Most of the stuff, if not all, seems to be solved.
Posts made by kco
RE: Site messed up. Refreshing cache didnt restore web appearence. Even in private window i get errors everywhere.
RE: Site messed up. Refreshing cache didnt restore web appearence. Even in private window i get errors everywhere.
@lolove said in Site messed up. Refreshing cache didnt restore web appearence. Even in private window i get errors everywhere.:
Same here. But normal on Microsoft Edge.
Never happened to me, someone messed up with css styles, cause FF didn't update (sometimes its FF fault).
RE: Site messed up. Refreshing cache didnt restore web appearence. Even in private window i get errors everywhere.
I can't edit the original post, this is how torrents look like:
Site messed up. Refreshing cache didnt restore web appearence. Even in private window i get errors everywhere.
Some captures of how do I see the site, not only the menu is gone, but most assets are wrongly positioned. Private window (no cache). Firefox 135.0.1.
RE: Camshower ID please? (twunk used to do solo cams)
@ianfontinell-0 : Thank you! I found the answer some days ago by reverse looking the picture number to the aproximate posting date of the torrent, and afterwards looking for "cam" torrents around that date
Anyway yeah, the stuff is pretty old, who cares?
@raphjd : what I didn't find are exactly those videos in the shower -
RE: Camshower ID please? (twunk used to do solo cams)
I'm talking about this guy:
Camshower ID please? (twunk used to do solo cams)
I've seen this guy before, here but I don't know where these videos are from (torrent) or any ID if this guy.
Any info would be appreciated!
These are images 15721322 and 15721330 from GT btw.
RE: Uploading a JustForFans siterip
@wewe1221 can't visit the site
I'm not member of that tracker.
RE: AI Upscaled = 3d
@john32123666 by the time being your brain fills the gaps better than the reencoding: because is used to poor video content vs reality. Most old NTSC analog to digital converted video suck, but you fill the gaps among the noise and blur and chroma aberrations
You also don't mention the movement artifacts due to blocking "correction", invisible in video stills. For me its the worst part I haven't seen corrected yet.
As any other content if you don't like it don't download it, but Its true that, having the "original" video can lead to better reconstructions in the future, because most reconstruction levels can be achieved in real time (with a player) at this moment.
Current good AI reconstruction can lead to better overall experience in a lower size file, which is good.
RE: Uploading a JustForFans siterip
I know the techniques, whats underneath and their requirements. Thats why I doubt any porn site can afford such features.
Nevertheless, no one mentioned a single a site with such feature. After so many replies no one has.
Part of my point is:
If you had a site with such feature wouldn't you let your customers know? "don't try it, we can track you down"
Keep it secret it only increase the costs, because DCMA lets you take down distribution easily (and its cheap) without such techniques. If you do it its because you want to go up to courts in most cases, which are expensive (if you can reach the user) legal costs are bigger than the benefits in mosts sites.In the technical point of view my concerns are:
per user video reencoding requires a very expensive and complex infrastructure (economy of scale): you need to either: A) have a pool of encoded videos and associated with an user ID or B) real-time (or faster) reencode video for each user. Video is SOFTWARE ENCODED so its cpu bound.
If a user can download a video, be sure that the video was previously encoded unless the download speed its at the encoding phase. Do you understand the storage implications and costs?
If a user can't download a video (drm), speed is limited to real time, well maybe they have enough cpu power to encode all their userbase on real time, try to encode a 1440p video at 30fps with good old x264. But then videos come from "video capture" (software or hdmi) source, is that the case for justforfans?
AFAIK neither AMD or NVIDIA (I don't know about quicksync) hardware encoding apis allow such interference (addition in the workflow) for the protections mentioned (and others). Maybe in their "uber" expensive hardware encoders, I don't know.
It that case we have to evaluate the benefits/costs per "second" encoded/dowloaded/userpayment. It may be profitable, I can't tell. -
since the possibility of AI in the reencoding* process, most of those techniques vanish on the video "reconstruction".
(thats where the battle is right now).
I don't want to go any further, still looking for some sites.
RE: Uploading a JustForFans siterip
@NeroBlack said in Uploading a JustForFans siterip:
Hi, I wanted to know if justforfans marks their videos with some kind of sign with your ID
I don't really know if this is the appropiate place to post this, but I haven't found anything on the internet and I want to seed something that I personally downloaded without getting caught.Sorry for my english or phrasing, it isn't my first language
Ok, I wasn't clear enough.
lololulu19 is concerned about if his copy of the files have a watermark system, perceivable or not perceivable, which is UNIQUE for his user in that site.
i.e. each user of that site (when download a video) have a unique watermark that correlates the downloade files with their account.
Thus, if those files are uploaded or shared, the site may track down its origin up to his and only his account.The purpose is not to simply claim the ownership of the video, but to track down the user.
My question is, can you mention a porn site (or more) where two users (I presume must be not only registered, but paid subscriptions) donwload a copy of a file (image or video or audio) and each user obtain a different file personally watermaked file***?
To be clear also, I'm not talking on the site logo, text string visible on a corner, or exif information, silly watermark for copyright claims.
logo and text requires a reencoding for each user. hmmm "possible" solution (kind of weird, like the Englishlads one).
exif information can be removed without video manipulation so its a poor system, the most silly one. There are tens of programs made to right click a file and remove exif.Any other hidden strings or data distributed in the container can be removed by simply changing the container of the multimedia streams. Open avidemux, load a video, save an mp4 to mkv without reencoding, done. silly.
*** So only intra video or audio encoded techniques are left, something which is performed in the encoding time. And that is what I was talking about. I'm talking about most modern comercial watermark systems which require a manipulation in the time, color or frequency domain during encoding.
