopper gets 2 more seasons
@raphjd I think it's one of those series that I would have liked to have in my teens. Of course, Netflix has also fallen into gay "cliches" created by heterosexuals, that's why in "Elite" Patrick's character only spends his time showing his buttocks and getting angry every time a guy doesn't take him seriously, when his cover letter is sex and steal couples. In sex education he also did it with the bully who later becomes a partner of the boy he was bothering and even so their relationship is very toxic. Heartstopper is a great respite from all the mishandling of LGBT+ characters in teen shows, so I quite like it. I suppose that in the second season coming out of the closet and other relationships will be addressed, we may even see the change or decline of some secondary character, like Ben, who hates the relationship of the protagonists because he wants to have the same, but he doesn't take risks to the other boys making fun of him for being gay. Hopefully they are worth it, because the concept and the aesthetics were very good.
RE: Hey guys! Who is into BDSM?
I feel that bondage is super exciting, tying up your partner so that they are totally submissive and you can dispose of the body, with the advantage that it is not a toy, but someone made of flesh and blood. However, I think not many would dare to experience it. Another weird fetish I had was having sex after an intense session at the gym, when your muscles were sore and your partner was in control, touching the sore muscles to make you tense. I don't recommend it unless you handle pain well, because my emotion lasted less than five minutes because i couldn't stand it haha