China wants control of the region, they won't get it. Russia doesn't want China to have control of the region.
Maybe China will enslave India and Pakistan next. They are easy targets.
China wants control of the region, they won't get it. Russia doesn't want China to have control of the region.
Maybe China will enslave India and Pakistan next. They are easy targets.
I don't think Jong Un is going anywhere. This whole thing is just a case of two men with really tiny penises showing off their missiles.
Let's say we do take out Jong Un. What happens then? Anyone know?
Too many variables… but my best guess would be the UN would move in.. and a coalition of China, Russia, Japan, South Korea would give aid.. and eventually elections would be held.
It all depends on how much China will stick their neck out for NK.
I think you will find that Kim Jung Un will be gone very soon. Seems to me that I heard Kim Jun Un say he will be launching 4 missiles at Guam within 2 weeks.. and Trump has said basically if that happens, that will be the end of Kim Jung Un. It's sort of like a game of "chicken" Neither Cum Dung nor Trump back down.
It doesn't surprise me that your are confounded by something so trivial.
It doesn't surprise me that your red reputation line is growing faster than any other moonbat on this site.
It does surprise me that a person who gets a thumbs down on almost every one of his posts can possibly have a high reputation. It's almost as if you have multiple accounts or something.
I don't get thumbed down anymore. Sutieday realized he was wasting his time.
Other than erasing one's bad ratio, I can not think of any advantage to having multiple accounts. My ratio and everything else is fantastic.
There was someone recently posting with multiple accounts.. and if you notice.. he's gone. They have some very powerful software to detect multiple accounts. Many years ago I lost an account over a proxy issue.. which LOOKED like I was breaking the rules when in fact I was not. They have since fixed the system to recognize proxys.
Zuckerberg has already set up his estate so that most of his fortune will be given away when he dies. A Trump would never do that….
So basically, fuck those that need help now.
I see how that's moral. [/end sarcasm]
Zuckerberg has literally changed the world for the better. A Trump will never be able to say that. How much is Trump giving away when he dies?
Zuckerberg is a terrorist. To you that is improving the world. Trump is doing a fantastic job… stock market has gone from 17,500 at midnight on election day to record highs of over 22,000 Syria is under control, Afghanistan is under control, Iraq is under control, ISIS is under control. Hopefully he will solve those problems soon.. instead of Sheik Obama feeding into those problems and making them worse. Also, Trump is the first president to tell North Korea that their game of extortion and blackmail is OVER.
Zuckerberg will probably be bankrupt and/or in prison by the time he dies.
Zuckerberg has already set up his estate so that most of his fortune will be given away when he dies. A Trump would never do that….
So basically, fuck those that need help now.
I see how that's moral. [/end sarcasm]
Zuckerberg has literally changed the world for the better. A Trump will never be able to say that. How much is Trump giving away when he dies?
AH, he's god because he hates free speech. ok. :blink:
Did you know he tried, and mostly succeeded, in fucking over the real inventors of FB?
Bill Gates did a similar thing with DOS.
Mark Zuckerberg has stated that his biggest regret was to ever make Facebook "open" to begin with. He's ended that. Facebook was created by two identical twins and Zuckerberg - a 3 way partnership. Zuckerberg conned, lied, and deceived the twins about the value of the company, and bought out their 2/3 of the company for $50 million. 6 months later, the company was valued at $6 billion - which is over 100 times more than he gave those twins! A 10,000% profit in 6 months isn't bad!
Bill Gates bought / plagiarized DOS from IBM for $50,000 Gates has been a lifelong crook and conman. He is allowed to have a monopoly because he puts backdoors into Microsoft Windows which is running on most computers worldwide.. giving the US access to those computers.
Always amazed when these slow people think privately owned social media platforms are free speech zones. Do they never read the TOS?
That's your answer to everything negative said about Facebook.
Maybe you should try keeping on topic.
Would you be butt hurt if I put you on mute? I bet you would and you'd be screaming about free speech.
