Yes… It is not uncommon for universities to censor certain content from their network. This generally consists of adult content, and websites that promote or are otherwise affiliated with criminal activity. I sort of get the reasoning behind it, but what they fail to understand is that at this day and age, there is no such thing as internet censorship. Simply put, internet censorship is a myth!
Also, it is not uncommon for universities (at least in North America) to attempt to censor P2P traffic from their networks, as the majority of (although not all) P2P traffic is illegal pirating. This is generally done as a legal precaution to attempt to keep the university out of trouble by blocking such traffic from their network.
EDIT: Also, I forgot to mention that PrivateVPN can be set to work on TCP 443, or if you want port forwarding, can also be setup to use UDP 53. TCP 443 is used by HTTPS websites, and UDP 53 is used by DNS, so blocking either one of these ports to filter content would render the internet itself useless. This is one thing that I like about them. This way, there really is NO network that you cannot bypass the censorship of, because even if they force all DNS traffic to their own servers, there's also the TCP 443 route, which cannot be blocked.
So… Unless they're blocking all DNS traffic except to their own internal servers, and they're domain null routing to bypass VPN providers specifically by domain, there really is no way to control what content can pass through a network.
I've found such software for my Android phone..
What about my Windows PC?
Which software should I try firstly?