Just a small point - while you were away a redirection service has been used.
You no longer have to put HxxP, you can use the complete correct URL so we can click directly
Just a small point - while you were away a redirection service has been used.
You no longer have to put HxxP, you can use the complete correct URL so we can click directly
:cheers: for Joker, it will make lots of people happy
Erm, I haven't been called a young man since, well, I was young…
Do you think a "contact uploader" button should be added
It's worth thinking about but it would have to be an opt-out when uploading as some people really do want to be anonymous
Spamming!! leeniedo, spamming??!! The fool who wrote to you doesn't know the meaning of the word.
And I can empathise with taking a break. Sometimes you need to get back to sanity
eastonkellan, I can't remember exactly but it happened some years ago. You can still see in some of the old comments where people replied to the uploader by name.
I also cannot remember if we had a choice before. I don't think so.
Perhaps he was anticipating your (now) much heralded return. He didn't hurt anyone though
Are we allowed to report posts were someone has replied YEARS after the last comment?
You can report any post you want - it doesn't mean you have a valid point or that it will be acted upon. As long as it isn't doing any harm I would ignore it.
We did have a spate of forum spamming a while back where people were mistaking old posts before they realised.
Either way, I can understand the warning
:hiya: great to see you, hope you have fun.
You are never bothering anyone asking how to do stuff here.
You seem to have found out about the reseed button. Sometimes you get a response, sometimes you don't. If you make two more posts in the forums you get access to the Requests thread where you can ask for stuff.
My one tip is to keep an eye on your ratio in the early days. You seem to have got off to a good start but it can be easy grabbing loads of stuff and forgetting that you might not be sharing enough.
Meanwhile, enjoy yourself and if you have any more queries, ask away
Bluesurfer, there's nothing to stop you starting a new poll. Just don't expect an avalanche of responses. I feel the majority of people who use the torrents don't also use the forums.
Likewise, I have no problems being identified. I post quite a lot on another site where anonymity is not an option when posting (despite the occasional staff member arguing for it). I have never had any difficulty and I haven't heard of anyone else having any either.
I've tried to think what horrors could overcome a named uploader and have failed so far.
I do know on the other site I know exactly what to expect when I see an uploaders name. You can also help a new uploader by name or personal messages. And you can contact an uploader which can he helpful.
Calling for hate and violence (murder)
Except I checked semurg's posts and couldn't find where he'd done that… I must have missed something
Seems it is now 'just' a typhoon but still looks bad. Hope everyone is OK
…but I'm also tired of answering peoples questions and then they dont respond with a thank you...
That is a pet peeve of mine.
When I see someone's query answered, I expect the next post to be a thank you from the original poster. Sadly I am disappointed so often.
And we miss you in the forums, leenie. The mad thumbs-downer seems to have been quietened.
Take care
The Markie Moore film seems to have been in 2015.
He does appear to have made three movies for Next Door Studios this year. But I have no idea what 'happened' to him.
meindallas, I'm sorry, I probably misread your post.
But I agree with the rest of your 'rant' and it is the main reason I rarely post here anymore.
And I dislike seeing people demand things in the comment box while never thinking of saying thanks while they are there.
My usual response is to ask the moaner to send me his address and I'll refund his money!
Thanks for sharing, however you do it
:hiya:, have fun. And what eastonkellan says.
Keep seeding what you already have downloaded to start
And try the freeleech torrents.