As a first thing let me say thank you for your donation
You might see it correct that a donation will not correct your ratio directly - but there is one logical error in your calculation: You did not take in account the traffic for your downloads (and what you get for that traffic) in your calculation
Your ratio is depends on two figures, your upload traffic and your download traffic - (mathematically: Ratio = UL / DL).
a donation gives you upload traffic - the other figure (your download traffic) is only changed by your downloaded traffic (and your desire to download more videos). So I can't see that donation is more expensive the more you downloaded - did you not get something else for your downloads (like videos you like?)
We never said (or promised) that a donation will increase your ratio directly. In the opposite: we invested a lot of thinking, discussions and work to implement our sliding ratio scale and the new designed donation page too where the effects of a donation can be seen directly before you really donate.
Just think if we promised a direct ratio correction - if that is fair??? I think NOT.
I can't change the mathematical rules about big numbers: 2 GB for 5 EUR seems quite a lot if you have a download traffic of  4 GB (it's  half of your download traffic) and will raise a (theoretical ratio of 0.000) from 0.000 to 0.500. Now imagine the same case with (also just a theoretical construction) when the user has already downloaded 2 TB - a ratio raise from 0.000 to 0.500 in this case will require an upload traffic of 2 TB (2048 GB) also for 5 EUR ???
I can't see that as fair, not towards site owner (who has to pay the server and traffic costs) and especially not towards our users who fight with their ratio
I can only recommend to read the donation page thoroughly, you can always play around with the donation amounts and see what influence a donation of a certain amount has on your ratio (before you click on the button "donate <amount>now at our partner site"). Don't forget: if you are below your minimum ratio there is an extra button (below 250 EUR) for a needed donation to reach your minimum ratio - so please don't say we did not try to help our users.
Now some other remarks to your posting:
The link you gave to the rationator 2.1 thread is long since outdated (posted on: May 01, 2008, 04:27:22 am), my answer to that initial postings will send you to the correct thread (
Did you ever consider to upload a new video to our tracker? Not only will that give you some upload traffic (without download traffic), even more: since our members can say thank you and can award seed bonus points to your upload that is a really good method to gain [desc=Seed Bonus Pints]SBP[/desc] which you also can exchange into upload traffic!
Did you ever consider to spend some more time in the forum and take part in some forum games (where you can also win SBP or join the uploader programs which some of our moderators established? Again you can get some SBP in those programs.
Did you ever consider to take part in some extra contest on our site (the last one - holiday recipes - is still announced on our home page). Also there you could win upload traffic as prizes.
BTW: how come that most of our members manage to keep a ratio above their minimum ratio without ever having donated? Our old (and often posted) first aid for ratio problems comes to mind: seed, seed, seed.
Edit: did you understand that our site is about sharing, not about buying? You don't "buy" download traffic but we expect from you that you share what you got for free (!). At your start we don't set strong limits for your minimum ratio - but after some time (depending on your download traffic) we except that you understand the (might be outdated) concept of sharing.</amount>