Is it possible to transmit HIV through oral sex?
Doctors and researchers can't be sure how many people have been infected with HIV through oral sex.
Is it possible to transmit HIV through oral sex?
Doctors and researchers can't be sure how many people have been infected with HIV through oral sex.
This largely depends on what medication regime that you're put onto, as well as what kind of pharmacy that you go to.
My original medications cost $1533.53/mo at a cheaper pharmacy, whereas at the big name pharmacies, they would easily run well over $3500. My current supply costs me just under $1400/mo. Thankfully, one thing I love about the Canadian healthcare system is that they pickup the bill on these medications as they're deemed to be a necessity of life.
Have things changed in your case?
The most common symptoms of acute HIV include:
body rash
sore throat
severe headaches
Less common symptoms may include:
swollen lymph nodes
ulcers in the mouth or on the genitals
muscle aches
joint pain
nausea and vomiting
night sweats
Symptoms typically last 1 to 2 weeks. If you have several of these symptoms and suspect you may have been infected, schedule an appointment with your doctor and get tested.
This largely depends on where you live. I don't know about in the United States, but I know within Canada, you can usually get the testing done anonymously through your public health unit. If not, I would imagine you can at least get this information from your local public health unit.
 Spamming for bonus points
Any news regarding that try against HIV?
It's important to discuss safer sex with anyone you're having sex with.
When you do that and make sure you trust the othet's answer, I would say it would be safe..
Actually, there are two distinctly different types of HIV strains. There is Type 1, which is more common within North America. This is the strain often thought to have originated in California. Type 2 on the other hand is often said to be the "African AIDS" virus. They are distinctly different in their overall makeup as to have their own unique characteristics and traits, while essentially consisting of the same base virus. Of each type there are several different variations as the virus mutates over time…. So in reality, there is no single root origin of the HIV virus. Each type is thought to have originated in a different geographical region when it first appeared. Do not be fooled though, as HIV had many names long before it was known as HIV. GRID (Gay Related Infectious Disease) was one such name.
The general working theory as to the two different types is similar to how the differences between the white man and the black man's skin pigmentation and facial features originated. It is thought to be an evolutionary adaptation to the localized climate to its geographical origin. So... Before we can discuss the "origin" of the virus itself, we must first be specific as to what type (or "race") of the virus that we're referring to. While such instances are not very common, it is in theory possible to be infected with both Type 1 and Type 2 HIV. I know of at least one person off the top of my head who is coinfected in this manner. They can make for the most unique cases. Such cases however are not very common, but they can occur.
Thirty six years ago AIDS was indeed, called "The Gay Plague," gay cancer, or GRID (gay-related immune disorder).
Sadly, because AIDS was first detected in homosexual males, it was largely dismissed because gay men circa 1980 were viewed as dispensable. The medical community considered this a homosexual disease, neither fashionable nor prestigious, and consequently unworthy of serious attention.
USA's government at that time, topped by a staggeringly inept former B-movie actor named Ronald Reagan, was uninterested in anything beyond increased defense spending and domestic budget slashing. Reagan, in fact, did not utter a single public acknowledgment of AIDS until 1987.
Not surprisingly, the news media ignored AIDS in the beginning, preferring instead to report less complex stories about such things as neglected toddlers who tumble down wells.
Oh… I can also say with confidence as someone living with HIV since 2009 that if you do test positive, while it may be a shock at first, in the end, you'll be glad that you did because knowing sooner rather than later can avoid some rather nasty complications. Also, once you adjust to it, you'll be a lot better off knowing your status, than finding out the hard way when you're extremely sick and in the hospital
Yeah but..
By and large in the US at least, one is required to give signed permission for HIV testing. Or at least that's been my experience. They have fairly strict rules regarding any type of STD/STI testing, because of privacy laws.
Now granted there are exceptions, but those are rare.
I wonder if things changed with Mr. Trump in charge..
Way to scientific for most non medical people to understand.
still they are " medical" people around here interested to read it :hug2:
Every six months. My BF is HIV+ and we've been together for more than 8 years.
I am still -
Good for you!
One of my mates has been positive for many years now and he was before he met his negative partner. 15+ years later they are still together and the negative guy is still negative and very much in love with him. They met one night on the scene, and it went from there, my mate was straight up from day 1 about his status which I think made a big impact on the trust between them. So never give up hope on finding someone pos or neg, just be honest from the start.
make your tunnel clean so that the hot rod likes it
Definitely thirded! ;D
my dick.
oops sorryÂ
The energy that is freely given by the sun, I guess.
Smaller scale? My house, which was built around the late 70's-early 80's.
Smaller still? a lot of my records are from the 60's-80's. Mostly 80's. I have a handful of 78's from the early 1900's. I seldom "use" them, though. I also have a pretty large collection of VHS and cassettes, and I still use them. Never stopped, in fact. Growing up poor, you learn to use stuff until it no longer functions and it can't be repaired. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. And, if it is broke, find some other way to use it.
That's what I call a.. detailed answer! Â
the harmonica
…my first musical instrument and that's how I learn to blow >:D
The oldest things I still use would be the carving knife, fork and steel to sharpen them my grandparent had as a wedding present back in the 1920s.
my watch
I have a lot of old books (like 50+, some 100+ years old) and a lot of old and even ancient coins that I collect (the oldest one being a Roman coin from ~380AD), though I can not really say that I use those =P
any recoomendation? i am going to Spain this June. thanks
You should be more specific..
Where in Spain are you going to?
is it wise to tell him everything u fancy abt? by date, i mean someone who could become ur bf one day, not just a one night stand ^-^
I would answer negatively..
I couldn't care less for both. I fell in love with someone who has neither. It just took time but once I got there it was the most powerful thing ever.
That's true..
You never know when you'll fall in love..
Idk, probably yes. But if they wronged me I wouldn't wanna be around them to know what happens next on their lives.
That's a good point..