Youtube Video
5 Minutes. Funny. Laughable. Insane waste of money. 22 people to dress Michelle Obama.
If it is indeed, true, that Michelle's / Melania's "staff" has been reduced by a ratio of 24 (or 22) to five, it has little to do with Michelle's personal styling, and more to the fact that Melania's off to a really slow start – or more accurately, no start and no visible staff -- in the traditional areas of "causes" taken on by FLOTUSes -- in her case, the unbelievably ironic "cyberbullying." From last week...
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2017/06/29/reminder-melania-trump-pledged-create-anti-cyberbulling-campaign/439247001/ , as excerpted:
"Days before the 2016 election, Melania Trump said in a speech that she intended to fight cyberbullying if her husband was elected.
But in the months since then, the first lady has not yet publicly made any efforts to do so. Back in May, USA TODAY reported that the effort was, per Trump's office, a work in progress.
"Stephanie Grisham, the first lady's spokeswoman, confirmed Thursday that Trump was 'continuing to be thoughtful about her platform.'"
Thoughtful…!?! I mean, we are 164 days into this administration -- one that is, of more importance, riddled with unfilled ambassadorships and vital government posts (just ask ol' slow-hand Tillerson). So, perhaps Mel is just taking her cues from the inner circle.
Thinking back, I wonder how many stylists it took to prep Melania during the 10 identified instances she illegally accepted payment as a model in the U.S., before getting her working papers?
https://apnews.com/37dc7aef0ce44077930b7436be7bfd0d "Melania Trump modeled in US prior to getting work visa"
For that matter, how many PR hacks and failed reporters were employed to write Melania's now-infamous speech at the Republican National Convention, with key passages plagiarized from… wait for it, wait for it... Michelle Obama...?
Did that wild-eyed YouTube cackler ever intelligently address any of these Melania-specific issues from the comfort of that fuzzy sofa? And congrats to Mrs. Trump, with her small staff – and to date, her exquisitely small contributions -- as FLOTUS.