Really? There was more?
I actually want to know what Kevin does with the straight boys before he found Joaquin.
Really? There was more?
I actually want to know what Kevin does with the straight boys before he found Joaquin.
Man, that movie was pretty bad. Poor Wesley Snipes for doing it. It was so weak. Dumb acting, silly special effects. B movie awful, hehe
But two pretty boys got shirtless. The lead had a hairy chest but it was the douche guy played by Niko Pepaj who was ripped for the scene. Turned out he was a guy Connor Walsh seduced in an ep of How to Get Away with Murder where Connor did something to his ass that made his eyes water, hehe
Saw the reunion. They totally went for each other! What the hell?! The fan favorite part was awful! And Nina didn't go in her trademark breasts, haha
Balthazar Bratt is the best villain ever, with his moves and 80's attacks. Shame there wasn't too much of since the twin brother thing was happening.
Gru's mom has two muscle men in Speedos lounging around. You can see one in the clap your hands trailer.
Good movie but too many things stuck into it. The minions didn't do anything, sorta.
The bearded back up dancers was pretty fine. Doesn't move manly enough to be a Pit Crew guy tho.
Sasha makes Manila Luzon faces, haha. All the queens during the performance were really good.
The lipsync was pretty amazing.
Do they ask if you're effeminate or not? Maybe they have a preference.
Yeah, it's kinda easier to hook up in a bath house or sauna but also risky.
Man, I need to work out again.
Gayest Ball ever. Rainbow looks were nice. Unicorns… They all had hooves. Weird. Disappointed with the village people look cuz, well, I expected butch, haha. Sasha's red was boring, I dunno why they liked it. I like Trinity's rainbow too but perhaps it's cuz she does an enthusiastic runaway.
Glad she's gone but pretty happy she went down fighting. She fought during the lip sync.
Four left!
It's the start of a new Dark Universe, a movie monster franchise. I'd prefer if it wasn't Cruise heading it tho, geez.
He gets naked but covered by a table (I think it's shown in the trailer) and there's some hot Egyptians in the flashbacks. Russel Crowe is there if you like him.
It's an action adventure over horror and it's pretty funny. I rather like it well enough but I'd prefer another leading man over Cruise.
I'm not Australian but I had sex with a vicious Australian bottom several times before. Hehe
Yes, Chris Pine as Steve Trevor gets naked, like only covering his crotch naked. No butt shot tho. He's not super ripped and abs y but he's fit.
Some random guys in uniform but no one else sexualized.
It's a great movie. No extra scene. Would love to discuss here if anyone feels inclined.
From the latest ep, Rizzo is unfairly cute! I didn't want him to shave the stubble. Duncan was hottie dad too. But Wintergreen was just a fabulous man! He was great.
Alexis shouldn't have been safe, I swear. And I'm sad the lip sync a have been mostly queens giving up this season
I think they're fiber pills?
Just take psyllium fiber, either as capsule or table spoon with every meal until you're poops are nice and solid so they come out intact and don't leave residual stuff.
Why hasn't Doctor Who been mentioned yet? Start at season 9 for the reboot. Helmed by Russel T Davies, creator of Queer as Folk.
Torchwood was good too, of course. With gay guys being more prominent.
Matt Smith was the sexier Doctor as the 11th but I didn't like his season as much as I liked David Tennant's as the 10th.
12th as Capaldi is… ok. Pink the teacher is kinda hot. The new companion is suppose to be a lesbian.
My take here is: has there been a popstar whose 'use' of the gay community has resulted in something negative?
There's the gay friendly folks and there's the guys who pander to the gay community by showing skin or doing gay teasing stuff but, how has it impacted the gay community in a negative way?
Was there a music video that showed the 'evils' of gay folks?
I don't follow Elton John so I don't know what impact he has. George Michael had that incident happen but he did that Outside music video. But what's the backlash?
I actually like Dead Men Tell No Tales aka Salazar's Revenge. See it for a conclusion.
Yes, Orlando Bloom's son is a slim pretty boy but no shirtless here. The guy playing the young Jack Sparrow is really pretty, if you're into that.
Some guys like Javier Bardem. Here, he's just creepy.
There's a shirtless guy during the double death hanging and head cut scene. Caught my eye.
The guys here are too dirty to be attractive to me. The red coat are jerks, even if clean.
There's an extra scene at the very end of the credits.
It was so awful for Valentina, she totally wasnt prepared. She can't blame anyone else tho.
The pilots were ok but could have been better. Just so happy to see the pit crew, hehe
Loved the episode runaway and the TV pilots but the lipsync, OMG! What the hell?!? No way!!!
Christian Powers. Big buff bottom but just lies there and takes it.