Thank you bears!!!! :urock:
Wondering if Mirella's thought an all the molish pro/vs her mumbojumbo :crazy: wouldn't be better in the philosophy forum :hmmm:
Thank you bears!!!! :urock:
Wondering if Mirella's thought an all the molish pro/vs her mumbojumbo :crazy: wouldn't be better in the philosophy forum :hmmm:
ahem bears… ??? service communication. I've taken the hxxp away but the links show anyway :crazy2:
Fixed the links
No, because you know dear bears…
I was born as a man and as all the good and well made men I had my GFs, a good number of them go figure and I would even have hated to go sexually with men. It wasn't really my bit... really.
But oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!! iooooooooooooo!!!!!! there was only a little insignificant problem. I was not a man. I was a lesbian woman
May I go on? ^-^
Of course this was not either agis or an agis's agis meaning a science fiction novel but a not fictional woman, a woman with a name: Mirella Izzo. She was born as a man and could'n t understand/bear her way to live with her GF as a man. Useless to say she is a very intelligent woman I owe many personal considerations to and even a charge filed against me and other ones to my country police for this wonderful anachronistic crime of blasphemy some 7/8 years ago :funny2:
Nothing to be worried about guys ^-^ there are things that even Italian police doesn't do anymore and Mirella was afterwards called to give some lessons at the Genoa uni about her interesting constructions. You can find one of them splitted in six parts here: (Italian sorry)
Possibly none of them and, to variable extents all over the world myr :). But it might prove impossible for a politician to completely avoid the route of power and lobbyism for the very nature of democracy itself which, after all, was born as the power (kratos) of a district (demos). You have done well though remembering those "sovereignity and regence" we could even simplify into a sort of "management" of a nation. If we are facing now a potentially dangerous crisis concerning many nations it depends in my opinion on a mismanagement not only of the Portuguese politicians but of the politicians of the whole Europe Germany, Netherlands and Finland included. And as things went and are going we can even give it a name: Euro (which is not Europe luckily but only a strange kind of currency).
To start I do not believe in this "united states of europe" ideology, we're nothing like the americans, the culture and past is so completely apart between regions, that the idea of a joined europe strikes me as lunacy.
Concerning that I think instead 2 things myr.
In the first place the (cultural?) diversity has often been and not only now but along all the history of this continent a factor of dynamism and even a source of opportunities. So when Cristoforo Colombo got this idea of opening a new course towards the Indias he didn't see particular problems in addressing the king João II of Portugal first and the queen Isabel I of Castilla then. Both these sovereigns were quite clever and it doesn't seem they had something against the free circulation of manpower ;). In the same way the Dutch humanist Desiderius Erasmus from Rotterdam was not worried by the study of the works of his Italian colleague Lorenzo Valla, one of the most known middle age theologians, the Italian Thomas Aquinas had as his most important teacher and friend the German Albert der Große and the examples could of course go on.
Secondly, while it's true our American friends speak all a language which is very similar to English, they enjoy an efficient common currency and a totally free mobility of the labour amongst all the 50 States are we really sure they are so (culturally?) uniform? Is it so easy and gayforward to compare and equalize States like Hawaii and Montana or Alaska and Florida? Even if it was easier this greater cultural homogenity wasn't up to avoid for instance the costful historical episode named Secession War… ??? and then what Myr?...
Well I have this feeling that if it was only for the cultural bit Europe would be already united for good and after all when I think to Portugal I could think to many things like this one (a fado? ^-^ )
not particularly to the same euro coin buying the same cup of coffee in Lisboa, Berlin or Roma.
(…) we should always wonder about what kind of times could lead us to its preservation and then, and only then, with the support of this comparison, politically come to a decision. Politics, in fact, has been deemed amongst many other things as the art of the... lesser evil. Hasn't it?
By defenition that is politikos "of citizens or the state," from polites "citizen," from polis "city" as you surely know, Politic is the "study" in which we do indeed study and discuss ways of "sovereignty and regence" adequated to a circumstance, by circumstance we must define the region, it's cultural past, resources and so on…
How many politicians one does see today, that are even remotely aware of that, and dwell not so for the route of power and lobbyism?
