Under international law, he was old enough to be responsible for his actions.
Which international law would that be? ???
The same question crossed my mind..
Under international law, he was old enough to be responsible for his actions.
Which international law would that be? ???
The same question crossed my mind..
She obstructed Justice when she deleted those emails and bashed the servers with hammers. It's time for her to go down.
I doubt that they will let her go down…
She is stil a Trump alternative for some people!
Trump has done nothing to help the economy. The only REAL job announcements that have been made are from Walmart and Amazon (warehouses). These are very expensive jobs for taxpayers. Walmart employees alone use $6 billion in public assistance every year. Bezos and the Waltons are just a bunch of welfare queens.
I tend to not be as tough on Bezos because Amazon also has a lot of good paying jobs in other areas of the company.
Trump has made a lot of fake job announcements. He announced that he saved Carrier and then they layed off 600 workers. Then he announced he saved Boeing and they layed off 200 workers. Then Microsoft layed off 2000 workers. Then Macys…..and JCPenney.....and Kmart.......and Sears.......and many other retailers.
FoxConn is just a big lie. They have made these announcements before. Here is one from 2013. It never happened. It was never built.
The economy is booming since the election, but you never hear the media talking about it. And.. one of my predictions has already come true… Reince Prieubus is GONE. Look for Sessions to go next.
Let's see about your other predictions..
I am a Trump supporter, but I'm not ok with him banning trans. Dammit.
I guess that he also used to have some trans supporters..
I think the way they seize assets is limited to seizing property - not iras. That is not a problem since I own this house.
It's not limited to just property. You just hear about that more because the home is usually the largest asset. This can vary by state. Some states are VERY aggressive with estate recovery and others are not. Since Trump plans to gut Medicaid states are going to get much more aggressive because they will need the money.
more aggressive?
Would love to see it…. Or be the hole to be pissed in... But not wanting to drink it myself though...
1) You may be retaining water, give it time.
2) Calories in, calories out. 90% of losing fat is diet. Cardio is great but you need to focus on diet to lose fat.
I've never seen this, but it seems like both guys would have to be really well hung and flexible. And it doesn't seem like it would be very pleasant for them if they managed to do it.
One of my exes had a 10-12 cm dick, and it was some of the best sex of my life. He was mostly a bottom, but he topped a few times and it was usually quite satisfying (he wasn't long, but he was thick ;D ). That's probably the smallest size that I would enjoy, however.
A cute face, good personality, and emotional connection count far more than dick size in my book.
One of the reasons that costs are so high is because employers are involved in the equation. Patients don't know how much their healthcare costs. I have no idea how much it costs my employer. If the insurers have to market and sell to patients directly the prices will come down.
From a couple of people I've heard from.. their employer pays 4 to 5 times as much as the employee does for their healthcare… but that is misleading, because the money that the employer is paying directly to the insurance plan is money that WOULD have gone to the employee. The cost of an employee is far more than the salary of the employee.
To do what you suggested.. would require Obamacare to be completely REPEALED first!
What I hate about is that it allows the employer to essentially give an employee a pay cut (or a raise) without the employee even knowing it. A lot of companies change their healthcare plans every year. This means your total compensation is likely being changed as well. It's still a gamble for the employer. A lot of sick employees could be a disaster for the company when their premiums are jacked the following year.
I once worked at a place that had a dental plan. I expected it to "maybe" pay 100%.. or maybe 80%… and was confident it would pay at least 50%. The root canal and crown was $800.. of which that plan covered $5 which is about 0.6%
That is another thing about healthcare.. the deductibles. This one lady on the radio said that the DEDUCTIBLE of her Obamacare was $8000. She can't afford $8000.. so even with her Obamacare, she can't use it because she can't pay the deductible.
Healthcare insurance is completely hopeless. In fact, it is so hopeless that eventually health insurance will be so expensive that almost nobody will be able to afford it - and the services covered will be minimal. This is what happened with automobile insurance. Maybe we will wind up with "Logan's Run" in which people are euthanized once they turn the ripe old age of 35.
You have a point here!
I don't know if it will get you out of the military. I suppose it may depend on how bad you want out. I had a friend who was going to join the air force about 15 years ago. He was 18 and was lost. He changed his mind after he was well into the enlistment process and went to his recruiter and told him he was gay. The recruiter didn't care. He was still going to let him join.
Transphobia is probably a little more prevalent that homophobia though.
This isn't a real policy anyway and Trump knows it. He is embarrassed because he is failing on healthcare and he needed a distraction. Usually he pounds on immigrants because they are easy targets and he is a cowardly man. Today he chose to pick on an even smaller and weaker group. This policy will never hold up in court. He even waited until Rex Tillerson went on vacation so he doesn't have to face him.
Trump's plan..
It's strange how Americans keep demanding that we go to an NHS system, even though the reasons they hate the American system is also a major problem in NHS systems.
Asset stripping is the normal in NHS systems for long term care. The only way to prevent this is to have private insurance to protect yourself. It defeats the purpose of the NHS when you have to have private insurance as well.
It's natural that people always want it both ways.. in this case, to not be paying if they don't need insurance, and to have full coverage if they do need it. The problem with moonbats is that they can't accept the fact that they can't have it both ways.
From what I can see… the republican's healthcare plan is getting so watered down that it will be essentially the same as Obamacare.
I think the way they seize assets is limited to seizing property - not iras. That is not a problem since I own this house.
You own that house?
Obviously Trump will sign the bill. He was very angry a few weeks ago that so called President Obama did nothing about Russian hacking. I'm so glad we have a real President in charge now who will take care of these things. He won't let Russia push us around like that pussy Obama did…...right?
I am not sure yet..
Trump can't win for losing.
If he investigates Hillary, liberals will cry foul.
If he doesn't investigate Hillary, liberals will cry foul.
Resign or fire, either way its good that he's gone. Fuck him.
I doubt that he will leave the office..
The Dow rose from 6500 to a record 19500 under Obama.
Also according to Breitbart, Obama lowered food stamp usage dramatically. By the end of his administration it was at a 7 year low.
You consistently misrepresent the articles you refer to.
You seem to forget that Sheik Obama was occupying the White House for EIGHT years.. and during his regime, Food Stamp Enrollment hit a record high peak of 47.6 million people (it was 28 million when Bush left office). Also, the amount of $$$ per recipient has dropped considerably… which is horrible. So, the people who do need benefits are getting LESS. I know of people who used to get $200 a month that Obama cut to $15 a month. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/03/02/19-million-more-americans-on-food-stamps-despite-low-unemployment-rate/You've also lied about the DOW. The DOW has gone from 18,500 on election day - when Trump was elected.. to a record 21,891.. an increase of 3,391 just since Trumps election.. and a staggering 18% increase in just the 9 months since Trump's election!
Obamacare had.. good marketing!
I think that happens with everyone, you'll learn to deal with it. I do it in the reverse way also, if I message someone and there's no reply for days, I'd just block them so I don't accidentally message them again. As people pointed out in multiple other posts, most people on those apps are after hookups, that's why many of them just judge others based on looks
Happens to everyone?
Are you considering a shemale and a trans as the same thing?
I've lost count after three haha…also, I've made an executive decision to skim a few from my number.
I lost my virginity with my colleague from work. I liked it, but I was not sure if it was gay. One day I stopped him in the hall and admitted that I liked him. After that he called me for beer in the evening. :cheers:
After that, a long-standing relationship followed.
So.. you were not sure about being gay for how long?