:hug2:Yes, ratio points (via seeding) is strictly a result of your Torrent Client program (in your case, uTorrent) and it's communication with our Tracker Server…
It has NOTHING to do with your browser IFAIK.
It's important too, to remember not to stop your torrents, even when they are shown as being offline, because... when they become "online" again... this is when the torrent data (ie download and upload data count) gets reported to our tracker server, which in turn reports this to our website.
If you STOP your torrent, when the torrent is offline, it's most likely that ANY and ALL of the data statistics accumulated since the most recent successful (online) data info exchange... will be lost.
I have seen our Sysop give this advice for years (without explanation), and I'm pretty sure THIS explanation is exactly why he repeats this advice again and again...
And I pass it along... with explanation.
hugs, :love:
GayTorrent.ru Staff