i dont like this colors together with the existing rest.. this would need a complete redesign of all colors.
for that, someone would need to edit the CSS and supply a complete new skinOK, let's see how it would look:
#FFD700 - "Show Freeleech torrents", "Freeleech!", The search header (Category, Name/Short, Description, Added, Size/Infos, Snatched S/L and Functions) and the Stars of Rating.
Non-downloaded: Okay, keep it up!
Downloaded, but not completed: #99FF99
Completed: #00b300I will make an icon for Replaces "Wish List", it will be colorless and when clicking, it will be colored and I will make an icon for the Download shortcut too.
im not a fan of this either.. but judge yourself. those colors bite me if they would maybe 0.5 alpha… ?
The new design is inefficient to use and difficult to read.
This is really poor UI design. I chose the older interface because it is much more efficient and easier to use. Please do not automatically revert me.
I appreciate the effort, but UI is not this site's problem. Poor torrent retention, overly rapid deletion of popular torrents, and overly slow deletion of torrents containing malware are all much, much more serious problems.
Some very popular sites have interfaces that look like they were designed twenty years ago. The older UI is not a problem.
Thanks for your detailed feedback. You've been heard.
you will get reverted some more times the next days or weeks until there is no way back to the "old" and "more efficient" or "not so poorly made" layout. If you don't like that, i suggest leaving (for at least some weeks) and get used to it, what you gonna find after it. :blind:
don't get me wrong, but the future gonna happen. And some of it you might not like !