I guess you could say I never had a closet as everyone in my family basically when I was growing up even as such a young child. I think? I officially came out and told my aunt who raised me when i was 12 but she obviously wasn't shocked as I always talked to her about the hot guys on TV or in person since I was like 6.

Posts made by MulderYuffie
RE: How old were you when you came out?
RE: Anyone who manages it to keep 1.0 or above ratio without donating?
I was reckless too and hardly use this site and really only used it when a said other site didn't have what I was looking for but I tell you what there is some mighty fine stuff on here wish I wasn't as reckless as I was. Trying to get to that 600 seed bonus to get 10GB and posting on the forums seems to help slightly and hell you know what I kinda like posting on here anyways so a win win.
RE: Number of Dicks in your Mouth at Once
seriously how can people take more than 2?
RE: What is the best game you've ever played?
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
RE: Super Mario
Love these games but honestly I kinda of prefer the 2D Sonic games to the 2D Mario games even though Mario 3 and world were fantastic on their own. Now going into 3D Sonic lost his way and Mario 64 was absolutely amazing same with Sunshine even though most people don't like it and even after those the games still remain good the new ones just don't hold my interest as much but there is no denying they are great.
RE: Pokemon
I got literally everything from Gen 1 through Gen 4 then got into Gen 5 with Black and halfway through catching them all I kinda lsot interest still beat the game though. My copy of White 2 is still sealed and Y didn't really hold my interest gave up after like the 3rd gym. I'm really excited for Sun and Moon though honestly.
RE: Has anyone experience 3some or 4some in real life ?
I've had it several times sometimes with more than just 4 people and actually have all happened during past relationships where we would play together it's really a fun experience.
RE: Post the last game you played
Dead Rising 3
Been playing it alot since I finally got it to ork on my computer it's fun but nowhere near as good as the others.
RE: Pokemon Go
Yes I play it and really enjoy it sadly i'd enjoy it alot more if I lived in a place where my service wasn't so spotty.
Request: HotOlderMale Jon Galt, A Motorcycle and a dildo
video found here i'd absolutely love to have this i've been constantly thinking of this video when i ran across it's existence on that site what a wonderful man I could just eat him all up
It would be greatly appreciated to have this video.