I found only individual pieces on the Web, I'm sure there is a full video. I am grateful in advance for your help.

Posts made by Valicore
Please help, I can't find the full animation of Kenshi and Johnny from daemoncollection:(
RE: Straight guys in gay porn; are the really straight?
Yes, absolutely. The body is a tool, and sex is a form of manual labor. With viagra, they don't even need to enjoy what they're doing, especially if they're a bottom. No one would suggest that because a person is a professional manual laborer that digs trenches or does construction work is doing it because they love it, even though it's totally possible they do, and I feel that sex work is the same. They are using their body in return for money. It's only our modern stupid insistance on labels and making sex some sort of special category of physical activity that we have changed that thinking.
RE: What is the biggest quality you look for in a president
Political savvy - I think it's cute that people think a total outsider can come in and successfully work the system, but in reality a President needs to have an intricate knowledge of the way the government works.
Breadth of experience, both inside and outside of the country. Someone who has spent their entire life living in only one way and who is not familiar with the rest of the world isn't going to know how to interact with world leaders.
Other stuff. -
RE: A worrying trend from the perspective of a clinical psychologist
"No fats, no fems, (no Asians)" - this is the moniker of the modern Grindr user and of many people in the Gay community. We're not talking this not being sexually attractive to people, we're talking about the fact that many groups, fats, fems, etc, are excluded from the larger gay community and are HATED by many in the gay community, and are bullied just the way gays are bullied by homophobes. It's the same with agism in the gay community. I don't think there is any other community I'm familiar with that demonizes aging more than the gay community. Personally, I think it's very sad, and just goes to show that the LGBT community is composed of humans, are requires a lot of work - we've been working so hard on what those OUTSIDE the community think of us, and gaining equal rights, etc etc, that we have to a certain extent ignored the development of civility and acceptance INSIDE our community.
RE: What is your opinion on Hillary Clinton?
As to Hillary, she beats out every Republican in the field. Which is saying something horrible about Republicans. Bernie is my pick and I actually do think he has a chance (I once thought some unknown black politician from Chicago had a chance too. Well.). So I'm going with Bernie and it really is because Elizabeth Warren refused to run. She was my first pick.
Exactly, sadly having Clinton as a front-runner says nothing about the Democratic party and everything about the Republicans. Hell, I'm jaded enough to think the insanity of the Republican Party is just a conspiracy to make us accept that Hillary's views are actually progressive.
RE: How to explain being gay to kids?
Some boys like boys and some girls like girls and some boys like girls and some girls like boys.
RE: How old were you when you find that you gay ??
I can remember thinking a guy was really really hot when I was in the first grade. I literally have never not known I liked guys.
RE: Two bottoms in a relationship
If they're both total bottoms? It's probably not going to work, what are they going to do, rub their asses together? I guess they could use toys on one another and give handjobs to one another, but if they want real dick….
RE: Will the refugees crisis in europe destroy the future there?
It's not going to destroy the future of Europe, but Europe is going to have a huge problem integrating these refugees, many of which ARE economic migrants. Go to any major city in Europe, London, Paris, Berlin, and you will find huge ghettos of completely unintegrated, mostly Muslim immigrants, who have zero desire to acclimate and integrate, and who believe that they are entitled to the beliefs and ways of life (including hating gays, subjugating women, etc) that caused them to have to leave their countries in the first place. I say start instituting mandatory language classes, mandatory goals for learning the language, require some sort of job or work to be done, limits to be placed on social benefits after a certain amount of time. Give them a chance to show they're willing to integrate, and those who refuse, send home. That's how Europe can continue to prosper and do the right thing in terms of Human Rights. If they are really fleeing death, they will integrate rather than go back to that.
RE: Are you concerned about ISIS?
If I were in Europe with that unabated, uncontrolled influx of refugees, yes, I would be concerned. Not just because of terrorism but because a lot of European countries have shown that they can't integrate immigrant communities. In the US, however, I'm more concerned about white Christian men with guns than jihadi terrorists - so far they've done much worse to this country.
RE: Will trump try to take away gay marriage
No one is touching gay marriage, that ship has sailed, the world didn't end, Jesus didn't come down from heaven with an AK-47 and kill the heathens. There will be issues related to "religious freedom" a la Kim Davis, but gay marriage is here to stay.
RE: Does political correctness do more harm than good?
The idea that political correctness is a bad thing is so ridiculous, political correctness is nothing other than society evolving into people being more sensitive and generally better people in terms of how they treat others. This is something you can see in higher education now, the LANGUAGE that people use is directly correlating with the way that they treat other people. As a linguist I can say that the words we use and the way we express themselves have a lasting impact on the way we think and the way we treat other people, so it's important to do that.
RE: Same Sex Marriage is one of the most funded.
I think it's a false starter to claim that same-sex marriage doesn't have any role in changing the way that society and especially young people view homosexuality and its acceptability. It isn't just about taxes, and civil unions ARE an insult because they're the propagation of the "separate but equal" doctrine that has been foisted upon SO many minorities over time. There is no reason that we can't focus on transgender rights, homelessness, immigration issues, discrimination, etc, at the same time we demand marriage equality. It's false to pretend that somehow activism in one part of society is going to deprive another part of society of support. If people want to support all those things they will, be support what is important to them. In terms of HIV/AIDS, it is not a "gay" problem at all, it is a worldwide problem, more women than men are being infected, there is no way the fight for same-sex marriage is going to slow the battle for a cure for AIDS. As a scientist, I can tell you we will never stop researching or trying to make new discoveries in ANY field, much less one that is as important as HIV/AIDS.
RE: Can gays create a new separate but powerful country with high security?
How would you ensure it was a gay-only country? Perform a sex-act on entrance? Limit the government to gays? It's a cute idea but the reality is any such monolithic society is going to have a hard time existing.
RE: What is your opinion on Hillary Clinton?
I don't like the woman. She's essentially what would have been called a Republican in the 80s - the only reason we can't see that is that the American Right has moved SO far right that even the moderate right looks like the left. I like Bernie, I would vote for him, but I don't think that he will ever get the nomination and because of that, I, like someone else said, will hold my nose and vote for Clinton, because if you look at the right in terms of what they're trying to do to reproductive rights and civil rights, there is just no comparison.
LEATHER ~ Where to find BDSM mates?
Hi everyone,
I'm kind of new to seriously looking in this community, and I was wondering: where do you all go to find doms/subs, Masters/slaves, etc. Are there any "dating" type websites that are geared to the gay BDSM community? I've found some but they all suck, so I'm interested in if anyone has any recommendations!
RE: I don't swallow, swallowers please explain!
Swallowing isn't necessarily any less safe than spitting, that's for sure. In fact I'm pretty sure you're more likely to contract something from there being cuts in your mouth than once you swallow it and it's hit by your stomach acid.
In terms of whether it turns me on, no, not really, but I know guys who love the fact that it makes them feel slutty or submissive with their partner.