This is 30 minutes of the press release from Arpaio showing the "9 points of forgery" behind the birth certificate on 12/15/16. I know that's too long for you ADD liberals who don't want to hear the Truth. I'm not sure why I'm posting this - because you guys obviously pretended it didn't exist the first time. You vanish every time facts are presented. They have presented the evidence, it took five years to discover, and it is clear as day. They asked experts from all over the world help with this.
Youtube Video
Not ONE single liberal has tried to argue about this - instead they just scream RACIST!!! Liberals don't know how to be objective or rational. They found the birth certificate of the person he copied it from, and the lead investigator was actually a democrat who supported Obama, and just did this because he wanted to prove it wasn't True. But to his utter dismay and shock - he presents the 9 points of forgery and explains exactly how it was done. THIS is the main reason Arpaio was convicted.
I'd like to ask which one of the 9 points of forgery discovered you think are wrong and why. Otherwise, you have no standing and I am certain you will not answer - and as per usual, vanish due to the inconvenience that factual information has on your false narrative / world view / feelings.
History will show that Obama's birth certificate was a forgery. That is why moonbats hate history.
These four links both corroborate and add to what you posted:
Youtube Video
Youtube Video
Youtube Video
Youtube Video
UPDATE: I have analyzed the birth certificate.. and the conclusion is that the certificate itself is not what the Obama government said it was. I avoid OPINIONS like the plague, because people stick to their opinions and it is futile to waste time debating opinions. I stick to absolute facts. There are a lot of controversial opinions about the digital "layers" of the document. The reason there are layers is that the document has been digitally processed to create a small file - and in the process, producing layers - and losing the uniqueness of the document. Processing the image created patterns and layers. The Obama government said that the image was a "FLAT" image, which means no layers, and that it was not digitally converted / processed. That image of the certificate is ABSOLUTELY 100% NO DOUBT digitally processed - contrary to what Obama said. One might ask WHY? And WHY did he LIE about it being processed? Where is the original piece of paper of this certificate? Who has it? Why was it never produced? Oh wait, I forget.. the woman that certified that it was authentic mysteriously died a year after certifying it.. being the only one who died in a plane crash in which the other 20 people had no significant injuries.
As for the "angles" of the dates, they ARE an exact match for that other birth certificate, however, since were about 9000 certificates between those two.. finding two with the same angles is not unusual.
What is much more valid is the FACT that Obama did not even produce a birth certificate until 1.5 years AFTER he was elected.
Obama was raised in islamic Indonesia by a prominent muslim cleric until the age of 13.
Obama's own half brother produced an ACTUAL birth certificate on paper from KENYA.. not a digital image. The Kenyan birth certificate of Obama has an EMBOSSED seal on it.
Here's a fact that got totally ignored.. while in college.. Obama ADMITTED to using cocaine - rather than have other people reveal that for him. Excuse me, but using cocaine is a felony… which makes him ineligible to practice law.. so should have been disbarred. And he sure should never have been president.
Obama's closest pal and mentor was a known terrorist, whom he only distanced himself from when he decided to run for president.
Obama's presidency was a total failure, he did not fulfill any of his promises. He didn't get the troops out of anywhere.. and wars re-ignited rather than faded away.. and we now have Obama's baby - ISIS! I supposed Obama would like to take credit for same-sex marriages - but that wasn't due to him.. he just jumped on the bandwagon after several states individually make same-sex marriages legal.
The bottom line.. Obama should never have been elected. His candidacy and presidency was a lie and a fraud. He did nothing to make the county better for anybody - including blacks. Those confederate statues were all sitting there on their pedestals during the entire presidency of Obama.. Obama did nothing about it. Suddenly when TRUMP is president, those statues are a problem!