Mike (or was it Mikey?). Great body, enthusiastic, versitile, seemed like fun and a mischievous grin. Haven't seen him in a LONG time.

Posts made by ben351500
RE: Favorite Sean Cody Guys
RE: Best porn showing guys in pain while getting fucked
Someone mentioned "Blake's Ordeal." Couldn't find a link. :cry2:
RE: Do you consider being nude, with their socks still on?
I think most people would consider themselves nude, even if wearing socks. Whether they are sexy or not is a matter of opinion and taste.
RE: Browse/attach button question.
Just looking, and I notice that I have the "42.0 beta update channel" version. In computer-ese, "beta" usually means "being tested," and thus is typically less stable/more buggy, yes? Perhaps i should re-install a slightly older version.
RE: Browse/attach button question.
Thank you! That is the problem. I was able to upload pics in both FB and GayTorrent using Chrome. So the problem is Firefox. I'm sure that at some point they'll fix it with an update, but until then…
Thanks again for the advice!
Browse/attach button question.
OK, bear with me on this. Last week I had a catastrophe and, to make a long story short, I had to reformat my laptop (done at a shop - I'm not savvy enough to do it myself). Today, for the first time since the reformat, I tried to post a picture on Facebook (I know, I know; I said bear with me) but hitting the button does nothing. So I think it's a FB problem - I've temporarily had this issue with them before.
However, just now while in Gaytorrent I tried to attach a pic into a new post (the forum where you ask help identifying a scene) and - lo and behold! - I clicked the "Browse" attachment button and nothing happened.
So now I'm thinking the problem isn't FB, or GayTorrent - maybe it's something to do with my laptop. I have zero idea about how to diagnose this. Can anyone offer any ideas? Perhaps something wasn't done right during the reformat? Or should I just take it back to the shop and explain the problem?
(Windows 7 Home Premium, Firefox 42.0)
RE: Animated Characters That You Like To Have Sex With?
Sterling Archer, even if he is an idiot/asshole.
RE: What would you do if you fall into love with a straight man
There was a period of time that I was constantly falling for straight guys. This eventually passed; I still have the occasional crush or lust-on, but I'm able to see it for what it is and deal appropriately.
What I discovered after a lot of thought was that during that period of time, I was feeling very distant from the gay scene; I'm not into bars or clubs, am rather plain looking and overweight. In other words, I was feeling very insecure about my looks, body, and social skills, and found trying to get to know other gay guys VERY intimidating.
I was also in a period of self-sabotage (job, etc) where I was so afraid of failing at something that I would either A) opt out and not even try, or B) do something that would end the situation soon after the start. The logic is: the best way to avoid failure is to not participate in the first place. I'm sure we've all done this to ourselves at one time or another.
In the case of falling for straight men, I did it because it was SAFE. I already knew what the outcome would be (nothing) and so indulging in this was a way for me to feel emotional without the risk of having to eventually go through an actual rejection. Trying to connect with a gay guy was far riskier because there was the possibility of some degree of success - and in my own insecure mind, almost a certainty of failure.
I'm not saying this true for everyone else, but I found out that this was my truth.
RE: Have you ever been caught masturbating?
Yup. I was a junior in high school, and was there on a weekend for a play rehearsal. I had some time off and went to the bathroom to jack off. I was standing at the sink, when I heard someone mutter "What the fuck?" and standing there was this guy, Josh, who was my worst enemy in school. He said nothing, just did an about-face and walked off.
The odd thing was that I never heard a pee about it from the school grapevine, which was very active (small school). So I'm not sure he actually told anyone. Which as an adult made me wonder about him.
RE: Dating a Porn Star
Dated a mid-level porn star once, way back when. It lasted for about two weeks; then I realized how much speed he was doing. The first weekend together I thought "OK, he can take a line or two, and it's OK." I mean, I hadn't done speed since 1988, but I know that some people really get off on it, and we did pick each other up in a club that night, so…
But then I found out he was an almost daily user, and was using it to keep hard on set which, at the time, was fairly common. So I bowed out; better to nip that problem in the bud.