Possibly none of them and, to variable extents all over the world myr :). But it might prove impossible for a politician to completely avoid the route of power and lobbyism for the very nature of democracy itself which, after all, was born as the power (kratos) of a district (demos). You have done well though remembering those "sovereignity and regence" we could even simplify into a sort of "management" of a nation. If we are facing now a potentially dangerous crisis concerning many nations it depends in my opinion on a mismanagement not only of the Portuguese politicians but of the politicians of the whole Europe Germany, Netherlands and Finland included. And as things went and are going we can even give it a name: Euro (which is not Europe luckily but only a strange kind of currency).
No, because you know dear bears…
I was born as a man and as all the good and well made men I had my GFs, a good number of them go figure and I would even have hated to go sexually with men. It wasn't really my bit... really.
But oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!! iooooooooooooo!!!!!! there was only a little insignificant problem. I was not a man. I was a lesbian woman
May I go on? ^-^
eh ok my dear dudes. Butt… there's more ;D
:lolp: :lolp:
ahem … :hot2:
Ahem voted dunno too. Not entirely sure about the difference between the atm thing and the felching blue ^-^
ALAS for reason and logic, however after the euro goes apart there will be incredibly hard times, I think France well it has it's idiots but they won't have an antigay wave, that's really our worst case scenario there , and I do not know the Italian psyche, as for Spain I want to hold them in better light… but that's me, Portugal however well they have all the bishops hate let me tell you that, and well... it being channeled threw deaths of transsexuals, and others that never get the hate crime label they do have... but in many (not the majority but a great part of the population) the last 2 deaths of transsexuals here was fuel to a real wave of disgust with they not being trialed for hate crimes, this 2 women were stoned, beaten and left to die by starvation... and the latest gay crime, the one in New York In which the younger lover tortured and mutilated his older partner fired up the country, religious thrying to ilibate the boy saying he was corrupted and did it in defense, trying to purify himself and yadda yadda yadda (inserte the amazingly ridiculous apologies here) and the voices of reason saying that it was cold premaditated murder and the boy should be confined there in prison... we are hoping and waiting that the USA law get this guy for what he did.
Myr, I agree with you on the fact that hard times could be about to come anyway but, if we wanted to think in a different way than that of those same churches we blame, we should imo always remember that a good and/or an evil never exist in themselves as the priests of many religions like to pretend but always inside a relationship.
So, even if the euro cage breaking had to lead us to hard times, we should always wonder about what kind of times could lead us to its preservation and then, and only then, with the support of this comparison, politically come to a decision. Politics, in fact, has been deemed amongst many other things as the art of the… lesser evil. Hasn't it?
Why exactly are you more worried about eastern Europe?
It was under Russian, orthodox, hard protestant or muslim influence, so their take on gays is not good for a start, the joining with the EU was good to them but with the crisis coming… remember that these were countries that vetoed gay parades and the revoque of gay crimes from the unicef and amnesty international, (human rights yeah yeah not for all) these countries decided that they would not sanction neither interfere with a country that killed gays... so I'm far more worried about gays living in that part of europe.
OK I see your point myr and I'm worried too for the eastern European countries but for a slightly different reason.
The bound of important countries like Poland, Serbia, Croatia or the Baltic countries to the euro cage is, in fact, not so tight yet and, even if
the crisis had to send you/me/us all into a spin, I don't think in those countries things would get worse than they actually are
and/or that we should see a tidal wave of homophobia coming and drowning us from there. If worst came to the worst the thing which seems more
likely to me is that they would lose the hope of an improvement. The tidal wave could more likely come instead from ourselves as you made us notice in your first post, from Greece, Italy or even sectors of the Iberian and French societies which still hold lower civilization profiles.
The joining of the Eastern countries with the EU so, would be only to be feared if they had to be admitted in the euro because this would worsen those already serious unbalances whose a possible gay problem would be only a consequence.
For the things I've written you might have already understood that, as a gay and an European citizen,the only thing I wish to your/my/ourselves is the breaking of the euro cage and an ordered return to the previous national currencies.
Grazie a te Inso
Ovviamente definire "merdacce" i tools microsoft è stata una operazione prettamente ideologica da parte mia.
Microsoft, essendo azienda che nasce, vive ed eventualmente muore in un contesto capitalistico non può fare a meno di cercare di perpetuare quella scarsità relativa che consente a lei stessa e ad istituzioni analoghe di sopravvivere attraverso la generazione di un profitto. Questo profitto si alimenta della e dalla generazione di scarsità relative. Siti come GTRu e/o altri possono, in questo senso, essere considerati borderline. Subiscono ancora la potenza anche legale e costrittiva del capitalismo come hanno dimostrato i recenti avvenimenti relativi alla eliminazione dei torrents musicali ma, tuttavia, dentro una logica diversa: quella della pura scienza/tecnica per la quale non sembra possano, in linea di principio, essere trovati limiti. Ivi compreso il tramonto del concetto stesso di profitto.
