Don't forget Google's Gay Pride logo for during the Russian Olympics.

Best posts made by mattb36469
Latest posts made by mattb36469
RE: Whats your type of guy?
I tend to go from Slim to muscled and smooth… just a shame those type of guys don't usually like me! lol
RE: Where do you shoot?
I love it when a guy fucks the cum out of me so don't have a preference really when that happens. However, do like to ride on top and cum over a guys chest.
When I am on the receiving end love it inside me, over my chest or over my face.
RE: Muscle dad
Looks wise yes…. but before I decide If I love him I think Id have to get to know him first ;D Is he available for dates? :hug2:
RE: Talk about insanity… read this gem from London's mayor Sadiq Khan
Why does the Prime Minister of England - Elizabeth May - tolerate the mayor of London (Saddam Khan) constantly speaking out as if he is the leader of England?
Theresa May & Sadiq Khan not Elizabeth and Saddam.
The simple answer is two different offices, two different political parties. Theresa May is a Conservative, she is the head of her political party and the current Prime Minister. To get this role she had to be voted in by her party as the head of the party and she also had to be voted in by the members of her constituency. (Loose rule on that one but I don't want to over complicate it.) She is still a member of Parliment and still votes on UK Laws.
Sadiq Khan is the Mayor of London, he is elected but by the people of London and is a member of the labour party. He does not vote on UK policy, where as Theresa's role focuses on UK wide. Sadiq's job is concentrating on the city of london. He is head of the local authority that runs the city. The local authority are the people who do things like grant licenses, empty peoples bins, maintain roads, parks etc.
She has no option but to tolerate him, policy on emptying bins or roads is not something shes really going to deal with. The post of Mayor in any town or city is a figure head, thats it. The real power is with the councilors who vote on the local issues. Still as mayor he is very influential and uses that influence to try and better the city and sometimes the uk.
RE: Who is to blame for the Government Shutdown?
The Democrats are, they are asking for certain bits of policy to be changed from the hard stance its at right now. Personally I think its a tactic, the republicans can't complain. They did this to Obama in 2013. One side will have to back down eventually. Either trump will relax some of his hard line policies regarding immigration, national aid budget etc or the democrats will.
The democrats will have a chip on their shoulder, Trump on a couple of occasions has said he will "Make them" accept the budget. That was in relation to the Wall, but they wont forget that easy.
RE: Mental Health
I don't take meds, I suffered with depression in the past and I didn't want to take tablets for the rest of my life. I worked with my doctor to find a solution.
I go to the gym, I go running. Exercise is important and I found it helped a lot, when I was depressed I forced myself to go for a run or hit the gym and felt miles better after. (At the start I had help from friends and family who would get me out, some days I didnt even want to get out of bed) I also read up on something called "Mindfulness" which is all about perspective. These two combined has meant Ive not suffered with depression since starting that journey.
RE: Is being a gay person really special? I don’t think so.
that’s only my thoughts no offended to anyone and anything.
This forum is my only homosexual related forum, I have been here for years, I read lots of posts, there’s a strange and contradictory attitude for being gay. they said they are special to straights and the need equal rights. that sounds ridiculous, you separated yourself from folks ask for rights. I don’t think that’s really equality. there are many homosexual peoples in the world that’s the result of evolution. The only difference between gay and straight is fuck an ass or a pussy. there’s not big difference anymore. The final equality of sexual orientation is no special for all of orientations. no guilty or weaknesses for orientation.
I’m a gay but I don’t proud of it, just like no straight will announce there proud of sexual orientation.
My thoughts “no special, common rights”
As a community we separated ourselves to protect ourselves and surround ourselves by understanding people without having the never ending parade of ugly coming at you from a whole new kind of stupid. Have you ever been called a Fag, assumed to be a paedo because you like men or even beaten up? I have, I ended up in hospital for 13 weeks for being gay. You think we don't need equal rights? Basically you want us to go back to these dark times. (And news flash, they are not over, not fully.). Some Arabic countries the penalty for being gay is still death.
We are not saying we are Special little snowflakes. We are proud of where we have come from and the hardships we and those before us had to endure. We are not asking to be special, we are asking to be seen as equal and not penalized based on who we love.
I have fought for gay rights in my own country, and will continue to do so until I die. I suggest you look back at our history, we are not asking to be special we are asking for acceptance without exception. Huge difference.
I am proud to be gay, for me that is remembering the path we have taken to get to the freedoms you take for granted today.
Lets look at your country (Presuiming your flags correct)
Violence and discrimination against LGBT people in Mongolia are fairly common and often not reported to police. In 2001, a lesbian woman was raped, abducted and stabbed by two men. In 2009, an ultra-nationalist neo-Nazi group kidnapped three transgender women and sexually assaulted them. None of these crimes were reported to the police for fear of victimization. In February 2014, a gay man was sexually assaulted by a neo-Nazi group. Following public outcry from the LGBT community and civil society organizations, the Government of Mongolia announced in May 2014 that it would consider anti-discrimination legislation to protect LGBT people.
On 3 December 2015, the Mongolian Parliament adopted a new Criminal Code that prohibits discrimination, with the protected grounds including sexual orientation, gender identity and health status. In August 2017, the LGBT Centre began training more than 100 police officers on what hate crimes are and how to properly handle them. The Criminal Code's coming into force was planned for 1 September 2016, however, the newly elected Cabinet postponed the date to 1 July 2017.
If you think this is acceptable then I will just stop talking. I think everyone has the right to live without fear and intimidation regardless of race, sexual orientation etc.
RE: Am I the only one that resents this? LGBT?
I don't think anybody should be defined by their sexual urges.
Agreed, I am not a labels kind of person. However being gay is a label I am proud of.
What's next? The CSRR which are people that only like Chocolate, Strawberry, and Rocky Road ice cream?
Trying being the UK where you get fit into a category based on the brand of tea you drink.
My interest in MALES is a trivial aspect of who I am. But if labels must be applied, at least stick to GAY and not lump me in with lesbians and trannys. Frankly, almost all women are a tad lesbian.. so that is an absurd term. And trannys? Trannys are usually fucked up in the head and nasty.. don't lump me in with them, thanks.
Since trannies are almost all men who identify as women.. who are interested in men.. shouldn't trannies be lumped in with straight people? Yes they should! While we are at it.. bisexuals are by definition both straight and gay.. so why lump them in with the gay people?
Heres a new group they should make.. SWPT Straight, Womanizers, Pedophiles, Trans.
I am not sure if I should just sigh at this or roll up the newspaper. No, you are not labeled as a Lesbian or as trans. No one has ever said to me "Oh you are LGBT."
There are many reasons those letters are together, we shared a combined history and combined struggle. We are an inclusive community that don't discriminate based on sexual preference or gender.
Members of the Trans community should not be lumped in with a community that still fails to accept them to this day. The fact that you think members of the trans community are "fucked up in the head and nasty" actually shocks me. I have a few Trans friends and would not describe any of them that way. Perhaps if you took the time to get to know them you would understand them and would not be as ignorant.
I am sure straight men have said that about "Fags" before, "Don't class them as men and lump me in with them". I don't think you should exclude people who fight for the same rights and acceptance we do.
RE: Don't go to skoo u foo! It's racist!
Oh god, we quickly got onto Trump… quick someone change the subject...
RE: Do you ever watch straight porn? What about lesbian porn?
I am with you on that… there is a studio called something like Straight porn for gay eyes... focues more on the man.