Bisexuality is a real thing. Some people like both genders. Irronically, the LGBT community is close-minded towards bisexuals. You'd think gay people of all people would understand the most, but nope. Bisexuals are often rejected by LGBT communities and told that they are selfish and just "can't decide" or are either "gay or straight".
Bisexual's have it hard because both the straight and LGBT community reject them and think they are simply being indecisive. It's ridiculous. Also, don't ever try to change a bisexual's orientation by trying to make them go completely gay. It won't work. Trying to do that is no different from a straight folk trying to make a gay man straight. Impossible. Sexuality isn't a choice. Bisexuality included. Some people like the opposite sex, some like the same sex, and some like both the opposite sex and the same sex. Nothing is wrong about that, and none of it a choice the person makes. They are born that way.