First Off, a Disclaimer… I am not an expert at anything, these are just my experiences. I am sharing them here in hopes that they will help someone else. I have looked very carefully (forum search) for topics that are similar, and because I did not find one of this nature, I am creating it here. Hopefully I have done so in the right place, if not hopefully the moderators will fix any error I have made.
OK! So, with that out of the way, let me slightly explain the title and further what I am talking about.
If you've been on GT for any length of time, you'll have learned about your ratio, and the Rationator (3.0 as of this writing)... It's a really good system and I really appreciate it for keeping users honest. Even if it blocks my download rights! :cry2:
I don't have any cash right now, but I do have bandwidth… which is something else that this tracker honers in a few ways.
1. Seeding even 1 torrent you'll rack up 0.5 points every hour.
Currently 100 pts can be exchanged for several gigs of data with regards to your ratio. I have yet to make this work for me this time, but there have been a few times that it's really helped my ratio come back into the safe zone.