Doubts about being gay…
Okay guys I am not ashamed of who I am.. Really!
but I am having second thoughts about being gay! I am 21 years old lad originally from Turkey living in Jordan.. I love god and all but I am feeling its a wrong path to choose!
I need guidance ???
There is nothing wrong with being gay. The most important thing to take into account is what makes you happy. As long as you go with what makes you happy, all things will work themselves out in the end.
You're still young. I would say just give yourself time to reflect on the situation. I was in denial for quite some time. The most important thing is to make up your mind on your own accord. Listen to your heart and not necessarily to others. That being said, we're here if you need us. :hug:
If you believe there is an outer God then know that this same God is an Inner God also. For there to be God He must be with in us as well as with out us.
You should pray and listen to that inner God and let Him speak to you. That quite and small inner voice from God will lead you in the right path. You must find your inner truth not some truth being taught to you no doubt in what they believe is the only truth.
There are many voices to lead you astray… the only voice that matters is the inner voice or your truth.
It has never failed me yet.We are a Family here at so if you need us do not hesitate to ask and I will try to be there for you from afar.
Peace be with you my Brother.
I don't believe people can "choose" to gay or straight.
People can modify their behavior to "appear" to be straight(or gay) but eventually you natural sexual attraction may consume you.
I am attracted to women and men. I always have been ans probably always will. For years I tried to deny my attraction to men but when I was in high school my hidden desires nearly consumed me. Sex with men was all I could think about. When I came to terms with my sexual orientation my life didn't get easier but it did help me out emotionally.
Listen to your heart and good or bad, at least you can say you have no regrets.
Thank you so much guys for your words! I really appreciate it!
Being gay in Jordan considered as a mortal sin! I am sick of hiding, acting something I am not.. having doubts about me cause of the people that surround me.. It's about time I am full of this shi*
I think I stopped giving a …. about what people might think, the only problem left I think is this subject and that has to do with religion , since it's forbidden and considered a big taboo..
A Friend told me god is love.. I am trying to believe that and forget everything else that I was taught in school. from family and so on...
The interesting part about religion is that it will vary from one region to another. While many countries or regions may have a societal taboo, at the end of the day what you must ask yourself is "does this make me happy?"
I think Sheryl Crow phrased it best when she said "If it makes you happy, it can't be that bad." The bottom line is you have to do what makes you happy, for if you're not happy, you ultimately walk the line of creating your own hell. The other interesting thing about scripture is it makes reference to God being "loving and forgiving". It is also said in scripture that God loves all his creations… If he created you to like men, I seriously doubt that he could "condem" you for being the way you were created.
A Friend told me god is love.. I am trying to believe that and forget everything else that I was taught in school. from family and so on…
This is exactly what I was trying to say to you in my previous post. Most of us go thru some struggle similar to yours before coming to terms with the reality of who we are. Religious beliefs are always the hardest part of the struggle regardless of the faith involved. I was raised in the traditional Southern USA beliefs and did struggle for some time with what I had been "Taught"
as a child in Church. Then one day it dawned on me I am not an evil person because of who I love but rather would become an evil person for denying that I was Homosexual. To deny your inner truth will only set you up for an unpleasant life. First off the lies you live and speak daily in pretending to be Heterosexual to me are much worse than being true to your self in all ways.What matters is that we have Love in our Hearts. To hate yourself will only cause negativity in all your life. This is not what my "God" wants for my life :hapgay:
Actually thank you guys for your time to write! I highly appreciate it! Thank you
Each one of you were right from his point of view! and I think I should liberate myself from this big dark room I am in.. but still being gay in Jordan SUCKS big time! I hope to get outta there where there are no family treat you like you're something disgusting!
I will try to see the light and open up by time! I HOPE I WILL …I am a big big big queer! not like feminine but I am GAY! LOVE Madonna! CHER! Shirley Bassey! Donna Summer! Grace Jones! even though I am 21 years old!! but come on! Musicals! I did not to choose to be like that! you are right.. you guys..
Actually thank you guys for your time to write! I highly appreciate it! Thank you
Each one of you were right from his point of view! and I think I should liberate myself from this big dark room I am in.. but still being gay in Jordan SUCKS big time! I hope to get outta there where there are no family treat you like you're something disgusting!
I will try to see the light and open up by time! I HOPE I WILL …I am a big big big queer! not like feminine but I am GAY! LOVE Madonna! CHER! Shirley Bassey! Donna Summer! Grace Jones! even though I am 21 years old!! but come on! Musicals! I did not to choose to be like that! you are right.. you guys..
:mob: :mob: :mob:
/…/I hope to get outta there where there are no family treat you like you're something disgusting!
You can come and live with me! I'll take care of You
I'm not sure if you've seen what's been happening in the United States lately with all the gay teen suicides, but there is a great video program in response called 'It Gets Better'. If you go to YouTube and search that term, you can see some really wonderful messages from people of all walks of life- some famous, some not. But it may give you some relief. I know firsthand how difficult it is when your family doesn't support you. When I came out, my parents told me I was going to die of AIDS and burn in hell, and they considered it their 'Christian duty' to save me from that. I spent many years fighting with them and going back and forth and back and forth. My father, actually, was able to come to terms with it, but my mother never has. She barely speaks to me and when she does it's always very general. "How's the weather?" kind of chit chat. Of course, I am sad about that, but it's her decision. And I've learned to make a life for myself and surround myself with people that care about me and would do anything for me. THAT is unconditional love, and you hope that your family can show it to you, but if they don't, you CAN find it. And you deserve it. We all do. Cheers!