RE: "dissaperead torrents" reupload torrents not available when searching for them
@ianfontinell Thats what the client reports. Just to be clear, there is no way to know if its "dead" ok "killed" (by takedown) from the client side right? Because in that case, I simply will delete the torrents as you suggest.
"dissaperead torrents" reupload torrents not available when searching for them
I've some dead torrents which, when I look for the torrent in the tracker are not available anymore. I were available I would download the torrent and seed them from there.
I've got both, the torrent file AND the torrent "seeding" in the client.
Which are my options on those cases?
Can I simply reupload the torrent I've got? (how?)
Do I have to start from scratch loosing potential seeders? -
RE: Uploading a JustForFans siterip
Can anyone explicitly cite three or four porn sites which have implemented individual watermark tools for their videos?
f.e. The first interested in such a feature with the technology and the means (cash) to do it would be onlyfans...
maybe nextdoor or randyblue or any other big portal?
Probably english or german sites more concerned of these features? I only recall EL/FYM watermarking (visually) their pictures. -
RE: Reuploaded torrents appear as "downloaded" instead of "snatched". Not seeding.
@ianfontinell said in Reuploaded torrents appear as "downloaded" instead of "snatched". Not seeding.:
@kco When a torrent becomes unregistered it will still show the seeding status in utorrent and any other client. Some clients allow you to see which torrents have tracker errors so it's easier to keep track of unregistered torrents. If you download a torrent and it says it's already in your client's list, then it's the very same file, a clone. If that torrent says "seeding" inside the progress bar and the tracker reports the "working" status then everything is working as intended. If your torrents are just queued, then the tracker is never contacted and will not report the torrent status to the client. If you force resume a torrent and the tracker reports the "unregistered torrent" status, it's dead.
As long as the tracker status say "working" there's nothing wrong, everything's working as intended. If you think you're seeding torrents that have been artificially reuploaded (creating a new torrent file) without the actual torrent being dead, you can report it to the staff.
The status say "working" but I was affraid that my uploads might not be counting for the ratio because when I check that torrent, in the website's list "seeding torrents", does not appear in the list at all.
I've got many "case b" torrents. Where I'm seeding and trackers says "working" on my client, but do not appear in my "seeding torrents" list.I'm cheking them one by one.
RE: Reuploaded torrents appear as "downloaded" instead of "snatched". Not seeding.
@kco said in Reuploaded torrents appear as "downloaded" instead of "snatched". Not seeding.:
@john32123666 It seems I did not make myself clear.
One scenario:
Client --> the program in my computer: utorrent.exe or whatever.
Site --> the tracker, the server, the website showing trackers records. Not in my computer.In my client the torrent is ok. Appears completed, can be rechecked and appears ok. I can "force start" and everything is green. The scrapper information is:
http:// tracker. gaytorrent. tw:portunumber/whatever/announce
state: working
timer: (<30min)
seeds/clients/downloaded: number/0/0Ok, I come to the site (the tracker) in my browser, go up in my arrows, check my userdetails, click on "Show seeding torrents". I wait until the page is loaded.
I look for that torrent: The torrent is not in the list.
I search for the torrent on the tracker, instead of looking dark green (completed) appears:
case a)
light green (downloaded .torrent file but not completed)
case b)
"grey" (like I've never downloaded the .torrent file at all)This is the case for torrents not uploaded by me but downloaded as any other torrent some time ago. I haven't touched anything (neither .torrent or the downloaded files) after downloading them.
RE: Reuploaded torrents appear as "downloaded" instead of "snatched". Not seeding.
@john32123666 It seems I did not make myself clear.
One scenario:
Client --> the program in my computer: utorrent.exe or whatever.
Site --> the tracker, the server, the website showing trackers records. Not in my computer.In my client the torrent is ok. Appears completed, can be rechecked and appears ok. I can "force start" and everything is green. The scrapper information is:
http:// tracker. gaytorrent. tw:portunumber/whatever/announce
state: working
timer: (<30min)
seeds/clients/downloaded: number/0/0Ok, I come to the site (the tracker) in my browser, go up in my arrows, check my userdetails, click on "Show seeding torrents". I wait until the page is loaded.
I look for that torrent: The torrent is not in the list.
I search for the torrent on the tracker, instead of looking dark green (completed) appears:
case a)
light green (downloaded .torrent file but not completed)
case b)
"grey" (like I've never downloaded the .torrent file at all) -
RE: Reuploaded torrents appear as "downloaded" instead of "snatched". Not seeding.
@ianfontinell on the site i mean on this website. I click on my name, seeding/leeching and the torrrent is not there.
If I open this topic its because the procedure you mention is my usual procedure but I've noticed many old (several years) don't act that way, die in the tracker but appear active in my client.
Many torrents that appear green in my client, and the tracker as "working", appea dead on the site (0 seeds) or if someone reseeds it I'm not in the seed list: as I mentioned in my site user profile seed/leech list is not listed.
Reuploaded torrents appear as "downloaded" instead of "snatched". Not seeding.
I have some very old torrents active (seeding) that are usually "reuploaded". My current torrent appears in green in the client, but in the tracker search appears as "downloaded".
If I download the new (reuploaded) torrent again and add it to my client the client says "The torrent is already in the list of torrents do you want to load the trackers?"
I accept. After a few hours the torrent remains in the "downloaded" state instead of "snatched".If I check my seeding torrents in the site, is not in the seeding list.
Recent example:
"Pumping Muscle Marek"
RE: ID please? video only says "Dima"
@eddddd012779 Thats because there's only one dima
Athletic-Star, Athletic-Men, Teen-Muscle...