Vabbè non ti preoccupare Inso. Son robe che mi capitano quando sono insonne anch'io. Sul piano pratico, visto che con il portatile te la cavi e sei un early adopter di win8, potresti divertirti per la tua personale ma anche generale utilità a capire che cos'hanno combinato questa volta. Buona notte
Most of the music I listen to is electronic. It's a massive genre that I continue to uncover. I'm currently listening to Netsky. I recommend it.
Thank you blue! :ok2:
Some tubes:
While I was looking at/listening to Come Alive my attention was captured by a couple of frames.
Mebbe I could think to make something of that elsewhere. This is a serious forum after all ;D
:cheesy2: :lolp:
poor ol'mole these ones wanna make me die… :hot2:
ok ok myr… ;D he might be a litle chubi but even that category has its random fans... :whistle: :bighug:
I remember Jacquii quite well. In fact I tried to invite here here to share her poetry and she declined the offer. :cry2:
Well bears, concerning poetry, we must not forget Jacquii is a professional in that field not a poor seldo…m amateur like me :sickr:. We could think instead to a greater effort not in the sense of a general empathy which leaves the things like we found them. An attempt to a deeper comprehension?
Is it difficult? Mebbe yes
1st portuguese church has indeed too much media coverage, however the portuguese are not "lambs" some yes but not the majority, please do not portray them as such. I am far more worried about eastern europe than the north.
2nd Agis I can make a quick translation it's about after the fall of dictatorship how in less than 2 decades without a marshall plan, we alphabetised a country, we gave it sewers, and electricity, we went from a death rate at birth of 55,5 to 3,1 %, we went from 67 to 79 years of age had the average of life length. And also how money was also poorly spent, in car parks which have 41,3% of german made viatures, in electric car stations which were bought from the german which are yet to sell and deliver after all this years the electric cables to link to the viature batteries, a thousand millions of euros in submarines bought to the german, 675 millions to build soccer stadiums built in part by german companies… our trading every year gives 3 thousands millions of profit to germany, however in the last year we cut salaries, retirement pensions, subsidiary and social help, vacations, public organisms, health programs and education, we overtaxated our public services, grew our retirement age, taxes over salaries, consuption Iva, transportation , habitation, and anything that dared to move, we actually beat 2 records the greatest cut in spending and the greatest taxation in all the history of our democratic republic, however it seams that many still think we are party people always having fun, that we do not make effort or work hard enough, that we do not pay taxes... LET'S make this simple for you, we work 38,9 hours per week more than the german, we work untill we are 67 far more than the german, but should they not know that since we have 150 thousand people working there? We take 22 days of vacation to rest every year, less than the germans, we have less holidays than the german, the average wage/salary is 1171€ half than the germans, and we pay farrrrrr more taxes, and well yes we are the only 2 countries in europe to tax more than 50% of the weathy income of the rich, however you are rich in portugal over 80.000€ and in German over 500.000€, however we well doubled our imports of german products over the last 10 years, and our unemployment tripled, in 1990 germany unilateraly said that their external debt had expired, WE DID NOT PROTEST, in 2005 germany violated the limits in deficit and the EU forgave them of any sanctions...WE DID NOT PROTEST WE SUPPORTED THE DECISION.
This is a bit the very annoyed reponse the portuguese public is giving to Merkel the german chanceler after all her communications telling them to work or pay more taxes.
Thanks for the effort you have made myr especially for our English/German speaking friends since, being Italian, I could both understand the subtitles and get anyway the general sense of the speech as it often happens when I listen to Spanish or Portuguese (BTW the Genoan slang which is mine happens to be closer to Portuguese than Italian itself).
A thing I'd like to stress and underline of that tube thing is the frame in the image though.
There, in my opinion, they have caught the main point. Main cause the commercial unbalance doesn't concern Portugal only but, to different extents, many EU countries, Greece, mine and France included. Why exactly are you more worried about eastern Europe?
Non conosco win8 uso linux da quache anno inso, Firewalls e/o eventuali merdacc… ahem tools MS sparpagliati da qualche parte? ^-^
Humorous dunno bears. It's a category built upon quick up/downsettings after all but Andy well… :funny2: oh my.... he did!!! :faint:
Insightful hemm... :whistle: