I agree with you.
What really shocks me (and worries me) is that a President of the USA, the oldest democracy in the Western World, can accuse the opposition party of fraud (wouldn’t the Government have all the power to control elections? Who can really think that the opposition party would have more power than the party in the government, controlling all institutions?) WITHOUT any proof… yeah, “some people report…” or “a picture taken (somewhere) shows…”… where are the proofs? If there are so overwhelming proofs that the opposition party, the Democrats, are “stealing the government” (as Trump said yesterday), why most of the judges in the country are not accepting his requests? Is it also a “conspirancy” from the part of the judges?
I mean, Trump has been the King of the fake news during all his 4 years in the Government. Even yesterday Twitter and Facebook were marking his last messages as “fake news”… And still people can support someone who has been lying for 4 years? Shocking…
This is Donald Trump: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-46175024
All of that should, and probably will be reported, but really, like the european guy, I think it's hard to think about fraud in an election, i'm from Chile, not european, not developed nation, but here frauds in elections are really unusual, like in europe and that maybe makes it hard for us to grasp that in the so called best country of the world these things happen.
Also, here at least, we don't hate Trump, but its really shocking to see how many people of such an important country elects a complete ignorant man, that defies science and facts, that acts without listening advice and that shamessly lie, but guess we all have what we deserve, we got a billionare thief here, elected twice, so there's no way i'm criticizing, just amazed