Slaystation for me
Posts made by vato
RE: What is the last game you bought?
Far Cry Primal in preparation for Far Cry 5 next year
RE: Post the last movie you've seen and how you rate it
Blade Runner 2049: 10/10
My god what a MOVIE!
RE: If you're given the chance to have sex with any porn star, who would you do?
Too hard to pick only one. Probably either Phat Daddy or Cliff Jensen, don't make me choose plz
RE: Que tipo de actor porno te atrae????
Entre mas masculinos mejor! Y por lo general me atraen mas los latinos y afros. Los hombres de raza blanca no me provocan nada
aunque hay excepciones
RE: Que series estan viendo?
Terminando The 100. Tenia mucho que no me enganchaba tanto con una serie
RE: Gaymers?
Yo! Soy equipo Playstation aunque en realidad no tengo mucho tiempo para jugar gracias al trabajo y la vida diaria. Actualmente jugando Uncharted 4, lo tengo desde Mayo y no he podido terminarlo por falta de tiempo :cry2:
RE: Is gay marriage legal in your country?
As far as I know, in Mexico we only have Civil Unions (or partnerships).
Recently they wanted to legalize gay marriage and adoption but of course, being the religion-plagued cesspool Mexico is, groups have started to march on the streets against it.
I don't really care if they change civil union to 'marriage' as long as they offer me the same rights and privileges (of course I'll be willing to assume the obligations too)
Regarding adoption…meh...personally I don't want other people's children I rather use a surrogate to get my own.
We have marriage in 11 states.
RE: Is gay marriage legal in your country?
It is legal in Mexico, but only in 11 out of our 32 states. Slowly but surely getting there it seems
RE: Which porn stars you would like to have sex with?
Rikk York, Austin Wilde, Phat Daddy are my top 3 (no pun intended) :love:
RE: Post the last game you played
Tomb Raider was the last game I played before my PS4 got stolen :cry2:
RE: Do you perfer single player or multi player games
Single player by far. I have to be in a very specific mood (or trophy hunting) for me to even go online
RE: Alternative bands/singers we love
I don't think there's a band collectively loved by all of us like pop stars lol, but I personally love Of Monsters and Men, Twenty One Pilots, and Foster The People :love: