Keith Alllan
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Justin Furstenfeld
Collins Stone
Andrew Lincoln

Posts made by MulderYuffie
RE: Which celebrity would you have sex with?
RE: Cum where
In every hole but I suppose I notice it a lot more in my mouth and on my face!
RE: When you masturbated for the first time?
I was 11 wasn't too sure on what it was all about but I liked it.
RE: Do you speed up or slow down before ejaculating?
Depends I would say 50/50
RE: Can you ejaculate while penetrating your bottom's hole?
Yes of course every time
RE: How many guys would you have sex with at once?
Besides the time I had 6 others besides my then boyfriend I would gladly do that again and more. Give me a little bit of time to recoupterate here and there and we could easily go 50 plus :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
RE: How old were you
Never had a closet and I knew since I was like 5 so everyone kinda knew early on because when you are a kid you don't know any better and constantly being attached or overall attracted to older guys in person or on TV kinda gave them some real hints! :cool2: :laugh:
RE: Gay games for ps4
I would love it but don't see it happening. At least not anytime soon!
RE: Is Switch worth buying?
Yes it's the best Nintendo console since the GameCube! There are plenty of exclusives out and tons more next year too many to keep track of like (Fire Emblem, Luigi's Mansion 3, Yoshi, New Super Mario Bros Deluxe, yo-kai watch 4, animal crossing, Pokemon generation 8, bayonetta 3) and tons more not announced and that I can't think of. If you are interested in any of these exclusives and enjoy the pre Wii and the 3/DS eras of Nintendo what are you waiting for?
RE: Generational Gap
I think people think it's strange but I've never been confronted about someone's feelings outside of wondering how I would deal with long term relationships someone twice my age or more.
RE: Did you ever have a crush on your teacher?
My first love was a teacher who was also a family friend so I got to see him outside of the classroom. It might've seemed strange but I really had a deep emotional attachment to him and still love him to this day I love you Brian! :love:
RE: How old ur first mature parner was?
I had a stint with a few guys my age but after that I would say my first mature guy and relationship was with someone who was 48.
RE: Oldest you'd go for?
I always say a good 60 but I've been with someone who was 63. So not off limits I guess really a really good 70 would be fine but that's about it.
RE: Would u have sex with ur biological dad?
Mine? No! But if I had a really hot kind loving and caring dad I would and would even go as far to say I'd get into a serious relationship with him so that doesn't bother me. I was incredibly unlucky with my dad he has no redeeming qualities.
Name of this beautiful Daddy
This is the only image I can find of him when I Google search him and I can't find the name of him anyone please help!