It is not an insinuated threat, it is a simple fact. Currently, older people who have shunned technology have paid for it because they may have been passed over for promotions and the like. Society will move forward with or without you. The world stops for no man. It is not that technology is inherently good or bad, unless you make it so. If you choose to shun technology, then that is your prerogative. That does not mean other will choose to do the same. People used to think that in vitro fertilization is playing God, now it is common place. Why do you think some adults are taking these "remedial" computer classes such as how to use Excel and Word? It is not because they really want to. It is because they need to do so in order to survive in the workplace. I reiterate, those who do not embrace it, will be left behind by it because it is an ever increasing part of society.