I bet the two people who said they would vote for Zuckerberg are cowards and will not identify themselves. So much for free speech! They have it, and won't use it to expose what morons they are. It's just like people who go burning crosses while wearing hoods to conceal their identities. Meanwhile, when someone like me actually speaks up, Facebook silences me with no warning, no explanation, and no chance to appeal. It USED to be that Facebook would silence someone for a few hours, then a day, then a few days, then a week, etc. That routine is over.. now they just shoot first, terminate the account, and don't bother to ask questions later.
One of those Yes votes belongs to me. If you don't want people to be anonymous why do you post an anonymous poll? Clearly this is a conspiracy by the owners of this site to shut down free speech!!! Just look at how many times YOU have been placed on warning in these forums.
If you don't like the rules of Facebook you have a choice. Close your account. Go start your own social media site where you can write the rules yourself. That's the great thing about America.
At least you had the balls to admit your support of Zuckerberg… you won't see Shamu do that.
Believe me.. after that 5 year (so far) case is over with, I will never use Facebook again. I am forced to keep it right now, because I have over 60,000 pages of messages (over 3 million characters of text) tied up with it. It was necessary. The case goes back 17 years when the person who was framed for this murder began to be trolled and attacked. The attacks were not working, so 12 years later, the attacks on this guy snowballed into a murder. There are alternatives to facebook. One of them is VK.RU which is almost a clone of facebook. When that case is over with, my next case will be doing everything I can to sever the balls off of facebook (as if they have any).
As for warnings, I've had two. The reason for them is because of mega moonbat complaints. If I ever complained about you, you would get a warning as well. There is something worse than a warning.. and that is disappearing. Haven't you noticed that moonbats have been vanishing? It's not because I have been reporting them, because I have not. They have imploded and destroyed themselves.
Today Trump had a phone call with Chinese President Xi about having North Korea ending it's nuclear and missile programs, and to stop making threats.
Does anybody think there is any chance at all of Kim Jung Un ending his threats, missile program and nuclear program?
The chances of that are ZERO.
If China REALLY wanted to solve the problem, all they would have to do is stop propping up NK with cash and trade. China is probably where NK gets their missile and nuclear technology anyway. It would be interesting to see North Korea threaten to nuke China and see what kind of reaction that gets from China.
Feminists aren't after equality, just the good stuff.
As everyone should know, I'm a local councillor. In my area we have 159 sanitation workers (street cleaners, garbage collectors, etc). Except for the 2 women in admin, everyone is male. There is no feminist screams for a 50/50 gender split, like there is for the "good" jobs in the council. Council admin is 80+% women, but again, there are no calls for a 50/50 gender split.
I think as a councilor, you should point out that women make 90 cents for every dollar a man makes, and introduce a policy of equal pay for equal work. It is OUTRAGEOUS that women earn 90 cents for every dollar a man makes! They should be getting about 50 cents for every dollar a man makes. You would not believe how many offices I've done computer work for in which the women sit at their computers playing solitare, hearts, and tetris.
Yes, congratulations on your GAYtorrent forums reputation bars. There is one thing you have to put on your CV.
You have disdain for GAYS? Perhaps you should not have an account here. After all, in your country, they stone gays to death. You also do things such as disfigure the faces of females with acid, and get away with it!
Gay people happen to be more intelligent than the general population, and in most cases more tolerant. It's ironic that trans people are not that tolerant. It must be part of pretending to be female that they feel they must behave like bitches full of hellfire.
Always amazed when these slow people think privately owned social media platforms are free speech zones. Do they never read the TOS?
That's your answer to everything negative said about Facebook.
Maybe you should try keeping on topic.
Would you be butt hurt if I put you on mute? I bet you would and you'd be screaming about free speech.
I bet the two people who said they would vote for Zuckerberg are cowards and will not identify themselves. So much for free speech! They have it, and won't use it to expose what morons they are. It's just like people who go burning crosses while wearing hoods to conceal their identities. Meanwhile, when someone like me actually speaks up, Facebook silences me with no warning, no explanation, and no chance to appeal. It USED to be that Facebook would silence someone for a few hours, then a day, then a few days, then a week, etc. That routine is over.. now they just shoot first, terminate the account, and don't bother to ask questions later.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
On one hand these losers complain when FB takes down their conservative hate speech and fake news, delusionally thinking that FB is a free speech zone. On the other, they want government to step in and censor them. Typical fucked in the head fascists.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Ever notice that assholes fill their comments with things like LOL and Laughs? It's like they are their own laugh track.
