Several decades ago, there actually was real news which people would access via ABC, NBC, or CBS on television, and in PRINT in their local newspapers. The fake news was pretty much limited to "The National Enquirer" sold at the checkouts of supermarkets. The Enquirer perfected the art of cherry picking news stories and celebrities and writing up fictionalized / sensationalized versions of the stories - complete with doctored images.
Then, cable TV exploded, and instead of just 3 tv news outlets with a half hour of real news per night.. you have a deluge of TV news running 24 hours a day. Hmm.. how do you fill 24 hours of news broadcasting when you used to only have half an hour.. and also compete with a dozen other 24 hour news services? I suppose that would force them to embellish the real news quite a bit, and dredge up stories and CREATE news, and comment on the news, rather than just report the news. What a disaster!
As far as newspapers go.. it used to be that practically everybody had a subscription to their local newspaper, and actually read it. Now, only a small fraction of people subscribe to their local newspaper, and even those that do rarely read it, and why should they when they have all the news that is the news - and isn't the news - running 24/7?
This is not unlike the situation in England, in which the infamous "Fleet Street" has been inundated with competing "news" periodicals for a LONG LONG time. They compete by having the most salacious and outrageous headlines. Truth is too boring.. so forget about that. They even put blatant topless photos of women in their newspapers and make no apologies for it. Why anybody would want to look at naked women is beyond my comprehension, but apparently some people like that.
So, news is dead. That requires people to actually turn their brains on and filter out the fake news from the real news. Unfortunately, most people are not capable of doing that!
There really should be laws, that are enforced, about publishing or broadcasting lies. There are laws that cover libel, defamation, and slander.. but those laws are almost never enforced. It's like speed limit laws which are rarely enforced. Since virtually everybody drives well over the speed limit, those laws mean little or nothing. Unless you are going at least 20% over the speed limit in a residential area, the odds of getting a speeding ticket are very low. If they ever started enforcing the libel, defamation, slander laws, they would have to build 10 times as many jails and courts. Unless a crime is CRIMINAL, you can't get anything done unless you have deep pockets and go hire a lawyer to waste his time trying to sue someone in a civil matter.