I was watching the movie "Snowden" yesterday.
Basically, Snowden was this mega computer geek who worked for the CIA and NSA and was given the top security clearances that the USA has. Snowden was given the "keys to the store" and used his skills to develop software and techniques to spy on the entire world, including the USA. Instead of spying on countries that one would expect to be spied on, such as North Korea, Russia, Iran, Libya, etc. Snowden extended that to spy on our allies Japan, England, Austria, Germany, etc. really EVERYONE.
Snowden got disillusioned when he began to see the effects of what he did. For instance.. finding the location of a cell phone at a wedding party of hundreds of people in Afghanistan, and having someone on the other side of the planet move an unmanned drone into the area, and drop a bomb on the wedding, instantly killing them all - and getting real time video of it back from the drone.. all while dunking a donut in a cup of coffee.
But, the movie didn't make a big deal about Obama's involvement in this. They did mention it, but they didn't dwell on it at all.
Basically, after 9/11, George Bush instituted the Patriot Act which greatly expanded the legality and ability to spy on people and governments. At the time, that was necessary. When Sheik Obama was running for office, he was constantly criticizing this, and pledged to stop spying on the whole world, and to get the troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq within a year of becoming president. Those were all blatant LIES to become president! We know that he didn't get the troops out.. even after his 8 year regime was over. Obama not only did not cut back on international and domestic espionage, he GREATLY expanded it! Obama DID the exact OPPOSITE of what he pledged to do.
Snowden, who should have been the last person to reveal what was going on, because of all his pledges and security checks, was the one that exposed the extent to which this espionage was going on. When this all exploded in 2013, the media gave Obama a free pass as always. Obama acted as if he was going to put an end to all of this.. (as if he had a choice). The USA was up shit's creek with the entire world, and congress passed legislation forcing the espionage to be cut back. But.. it was NOT. Obama kept on using his presidential powers to enable illegal espionage including the authorization of "unmasking" confidential sources, etc. In regards to Snowden, while on the one hand, Obama tried to blame Snowden for everything, and there was talk of whether to imprison Snowden for life or execute him… Obama let him go! Obama had the ability to apprehend Snowden, but he didn't.
So, once again, the biggest disaster the USA has ever seen is Obama.. he destroyed the economy of the USA, lost our AAA rating, doubled the debt... made it nearly impossible to have economic growth (because with growth is higher interest rates, and we can't afford to pay high interest rates on a $20 trillion debt!), made us the enemy of every country in the world including Australia, Great Britain, and Germany... and fed the Iranians hundreds of billions... allowed North Korea to develop nuclear weapons and ICBMs, allowed for the creation of ISIS which has spread to over 35 countries. And now, countries like Iran can purchase the technology and actual weapons from North Korea to nuke anybody they want!
One could easily say that Obama is the biggest disaster that the world has ever seen!