I find it fascinating that RoyalCrown has to go back 28 years to find something to comment about.
It's pretty obvious that the 5 punks committed a crime.. HOWEVER.. I am taking a look at this case and have some comments that should make RoyalCrown happy.
If you want, give me the names and ages (and exact birthdates if you can) and I will look up those "fellows" charged in the attacks. I have found some, but not all of their names and ages. I have not yet done background checks on them.
The death penalty is stupid. It costs far more to execute someone than to keep them in prison for a lifetime. Far too often, people sentenced to death have been later found to be not guilty. (the man I sometimes refer to would have been executed if the country he is in had the death penalty.. a lot of people are going to pay dearly when it is revealed that not only is he not guilty, but the proof that he is not guilty was always there - but ignored. The actual killer was a drag queen that lived directly above the accused man. The drag queen committed suicide a few months after the murder). Given the choice between a lifetime in prison and a quick painless execution.. it would be far more punishing to keep them in prison. Dead people feel no pain or remorse.
Some, if not all of the accused Central Park 5 were minors at the time. suggesting that they should be executed is absurd. You don't execute minors. The reasoning part of the human brain is not even fully developed until about 25 years of age.
The victim was not killed.. and executing someone for rape is absurd. At the MOST, they should castrate a rapist - not execute.
It seems that the accused 5 were OVERCHARGED. The woman was raped, but since there were several people involved, it is difficult, if not impossible to PROVE guilt unless you find their DNA up in her vag. They did find DNA of one person whom was not one of the 5 charged. The only way you could prove rape is if they confessed to doing it themselves. Even then, I don't think they were sufficiently represented, nor old enough to be making a confession. Furthermore, even if they did make a legitimate confession, the fact that they made the confession should have resulted in a plea bargain where they would NOT be convicted of rape - otherwise why would anybody confess to anything? Keep in mind that at least 10% of people who confess to rape only do so as a plea bargain to avoid more severe punishment.
There is a big question of what those five were doing at Central Park at 9:30PM. I doubt very much they were there to have a picnic or feed the pigeons.
I think the biggest issue with that case is how the punishment for rape is so severe, and the burden of proof is so low. One simple example of that... a man and woman have sex. The man dumps the woman after sex, or doesn't call her back, or gave her a fake phone number, or didn't pay her, or gets an STD, or finds out the man has a girlfriend / wife, or gets pregnant, etc. The woman who was completely consensual at the time, and perhaps even seduced the man, is then pissed off, and decides to file rape charges. Pretty much no male is safe from that scenario. There have been countless cases in the news of celebrities charged with rape.. and this happens all the time with non-celebrities as well.
I am not shedding any tears for those 5 thugs.. but they were not treated properly by the judicial system. Trump's biggest fault has been how much faith he puts in the police and the judicial system. They should have been charged with lesser crimes, and spent a couple of years in jail. The compensation they eventually got was grossly excessive. Four of them got $7.1 million.. the 5th got $12.2 million.
Here are the names and ages of the 5 thugs.. or I should really say three...
Korey Wise 18 1 traffic citation
Raymond Santana 15 41 theft, 90 prostitution
Yusef Salaam 16 4 robbery, 4 rape
Antron McCray 16 6 traffic citations
Kevin Richardson 16 4 Sodomy, 4 robbery, 5 rape, 4 2nd degree murder
Keep in mind that almost all of these charges are BEFORE the Central Park event. (the traffic citations are after)
The jury were probably not OFFICIALLY made aware of the crimes of Santana, Salaam, McCray, and Richardson because they were juveniles at the time.
Of the 5.. two seem to be "clean"
Santana is obviously a thief and prostitute - but otherwise clean
Yusef Salaam is a robber who can't keep his dick in his pants..
Kevin Richardson.. that guy truly belongs in prison - it seems he had participated in crimes with Yusef Salaam.
The guy with the lavendar scarf is the prostitute.. :bsex:
I hope RoyalCrown is happy now..