How to identify a seeder?
A documentary I've been wanting is finally being seeded by someone. Once it's complete, I'd like to thank him and give a little seedpoint bonus. How do I know who the seeder is/was?
ben, basically you don't. Without staff help (and they won't, to identify a seeder) all seeders are anonymous. Even if you knew his identity, it wouldn't help you.
The only way (I know) is to use the Thanks box on the torrent page itself and use the drop-down box to add seed points to your thank you.
I've had to use this method even when I wanted to pass on some seed point for something other than a torrent post.
I understand the need for anonymity; I wish there was a way I could reward the actual seeder, as opposed to the original uploader, who may be a different person. Oh well.
Ah, I see. You make a good point.
It's also frustrating with older torrents that there is no check that giving points will benefit anyone. I believe that if the original uploader is no longer a member the points get lost in the ether.
I may be wrong.
It's also frustrating with older torrents that there is no check that giving points will benefit anyone. I believe that if the original uploader is no longer a member the points get lost in the ether.
No need to be frustrated for. Giving a thanking should be just our honest willingly to give thanks for person of what we got from them. Maybe its just me and that's what I feel when I gave someone seed bonus. So, I don't really pay much attention to whom I gave the bonus. I'm happy for what I got or I'm grateful for someone works (even though I didn't download the torrent), I give the bonus to whomever, ghost or real user, with a hope that someone on the other side is happy for what he got as I'm happy for what I gave.
A documentary I've been wanting is finally being seeded by someone. Once it's complete, I'd like to thank him and give a little seedpoint bonus. How do I know who the seeder is/was?
There is a comment box :cheesy2: You can tell how grateful you are there, with hope the origin uploader or the seeder will read it and comment there, so there is a chance to exchange information. It happened to my torrent once. He comment on my torrent saying that he's really thankful. So, we add each other as friend and next communication get so much easier because we can send PM to each other from buddy list even with strong profile setting :hug2:
As always, 2222, you make good points.
I have no problem giving points when I've downloaded something I've enjoyed. I just don't want to give them if they DON'T go to anyone, but the seed just get spilled (:o). For instance, my first ever torrent here is now an 'orphan'. If someone gave bonus points at this stage, who would get them, if anyone.
And it is certainly very difficult to communicate with other members here, especially if they don't respond to comments. And if someone's privacy settings are high, then you can't send them a PM.
I'd prefer a system where you can send an unsolicited PM which the other person can read, ignore, delete, block, report or maybe even reply to.