RE: How often does Gaytorrent.ru update for new uploads?
Thanks for the info Popper. It's good information to know, generally. Someone had make the remark "This site doesn't update as often as some others" and so I was curious.
(As far as my torrent, well, I'm not connectable and now it's causing problems. Thanks to Ajax, I'm going to instal an early form of uTorrent and try to use the in-house uploader. So for now the torrent is deleted, and I'll recreate it when I have the time.)
Thanks again!
How often does Gaytorrent.ru update for new uploads?
Just curious. I uploaded a torrent, did everything, the forced re-check (I use UTorrent) checked out fine, and I'm now in seeding mode. However, the tracker still says the torrent is unregistered. I think I'm OK on my end; do I just need to be more patient and wait for something to happen on Gaytorrent.ru?
RE: The tracker says "working" but is it really?
I got great advice from NMD, which really helped. I think part of it was that I was confused by the Guide; the other was that the film's file had vanished (I don't recall deleting it) but I got that fixed up and everything seems okely-dokely.
If you haven't seen the movie, you ought; it's pretty wild.
Good advice, but alas - a couple of friends were here at the time. I'da invited them to join in, but they unfortunately don't sail the same ship… damn.
RE: How to identify a seeder?
I understand the need for anonymity; I wish there was a way I could reward the actual seeder, as opposed to the original uploader, who may be a different person. Oh well.
How to identify a seeder?
A documentary I've been wanting is finally being seeded by someone. Once it's complete, I'd like to thank him and give a little seedpoint bonus. How do I know who the seeder is/was?
The tracker says "working" but is it really?
I find uploading stuff here to be incredibly frustrating, so forgive my tone. I've previously uploaded three times, and each time I spend a lot of time hair-pulling, despite reading, and re-reading, and then again re-reading, the forum guides and any other posts I can find; I do everything step-by-step while following along the guide. But then it doesn't work, and I start trying different things I've read here. Sometimes I delete everything and start over again. Eventually the uploads seem to take, but by then I have no idea what it was I did to make it work and so I can't replicate the process.
That said, I'm now trying to upload a fourth film. I create the torrent fine; nor is there a problem with uploading it to Gaytorrent.ru and creating the page; all the frustration starts after I save the torrent. I do everything recommended in the forum: stopping and setting the download location, force re-checking (when I can), etc. And yes, I make sure it's the torrent I download from the Gaytorrent.ru, not the one originally created by uTorrent.
Today, after an hour of "Aaaargh!", uTorrent says the tracker is "working" but also says it's still trying to find peers. Force checking seems to do no good, and when I look at the torrent from the website it still says that it isn't visible (yes, I updated the page).
If uTorrent says the tracker is working, does that mean I'm home free? Am I just impatient or something? Or is there something I don't know about the way Gaytorrent.ru works?
I'm trying hard to be a good citizen on this website, I really am, and I have a lot of good stuff not on the site, but this uploading torrent thing has me extremely frustrated and I'm not sure I want to try uploading again. I'm not one of those folks who tries something once and then gives up, or wants others to do stuff them; I just want to be able to upload stuff without going apeshit.
To reprise: Aaaargh!
Upadted guide using uTorrent please?
Geographer's excellent guide was written four years ago. I'm trying to upload a movie, but uTorrent nowadays bares little visual resemblance to to what is described in the guide, and some of the commands seem different as well. I eventually manage to get the torrent working, but only after a frustrating half hour of trying everything randomly, and by the time I somehow get it to work I have forgotten how I managed it. An updated guide with up-to-date screenshots would be GREATLY appreciated. Please consider it as I can see from the forum that others are encountering problems as well.
RE: New torrent, but uploader seems to have vanished
Update: Just a coupla minutes ago, a seeder appeared for both torrents. So if that was your doing, thanks!