OK. So when we straight porn like this
that has been mislabeled, we ought to report it yes?
OK. So when we straight porn like this
that has been mislabeled, we ought to report it yes?
OK, got it. You learn something new every day. Thanks mucho, guys!
Hmmm. OK I understand that. But I've downloaded more than one torrent at a time. Does everyone get a default number of slots and I've simply never before tried to download more than my allotted number?
I looked around the Forum for the answer to this question, but didn't see a plain explanation. I'm going to make a donation, and noticed that as part of my thank-you I temporarily get extra download slots.
What exactly is a download slot? How does it work? Are more better?
I'm not a technical person, and so thought I ought to ask, as there may be others similarly ignorant about them.
My number one right now is South Asian men. This has changed over time and it will probably change in the future. But let's face it, a hot guy is hot, no matter the race or ethnicity. So it heart I'm equal opportunity.
Exactly: wow what a change. He was a cutie then and had a body I wish I had at his age, but nowadays he's just flat-out incredible.
Didn't know he was at Sean Cody. What was his model name?
Pretty much any film with Jack Wrangler. All he needs to do start undressing and I'm ready to shoot.
The old disco classic "Fly Robin Fly" by the Silver Convention.
"The Woman in Black," being that it's almost Halloween. With Daniel Radcliffe, who is extraordinarily handsome in the film. Very creepy classic gothic horror story. Rather different from the novella, but that's what movie audiences want these days.
I understand what you say, Popper. So I guess the best thing to do is nothing. Presumably fewer people will want to download something that they can't read the title of. Sort of "market economics," I suppose!
I get that file names can be uninformative, as long as the torrent description is clear (A series of amateur massages with happy endings filmed at the athletic dept of a university).
My question is this: sometimes the torrent title is really unclear, or difficult to de-code. This seems to be happening a lot in the "Themed Movies" category lately. Here's an example:paldvd9myprivategogoakathegodocprojectdvd
If you really look at it, you can see that the rip is from a PAL DVD, but figuring out the name of the flick is harder. What is shown among the pictures are three different movies (I think): My Private Go, The Go Go Project, and Getting Go.
When you're scrolling the torrents, seeing "paldvd9myprivategogoakathegodocprojectdvd" is less than user-friendly. Can we report the torrent to you guys, and request that the torrent title be changed to something more legible? I know you guys are way busy, so perhaps you could put the torrent on hold, and request the poster to edit the name?
Anyway, just wondering.
Yeah, you're probably right. Although some people might try to get the extra UL ratio boost; one reads about low ratios all the time in the forum. But especially for the duplicates with a year or more between them; you're probably right.
Thanks. I've reported it. I notice that people are getting cleverer and cleverer about disguising duplicates; changing file names, etc. Sigh. Eternal vigilance!
OK, so I'm hesitant to report this as a duplicate, although really it is. Here are the torrents:
The original:
The duplicate:
The actual videos files are the exact same; the difference is that the second one also has a small jpg file along with it. I call shenanigans: while technically the torrents are different, the difference violates the intent of the duplicate rules.
So I thought I would ask for your all opinions on this. Should I report this as duplicate?
I've seen several possible duplicates; same titles, same size, same pics, etc. But more often than not, the file type is not listed. Short of downloading both files, how can we tell what kinds of files they are? I assume that you guys in Admin can tell; so I've reported a couple of these cases. Was this the right thing to do?