@raphjd I'm aware of the "gay case against Benedict" but gays generally know little of the wider picture, so here's a few points fyi.
As a young theologian he was the key liberal, yes LIBERAL, voice at Vatican II in the early 1960s.
Modern Catholic doctrine, insisting that gays must always be treated with dignity & respect for the person, even as doctrine still treats gay (and straight!!) fornicating lusts as "disordered" - That was him.
As time went by, he did become a "liberal mugged by reality" ie. more centrist or tradition-friendly as his liberal illusions were overturned. Sound familiar?
By Church standards, he didn't go far rightward. But the fact he made any rightward shift at all made his name poison to vicious Church leftists. Sound familiar?
He was mainly a theologian and tried more than once to leave Church politics or avoid being Pope. JP2 & others demanded that he stay involved.
The current papal resident, Francis, is a 100% Covidist-globalist-commie, beloved by Davos/WEF/Hillary types, tries to appear more moderate than he is, and election was/is fraught with questions. Sound familiar? (cough Biden)
People who follow this stuff say that Benedict was actually better day to day at hounding clerical pedophiles, while Francis protects most of them - while making a show of the opposite, pursuing his own opponents in a high-publicity, selective way with weaponized (or even faked) accusations. Sound familiar?
You can think what you want of course.
And I don't love Benedict. Nor claim to know everything.
As with Trump, the fact that I want criticisms to be rational & will speak the other side of the story, makes me a supposed "supporter" - Not really.
Stamping on Benedict's grave tho is in zone between Unseemly & Uninformed.
Benedict R.I.P.