Could be found under PenisSoliloquies
Posts made by lololulu19
RE: Has anyone got any idea where this photo is from?
Search engine problem..
When I search on:
Twink Obsession
I get no hits, but when I search on
"Twink Obsession"
I get this hit.. is that?
Perhaps quotes should AUTOMATICALLY be put around all search queries? -
Gay Porn vs WWE
In Gay Porn and the WWE, you typically have 2 guys rolling around with each other for a bit.. and then one pinning the other. Often, both guys take dominant role at some point in the event.. it goes on for roughly 15 minutes of action, then there is a pre-determined victor.
The only major difference is that in the WWE, they don't take their cocks out.
In the ancient Greek Olympics, the wrestlers DID wrestle nude! -
I haven't had the best luck with Onlyfans.
I expect to get some kind of response to my direct messages, but I get none.
Have any of you on Onlyfans gotten real responses to your questions?One that really disappointed me was Chris Crocker (who recently nearly tripled the cost of his Onlyfans).
You can see when they have VIEWED the private direct message, but in his case, he didn't respond at all. -
RE: Does anyone know of a straight equivalent to this site am just curious!
hahaha you might be gross out by the idea but I've always wondered is there a similar site like ours but only straight content and in torrent form?? I simply cound't find any hahaha!
Many years ago.. there was a sister site to this which had all straight content. I think they got rid of it because nobody was interested in seeing naked women.
There is a lot of truth in that. In particular, this one straight couple that won a prize for best straight couple on streaming media does shows.. in which by far the most requested activity is for the woman to put on a strap-on and fuck the guy up the ass.
RE: Wisconsin just quietly removed transgender healthcare for state employees
the three bridges for my teeth cost $38,000 (two of them broke after a year)
for $28,000 I could have been changed into a woman! hehehee
RE: Torrents getting removed for copyright infringement
Of course some torrents must be removed for various legitimate reasons.
The problem is, there used to be a lot of torrents removed for the wrong reasons.
It uses to be that 100% of my posts got removed for copyright infringement by someone other than the copyright holder complaining.
This is known to happen, because one of the moderators made a video of HIMSELF and posted it, and THAT video got taken down for copyright infringement.It's very rare that I see my posts being taken down anymore - so I guess the problem is more or less solved.
I also seldom see the problem where someone intentionally alters the binary content of a file just to make it "different". I assume the person who was doing that got booted from the site.
RE: Dupe Torrent Uploader Complainant
May I enter as the third one?
I've seen two videos in which three guys entered a guy's ass at the same time..
both of those videos included the late Denis Reed who passed away after a motorcycle crash. -
BROWSE suggestion
I previously mentioned that the camera icon on the BROWSE function didn't seem to have any purpose, and that it's better to click on the thumbnail so that your screen doesn't jump all over the place after exiting the camera mode.
However, there is a use for that camera. Just HOVER over it, without clicking on it, and you get a preview of the pictures associated with that torrent.
I would suggest one improvement though. When hovering over the camera, it shows mini-sized versions of the photos. It would be much more useful if that photos were shown FULL SCREEN when hovering over them.
Browse search problem
When I use Browse…
1. If I click on the actual picture associated with the torrent, a NEW tab opens up, I see all the pictures and information, when I close that tab I am back where I left off.. that is great.2. If I click on the camera icon, a new tab doesn't open up, but the same tab is re-used.. which is fine, but when I click on the X to return to the gallery, the whole gallery reloads and goes nuts, and sticks me someplace far away from where I left off.
It's not a problem for me, because I figured out today that clicking on the picture in the first method does just what I need.
Method 2 of clicking on the camera Icon could be quite confusing and frustrating to someone else though.
I haven't thought this through much, but it seems like the camera icon method could be removed entirely. OR the camera icon could be set to do the exact same thing as clicking on the picture in method 1.I have an extremely fast computer with a massive amount of memory, so perhaps other people require method 2 which probably saves some resources.
RE: Ratio difficulty
Just an FYI… That "someone" who has been going on mini freeleech binges is usually me. I look through torrents at random and look for ones that meet certain criteria to be able to help bring them back to life before they die. This is often a much needed boost for one or more users, as a lot of the torrents are being seeded by people who need the ratio boost, however there are no leechers downloading their torrents, and therefore, no upload traffic possible.
See... Leechers are an incredibly important part to increasing one's ratio. If there are no leechers, there is no upload activity... plain and simple.
@lololulu19: You're one such user whose profile I have gone through and "spruced things up" a little.
Thanks.. before sprucing.. I felt like I was stuck in quicksand.
RE: Dupe Torrent Uploader Complainant
Whenever I upload something, I make sure it isn't here already.
One recent duplicate I uploaded was due to the fact that someone else uploaded the file without spaces, so I couldn't find their version.
For instance.. they titled theirs "BarebackRookies" and I titled mine (correctly) "Bareback Rookies".
I have a solution for that. Whenever has delimiters in their descriptions.. search on BOTH the individual words AND the words without the delimiters. So, in the above example.. the title I entered would be searched for both
BAREBACKROOKIESAlso, everything should be converted to uppercase (or lowercase) before a search, so that
are seen as being the same wordI've also had problems where something I uploaded that was not here.. suddenly gets bumped out the dead files from 2 years ago.
I must have forgotten to check the dead files before uploading that one. -
RE: Ratio difficulty
Since posting my comment about not getting UL points 2 days ago…
my UL points seem to be properly accumulating now.