As far as FB taking down hate speech and fake news. While I despise hate speech and fake news, they have no business taking it down. That is called censorship. What I do mind is them disabling my account. There was no hate speech nor fake news on my account. It does not really matter. I have been working on a case for 5 years mainly via Facebook. Facebook has disabled my account resulting in an innocent person being stuck in prison for 5 years. Facebook will pay dearly for that when the time is right.
Oh, let me guess, you think it's OK that an innocent person rots away in prison? I got the confession from the person that did the crime in a private message on Facebook - but I can't access it now. At the time I got the confession, I did not know the IDENTITY of the person of the person who was confessing. A few months later, the man who confessed committed suicide. It gets further complicated, but that is the basic issue.
I suppose you think that is funny. I'd like to see how much you would laugh if your ass was stuck in prison. Well, perhaps there are things worse than being in prison, you live in India. I have a question.. with all that curry you eat, do the walls of your house turn red and smell like curry when it rains? Since the bricks of your home are made from human feces, I suppose this must be true.
Two different quasi-celebrities were recently bashing Trump on Twitter.
I went on Twitter and posted on their pages, "Who did you vote for in the 2016 election?"
So far, there have been 54 people responding. Not ONE of them answered the question! Most of them said "anybody would be better than Trump". I asked the question in a very simple way to box them in. Obviously, the only two candidates that had any chance to win were Trump and Clinton. Those 54 people all hate Trump, yet.. not ONE of them would say they voted for Clinton! I'm sure they did, but they don't dare admit it, because it is impossible to defend Clinton.
Keep in mind that Trump is not a politician. He has stated many times that he never sought to run for office, and would only do so if there were no other viable candidates. Were there any other viable candidates? NO!
They are like back seat drivers - like my grandmother was.. she never drove a car in her life, but she criticized the driving of everybody. They are also like armchair quarterbacks in which people who lack any aptitude of their own, tell those that do what they did wrong.
Let's go back to the very title of this group.. "POLITICAL DEBATE" These moonbats go on and on attacking Trump and his actions and policies, but they support no one. Some like aadam101 has his OWN ideas of some things that should be done, but I'm not aware that he supports anybody. I think he likes Bernie Sander's view on Healthcare, but he doesn't endorse Bernie Sanders otherwise. A few of Bernie's disasters: he mysteriously got money to buy a $600,000 house days after endorsing Hillary Clinton; Bernie's wife is a massive crook - and that saga is still brewing; his $15 / hour minimum wage plan was insane; his free college plan was also insane.
Always amazed when these slow people think privately owned social media platforms are free speech zones. Do they never read the TOS?
Actually.. Facebook is not privately owned. It is a publicly traded company.
Regardless of that, there are things called "laws" which must be adhered to whether or not a company is privately owned or not.
And no.. only someone who is very weird spends hours reading over the TOS.
In fact, there are two major issues with the TOS of Facebook. For instance, in my case, the TOS changed considerably AFTER I had signed up.. making certain things about my account in violations of their NEW TOS. Whose fault is that? Sometime in 2013, Facebook was sued, and lost, and were forced to make changes to their TOS to be less restrictive. However, someone didn't get the memo because they continue to apply the TOS rules that they were forced to change.. but still use.
I find it fascinating that moonbats will stand on their heads to defend flagrant criminals such as Facebook and Hillary.
It doesn't surprise me that your are confounded by something so trivial.
It doesn't surprise me that your red reputation line is growing faster than any other moonbat on this site.
It confounds me how women want to be treated as equals with credibility… and at the same time, on TV.. female broadcasters are all wearing earrings, necklaces, long bleached blonde hair, black raccoon eyelinered eyes, hooker glossy red/pink lipstick, and have there legs sticking out of tight thigh length skirts.
Nobody ever saw Walter Cronkite's legs!
I think this is quite disturbing…
Sundar Pichai and Satya Nadella are two guys from India... never heard of them?
Sundar Pichai is the CEO of Google.. and Satya Nadella is the CEO of Microsoft!
Google employees are currently worried that if they say anything that offends moonbats, they will get fired.
