sometimes. i usually see if the people at work are prejudiced or any sort of that feeling. if not and i like them i slip in a casual comment during convo
I used to do that but quickly learned again that I’m not a mind reader. People will surprise you. I’ve made some great friends out of people I thought that it wouldn’t go well if I said something. I told them anyhow because they seemed to really like me and we’d talk a lot, but also because I don’t like wasting my time talking to people too much if they’re not going to be cool with me being gay, and don’t want to waste their time either. First I have to care enough to tell them. If it doesn't go well, that's great too, now I'm not wasting my time talking to an asshole. Surprisingly tho, that hasn't happened yet and I've told 9 people.
oh cool. good that it works for you; for me it hasn't. so yes people will surprise you. a lot of the people i've come out too the more accepting were the women, most of the time, while the men were simply tolerant at best. No surprise there since my country isn't exactly well known for being accepting of the lgbt and is at it's core at most tolerant.