@manrmen-0 No one is gaslighting. The choreographer has stated clearly what his inspiration was: the gods on Mt. Olympus as it is the OLYMPICS. If people see the Last Supper, even though there are more than 13 people, and the one in the center is wearing the same headpiece as is in the original painting, that's on them. Perhaps they should expand their knowledge of art history. Even still, the choreographer still apologized if anyone took offense as that was NOT his intention. And I believe him. Because he is French. And if he really had intended to depict the Last Supper and people were offended by that, he wouldn't have given a merde
Despite all the explanations, FOX and other shithole media companies are still running with the lie. I've never seen gay people, like on this board, clutching their pearls like a bunch of village spinsters over something so banal. But people will believe any lie that fits their narrative, and constantly take the bait of focusing on meaningless "outrages," so that they can ignore real issues. Rupert Murdoch is a master of manipulation.