This issue is one of the biggest reasons I hate Obama.
He fucking lied to the people to get elected. He promised to stop most of the GWB era programs. The reality is that Obama ramped the shit up far beyond anyone's dream/nightmare.
He promised to stop the "no bid contracts" but he still used them.
Obama only hates Snowden because he proved that Obama was nothing but a fucking liar and enemy of the people.
There are aspects of Obama's flip flopping that I don't like, but I kinda understand it as a political ploy to get elected.
As a state level politico, he could support gay equality because the people in his area supported gay equality.
To become a US Senator, he had to get the vote of the southern half of the state, so he severely backed of his support for gay equality. Running for US president, was similar to running for the Senate.
He did lie though and took credit for things he had nothing to do with. He took credit for a group of protections that took effect on 1 Oct, which was more than a month before he was even elected.
Obama also had to support gay issues.. because he not only smoked cigarettes, and cocaine in college.. he's no stranger to cock either. In fact, I think one reason Obama didn't completely identify with his muslim upbringing is because they would not approve of his affinity for cock. He is known to have hung around gay bars in Illinois.