I was so afraid everyone would turn on me or to stop talking to me… I chose someone important enough to tell her but not that much so if she did, I wouldn't be broken about it... I told her in english cause it felt easier (my mother tongue is spanish) and she asked me to tell her in spanish, so I took a deep breath, say "I'm gay" in spanish and then cried my eyes out... everything was fine I was just so emotional... so after that I chose to come out to my sister, kind of the same thing happened, everything cool.
Things changed a little bit with my mother, she was the one crying, cause she didn't want people to criticize me or make fun of me and stuff so I told her "you're 20 years late... that has already happened and I'm still here!" she took a while to let it sink (she would let me touch her the first week after I came out) but everything turned out fine and we are very close now