I suspect someone fixed the problem. -
Proposed new BROWSE category
I prefer to use the BROWSE function rather than the SEARCH function.
One thing the SEARCH function has that the BROWSE function doesn't is the DEAD category.
I use the DEAD category for 3 reasons..
1. Dead files aren't always "DEAD"
2. I search them before uploading a file to be sure I'm not uploading something that has already been labeled as "DEAD"
3. I search for titles that I might want to download, so I can find them elsewhere, and perhaps upload them here if they are a significantly different size or quality. -
RE: New to site
I heard a rumor that there are images of naked men on this site.
Can anybody confirm this? :cheers: -
Ratio difficulty
On one hand.. I get very pissed at the recent flood of people using "Tricks" to increase their ratio by uploading altered files that were intentionally altered for no other reason than to make them "different" from existing files. When I see a 1.9 GB file which is seen as different from a 1.9 GB file on another site.. and do a bit by bit comparison.. and I find that the files are 99.99999% identical.. with just one or two bytes altered.. I know that there is something rotten in the state of Denmark. (that's from Shakespeare)
On the other hand, I can understand WHY these people do this. I seed the most popular files there are on the site every day.. 24 hours a day.. and also seed most of the freeleech files. My ratio should be through the roof, but it is a struggle to maintain even a 2:1 ratio.
On other sites, I don't upload anything (because they don't have the equivalent of QTM), and I rarely seed their files.. yet without even trying, I typically get a 3:1 ratio or better. I look at my uTorrent client and add up how much I have uploaded.. and it shows that I have uploaded over 200TB to GTRU.. yet my profile says I have only uploaded 15 TB
I don't really care for myself.. because I never have a problem running out of credits.. but I point this out to show why OTHER people go to such extremes to cheat and get credits so they can download stuff.I also realize that someone at the site is making quite a few files "freeleech" to help people build their ratios. That's very nice.. but it should not be necessary.
New kind of cheating
I don't know if I should even mention this in open chat.
A moderator might want to delete this.. I don't mind.I wish a moderator would private message me about it though so I can show what I've found.
There are a LOT of files being posted here that are 99.9% identical to other files, but have been modified so that they are "unique"
I would suggest that if a poster is in the habit of doing that, and they can't show that they got the file as it is from someplace else and didn't modify it themselves.. their account should either be terminated, or they should have 100 times the amount of the size of the file they manipulated deducted from their UL total.It's bad enough when they just change the names. I can change the names back to what they should be. But I can't undo the surgery they did to change the binary files.
Strange "Dead Files" anomaly
I just uploaded a file, but no matter what I did, it would not show as being "LIVE"
Instead it was in the dead files.I found the problem. The filename had a special character in it, in this case a #
The GTRU search page showed the file, with the # removed, however by removing the #, the filename no longer matched the file name on my hard drive where it was being seeded from.
I was able to fix the problem by fixing the name in uTorrent.. and that got the file to be "live" on GTRU as well.I bet this is why a lot of uploads wind up being stuck in the "Dead Files".. the uploader seeding it has a # or some other special character on it.
One solution for that would be to message the uploader that their upload is in the DEAD FILES and to tell them to check on their file name to see that it has no special characters. -
UnMasked Asian porn
Virtually all Asian porn is masked, even the animated cartoons!
Someone has to have the ORIGINAL films before they had the masking applied. Where are they?
It seems to me, if those cat & dog eating prudes want to mask videos.. well, good for them. BUT.. why don't the producers of those films sell them to an American distributor so that they can be sold UNmasked?
Also, what do they do with someone in Asia who is caught with porn from Helix, Staxus, Bel Ami, Corbin Fisher, Falcon, etc. that are NOT masked?
Ironically, there was a famous case several years ago where a Chinese citizen was murdered in North America. He got a student visa, but had no interest in college. Instead he was working for an escort agency. The ironic part is that he wasn't just into doing adult entertainment. They examined his laptop and found videos of extreme bondage, pedophilia, torture, sadomasochism, and even bestiality! In the trial, all they said about him is that he was "gay" but he didn't want his parents to know. Whether someone is straight or gay is not relevant. What was relevant was ignored in the trial, because they wanted to deify the victim. -
One or more people are being extremely tricky and naughty
I noticed, and I think RaphJD also noticed a new trend going on.
One or more people are uploading torrents that are exactly the same size, yet have been modified so that they are seen as "unique"
I've downloaded a few examples of this, and I can and will be able to figure out what they are doing.
I don't want to publicly reveal how it is that they are doing it. So, maybe an admin can send me a private message that I can respond to.
- off topic, but often people give too much information publicly. There have been many cases in which TV shows present something that has never been done, and then a week later, someone does that. Some examples of that are using vacuum tubes at banks with alleged bombs in them to steal money, and very recently they are giving out very detailed instructions on how to commit suicide in regards to Epstein.
This is not an entirely new concept. The book "The Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll & Mr. Hyde" was published in 1886, which was obviously the inspiration for the murders of Jack The Ripper in 1888. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote the blueprint for psychopathic killers. Similarly, Steven King aka Richard Bachman wrote the books "Rage" and "Carrie" which are the blueprint for all the school massacres including Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Parkland MSD, and many others. Thanks a lot STEVE!
- off topic, but often people give too much information publicly. There have been many cases in which TV shows present something that has never been done, and then a week later, someone does that. Some examples of that are using vacuum tubes at banks with alleged bombs in them to steal money, and very recently they are giving out very detailed instructions on how to commit suicide in regards to Epstein.