It's long been believed that KJU shot to the top because he was China's choice to take over when the dad died. He was known as a buffoon and suddenly he's his father's choice to run the country? China likes that he can be so easy to manipulate, rather than being a leader in his own right.
It's pretty obvious that North Korea is being used as a pawn against the USA. I can't think of a good reason WHY China is doing this.
Perhaps China is trying to force the USA to be nice to them.. or else they will unleash their nasty attack dog - North Korea.
China is a fairly unique country is that they have NO morals, and only do what is in their best interest. People forget that China has threatened to destroy the USA within the last 10 years. I tried researching this, but unfortunately the internet is so bogged down with bullshit (thanks alot moonbats) that research has become extremely difficult. Also, when doing research, the news of the day floods the hits.. making stories from years ago getting buried where they are nearly impossible to find.
I think China does not want to, nor will they ever force North Korea to behave. In fact, I think China will continue to do quite the opposite.
It's come to the point now that stopping North Korea is inevitable. Perhaps it is time to call China's veiled bluff, and attack North Korea. I would add that China has not fared well in history. They have enough trouble keeping control of their OWN people - which is why they can only survive with a communist dictatorship. I do know a bit about history. In particular, in WW2, tiny Japan dominated the Pacific region, and China was no match for them. Japan lacks real estate.. perhaps they would like to rule over the land of North Korea - perhaps as an ally of South Korea. Let's not forget about China's endless disputes with Taiwan and Tibet and Mongolia.
The question is.. would China really defend North Korea? I suspect the answer to that is… NO.
China is not stupid, nor are they crazy. They do what benefits themselves, and they have no "honor" nor morals. Just look at the way they treat their OWN people. They still have monuments of that monster Mao Tse Dung all over China.
One more point... The USA owes China $1.1 trillion. If China were to defend NK by attacking the USA.. the USA could simply tell China to forget about ever getting that $1.1 trillion back.
Meanwhile.. moonbats are flooding the news with 10 year old clips of Trump at Wrestlemania... or on the god given right for old men to go potty in the same room used by girls. (I'm not sure about this.. but I think in prisons, they stick trans people in with the men - or in solitary).
China says it will defend North Korea if the USA attacks first, and they will not allow the regime of Kim Jung Un to be overthrown.
What do they consider to be justification for attacking North Korea? Nuking NYC?
Why would China want to keep Kim Jung Un?
It seems to me like China is acting as if it is one in the same as North Korea, and that Kim Jung Un is their puppet to provoke and test the USA.
Gee, I wonder where NK gets all its money and technology from….
I was just recalling yesterday how it was impossible to defeat NK in the Korean War.. it was because China was backing them up.
Maybe the thing to do is hold China responsible for North Korea...and instead of wasting time with sanctions on NK.. but sanctions on China.
Would China dare to piss off the USA in a big way? China's economy is fed by the USA.
Strangely.. the media are ignoring the fact that China is backing up North Korea.
I just wish I didn't have to deal with their call centers.
I get an average of about 10 unwanted calls per day from telemarketers in India and Arizona (Tempe and Phoenix). They even autodial to test to see if the phone gets answered. What boggles my mind is.. it is almost always the same people calling. I recognize the voices. They don't care that they are not going to make a sale. I suppose they occasionally get ahold of someone with alzheimers / dementia who gives them their credit card number or bank rounting numbers and they make up for their wasted time with a few gold mines.
A new thing with indian call centers is that they are being used in fast food drive-in joints. It used to be that when you went to a Wendy's drive-in, you were talking to someone inside the restaurant. No more.. now you are talking to someone in a warehouse full of cubicles with dot headed ding dongs who are speaking to you via the internet through the speaker.
I feel like saying to them "don't you people worship cattle as being sacred?" and when they say "yes", then I would say.. I'll have four double cheeseburgers.. two of them rare. I will feed those two to my dogs.
Interesting, that fact that the UK gives welfare to the 'untouchables' even to this day.
I don't know why.. but I have a guess. Muslims and Hindus are heavily invested in England, especially London. The mayor of London is currently a muslim. Virtually all the small shops are owned by muslims, a lot of the department stores and hostels are also.