'It’s just staggering to think he would be using this moment for his own personal ambitions'
Posts made by leeniedo
Rubio called 'shameful' by gay group for considering re-election post-Orlando
Trump Not Sure If He’ll Continue To Celebrate LGBT Pride At White House
‘Friend Of Gays’ Trump Not Sure If He’ll Continue To Celebrate LGBT Pride At White House
Democrats Stage Sit-In On House Floor Over Gun Bills
WASHINGTON — Democrats literally sat down on the floor of the House chamber on Wednesday — and forced the House into a temporary recess — as part of an effort to compel Republican leadership to vote on gun control legislation.
Yankees, Rockies Lay Rainbow Wreath On Home Plate To Honor Victims Of Orlando
A rainbow wreath was placed over home plate at Yankee Stadium by both managers before New York hosted the Colorado Rockies in remembrance of the Pulse night club shooting victims.
Watch This Activist Confront Bigoted FRC Mouthpiece Tony Perkins
She really didn't give him a chance to say anything but good on her for saying what she felt she needed to.
ACT UP Targets Donald Trump with Massive ‘Die-In’ at Trump Tower
The activist group ACT UP paid a visit to Donald Trump at Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York City yesterday, staging a gun control rally that featured a die-in on the sidewalk.
Racist, Vile Trump Supporter Goes Viral: ‘Go Cook My Burrito, Bitch
He must have given Trump the shirt off his back. I would love to understand why so much hatred in him. :crazy2:
Man claims to be Omar Mateen's ex lover committed Orlando shooting for revenge
Man claims to be Omar Mateen's ex lover, says he committed Orlando shooting for revenge
Church That Celebrated Orlando Massacre Is Getting Kicked Out By Landlord
The landlord of a California-based church whose pastor celebrated the Orlando massacre, has decided not to renew the church’s lease, and has asked church officials to consider moving.
RE: Vicious Series Finale
I believe you may also have claims to my first born.
Thank you so much.
You are welcome
First born would end up costing me money. Thanks for the offer though.
RE: Vicious Series Finale
I have access to it I'll see what I can do.
Here ya go.
RE: Gay Sex Scandal Involving Theology Students, Staffers Rocks Ireland’s Seminary
You might be on to something there.
Gay Sex Scandal Involving Theology Students, Staffers Rocks Ireland’s Seminary
Gay Sex Scandal Involving Theology Students, Staffers Rocks Ireland’s National Seminary.
New York Daily News Slams Senate Gun Vote With Bloodied Capitol Building
Senators who rejected modest gun controls voted “in favor of continued mass killings,” the paper says.
Michael Jackson Stockpiled Nude Images Of Children And Animal Torture
Michael Jackson Stockpiled Nude Images Of Children And Animal Torture, According To Police Report.
Frank Ocean Pens Emotional Response to Orlando Shooting
Frank Ocean has penned an emotional response to the Orlando shooting on his Tumblr page, which meditates on LGBT oppression and the suffering it causes.
RE: Donald Trump To Announce Advisory Board Of Anti-LGBT Religious Bigots
You would think that would be the case but even some people on here seem to be voting for him. Scary as that seems. :crazy2: