It's from the movie Sea Love and studio name is Man's Best.
Not the best quality but free at this link
It's from the movie Sea Love and studio name is Man's Best.
Not the best quality but free at this link
@lololulu19 said in Strange question... straight to bi/gay...:
he decided to become a priest - so he must be completely gay
you crack me up
@bruh1-0 That would be Duke Campbell
Clip from Randy Blue. Other guy is Jeff Powers
Found out from other forum... Jeff Noll's Buddies
Made me think of a place in Austria that used to be called Fucking
@ianfontinell-0 That was informative and to the point. I also learnt about use of parenthesis ().
Assuming you are already leeching (if not try to leech)
On your GT page, on the top where it shows statistics, click on "leeching torrents" indicated by downward arrow followed by torrent count.
Scroll down to Torrents section and click on "Show leeching torrents" and it should be listed there.
Bottom is indeed Lance Alexander. Tops are Brady Jensen (in the first gif black and white, on kitchen floor) and Bradley Hudson (second gif in color on the bed)
Clip 1 Rick McCoy & Jerry Ford
Clip 2 Dylan Roberts & Jack Griffin
Both are from studio CollegeDudes
Came across this image in a torrent file but can't figure out which clip it is from. Can someone point me in right direction? Thanks
Source Torrent link:
It seems like one of the Falcon Studios movie, I think it is Out of Athens. Plot based movie about frat guys/hazing etc.
Edit: There two movies linked together. Scene details for both found in the link below
@nikita92-0 It's one of the recent one from Say Uncle with Johnny Ford and Max Mabry in Stepdaddy’s Secret Stash
@ianfontinell-0 That was informative and to the point. I also learnt about use of parenthesis ().
It's from the movie Sea Love and studio name is Man's Best.
Not the best quality but free at this link
Made me think of a place in Austria that used to be called Fucking
Found out from other forum... Jeff Noll's Buddies
Came across this clip. Seems to be from a vintage 80s movie but couldn't find any details. Anyone has any clue? Thanks.,-convertable-part-1-of-2