Well, I guess You haven't watched "Nymphomaniac" or "Yo Puta". If that's what explicit means to You
Posts made by gferek
RE: Do you think a time will come when explicit sex is not taboo in movies?
RE: UTorrent - banned?
You can always downgrade to uTorrent 3.1. That one works fine.
It worked. Thanks.
Here i have found a related topic: hxxp://forum.gaytorrent.ru/index.php?topic=17928.0
I guess Beta build is the issue.EDIT: @leatherbear >>
Thx for the info -
UTorrent - banned?
Hi there.
I was searching something about banned torrent clients and i have found that there is only Thunder client.
But today i was shocked, when my uTorrent returned a message "Dude, this client is banned on our tracker", so i cannot download or upload from GT.
Since when such good client as utorrent is banned? There was a time when GT recommended utorrent.
Anyone can explain?
Cheers.ps. I cannot change my client cause only utorrent can run on my old PC and not slow it down.
RE: Dreadful News :(
It's really sad to hear(?) it. I just got back after few days off and… I really can't believe it. Tears are appearing in my eyes by itself and I can't do anything about it. I'm really sorry Tim. I'll miss You. Rest in peace.
RE: Doubts about being gay…
/…/I hope to get outta there where there are no family treat you like you're something disgusting!
You can come and live with me! I'll take care of You
RE: Do straight guys enjoy their orgasms as much as gay guys?
If I'm fucking you, every moan or extra roar will make me more horny.
Yeah, same here
I know, that the movie is suppose to make you horny, but they are definitely overreacting in some casesAnd it makes it not enjoyable at all.
RE: Do straight guys enjoy their orgasms as much as gay guys?
I think a lot of guys are extremely over acting when they cum.
Yeah. Especially in Bear Tag movies. They are roaring
RE: Linkin Park Lead singer in underwear…
Usher looks very cute and innocent
And the RHCP are ugly
Guy on the left looks like Ron Perlman (aka Hellboy :P)
RE: Low Ratio - lets help ourselves !
/…/please tell me HOW to RAISE the RATIO without the extra bull shit. thanks...
Here is my advice. Use utorrent as a torrent downloader. When Your ratio is to small, click on a torrent You are actually leeching and in the Maximum Download Rate box enter for example 15 kB/s. Your download speed will slow to 15 kB/s. Make sure that in box Maximum Upload Rate is 0, which means that Your upload speed is unlimited (according to Your internet connection). You can always put in another value. Hope I helped.
Cheers -
Polish Topic / Polski WÄ…tek
To moderators:
I used the Search button, but I didn't find any polish topics, so I thought, that I'll start a new oneI hope You don't mind.
Witam wszystkich Polaków z tego jakże wspaniałego serwisu
Mogę śmiało stwierdzić, że jest nas tutaj sporo, więc dlaczego by nie założyć tematu dla naszej społeczności?Sam jestem z okolic Jastrzębia Zdroju, południowej granicy Polski. Mam 25 lat i pracuję jako kierownik w jednym z hipermarketów.
Jestem biseksualny i niedawno zakończyłem długo trwający związek z moją ex-narzeczoną. No cóż, tak bywa.
Obecnie rozwijam się zawodowo i mam nadzieję poznać fajnego chłopaka lub dziewczynę. Oto wersja skrócona mojego życia.Zapraszam do dyskusji o czym tylko chcecie.
Pozdrawiam ^_^