Absolutely. Even better - I don't bottom cause guys I've been with had medium+ cocks. So yeah, I'm not that much into bottom but I think I could like it if a guy had a small one.

Best posts made by warpaint
RE: Would you have sex with a guy with a small dick
Latest posts made by warpaint
RE: Which celebrity would you have sex with?
David Morse, Henry Cavil, Chris Hemsworth
RE: Post the last game you played
Persona 5.
Oohhhh. That the first time or more? Didn't you want to wait for Persona 5:Royal ? I love the game I never played it before the 5 that I just accidentally got on a discount on PS Store but that was definitely one of the best games I ever played.
I just finished Kingdom Hearts III, again didn't understand a thing but probably will try to get platinum.
Pornhub playlists
Just came up with the idea guys.
How about we post some of the pornhub playlists that are either our favorite or just seem interesting or different from everything else to check them out. -
RE: Post the last game you played
Last week was:
- The Last Of Us
- Crash Team Racing
- Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4
- Pewdiepie's Pixelings
RE: Death Stranding (PS4 exclusive)
Okay will do today since I'm lucky to be off work. For the sexy stuff I really liked No Way Out, where at the begining Vince is taking a shower in prison and it's really nice because you not only see his ass but also parts of his dick when you move the camera around. And Vince is a nice daddy.
Do you have any tips for DS ? I plan to carry on with just the main story now I guess. Not to get burned out with standard missions. -
RE: Death Stranding (PS4 exclusive)
Norman Reedus is naked quite a bit in the game. I love him in this game. He had free reign in the game so all the mannerisms are all him. Keep focusing on his crotch in the private room while he sits on the bed. He had them put that in there. Keep doing it til the end.
I get what you mean about being a bit bored. I really hate the pizza guy and his stupid pizza orders for very few points. I also hate the repeated BB memories. They were good when the story needed to be told but it's just annoying now.
I have most of the road sections done in the central region on my server. Just a few more and I'll move on to the next bit. I've also been placing stuff in places I think will help others. As for stuff other people put up, if I think they are a communal benefit, I repair and/or upgrade them. If they are crap, I let them fall apart. I hate "using" someone's crap because it gives them points, but I do move the stuff in my way but I put them in a place that makes only the desperate use them again.
As far as I can tell, BTs can't get you on a player made road. They can get you on old roads leftover from society before Death Stranding.
I already went across the tar lake, but a MULE I killed did a void out, so I had to restart the game from a save before crossing the lake.
As for delivery orders, you only need to do the "orders for Sam" which are the 2 digit orders. Standard orders aka 3 digit orders can be skipped. With a few exceptions, you need to get everyone to 3 stars to unlock their area of the map and get them "online". This means you can't skip every 3 digit order.
At a certain point, you can move between private rooms. Keep in mind though, you will only take with you the stuff absolute basics. So think about there you will need something that will be left behind.
Well he is to be honest. All the sitting and showering lol. Oh never noticed anything about the crotch. I'll have a look next I'm playing. I like Norman Reedus as an actor but as to attraction, I feel bad for saying but I find him nearly disgusting
just not my type, totally.
Yeaah I kinda thought they repeat but wasn't sure. It's funny with the BB, at least I can joke about it with my guy since he purposely bought the game for the baby as a meme. About the bored part. Well it got a little better because I was almost sure the game won't have the fight at all but I already fought with Strand, hematic grenade and bola gun as well recently so it's cool. I know they won't have it but sniper rifle would be rad though…
Yeah the thing is ... for example you have a map and you have 3 or 4 cities in that region. So obviously you'll have order to deliver shit from each one to each one of them. And it's frustrating since you can't do it all at once.As for then multi player solution. My opinion is I think IT'S GREAT. As for my personal opinion I don't fucking care
I mean I see what they did and how they tried to do the balance between MMO and single player game and I think it's a pioneer game in that sense. I think they really did a perfect job. The thing is I just don't care that much for the game to get engaged in what people build and to help each other out. Of course I build roads and I deliver lost cargos but that's just mechanical or coincidential.
What. I didn't think of that. I forgot people void out. That makes sense now why he doesn't kill them but restrain them with strand instead. To be honest I never really thought about it until you menioned it. I was convinced he's just being humanitary.
RE: Quick and easy recipes?
Also chicken in Satay sauce with chestnuts and jasmine rice. So easyh if you have the sauce.