Angela Merkel says the Iran deal is a model for solving the North Korean nuke problem.
Really? What is generally regarded as being the worst deal ever made is a model for solving a problem?
I guess what the USA should do is pay North Korea $100 billion per year as extortion to stop threatening the USA, South Korea, Guam, and Japan.
Posts made by Frederick
Germany's Angela Merkel is insane
RE: Liberals HATE Trump Visiting Hurricane Victims - and him Donating $1M Dollars!
They are pieces of feces.
CNN is pushing the idea that the only way to appease NK is to treat them with respect as if they were equals.
That is a bit difficult, considering that the economy of the USA is 1000 times that of NK. -
RE: Could a new political party be on the way?
He's a loser trying still. We know him. He will never succeed, only deceive.
One of the worst things Trump ever did was seriously consider Kasich to be vice-president.
RE: Liberals HATE Trump Visiting Hurricane Victims - and him Donating $1M Dollars!
They just can't stand him being charitable and comforting people.
CNN is not covering Trump giving out aid at all. They are 100% fixated on North Korea, and insisting that the only solution is to ask North Korea to stop. They are blaming Trump for causing NK to test an H-bomb and ICBMs.
North Korea just tested an H-Bomb today.. 10 times more powerful than before
Just when is Trump supposed to stop turning the other cheek?
It's also curious where North Korea is getting all the nuclear material and technology from.. and where their scientists are being educated. Hmm…
RE: Could a new political party be on the way?
This is only because the democrats committed suicide. Kasich is starting a "unity" ticket. They will join some other liberal cause, but it will be no different.
I don't know why Kasich thinks he ever had a chance of winning the election.. but he does. He HATES Trum.
RE: Politics is causing the death of fun as we know it
Hi Frederick. I like your second screen name.
How many times is it that you have vowed to never post again?
I see you have learned nothing. You are still making stupid comments that are false. -
RE: California politics updates: Today's the day bills live or die in Sacramento
A ballot initiative proposed Friday would allow California consumers to know what personal information businesses are collecting from them, what they do with it — and to who they are selling it.
Backers of the initiative, dubbed the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, are aiming for a spot on the November 2018 statewide ballot. The measure would establish a consumer's right to request that a business disclose what categories of personal data it gathers, and to say no to the sale of any of that information without fear of losing services or facing discrimination.
It would require businesses to make those disclosures free of charge within 30 days.
Robin Swanson, a general consultant for the measure, says it would "give Californians more control over what personal information is shared."
The proposed ballot initiative, led by Mary Ross, president of Californians for Consumer Privacy, comes several months after President Trump signed into law a repeal of privacy regulations limiting what broadband providers can do with customer data.
This is great.. and it would create a massive problem for Facebook.
One thing though.. although Trump did repeal a privacy regulations.. that is not quite what it seems. The existing regulations were unfair. The existing regulations restricted everybody with a few exceptions - most notably FACEBOOK. Those regulations were crap, so Trump nuked them. Now, because the dysfunctional restrictions are gone… NEW restrictions can be made that INCLUDE Facebook!
Restrictions that don't include Facebook are meaningless.. which is why Trump nuked them. He won't nuke the restrictions that include the fake news propagators.
RE: Could a new political party be on the way?
Whispers of collaboration waft through the air. Rumours of a new political entity emerging into the light. Stories of politicians ready to cast aside tribal instinct and join something new.
But that is quite enough about the political intrigue in Germany where, weeks before the general election, there is no doubt breathless discussion in the cafes near the Bundestag about who Angela Merkel may end up working with if she's returned as chancellor again.
I talk of the occasional chat here, among those who describe themselves as forced to sleep on the political streets: homeless in the era of Brexit and Jeremy Corbyn.3rd parties (and 4th, 5th) have historically had little or no impact on the 2 major parties. Parliamentary governments tend to have multiple parties. In the USA, there has recently been the tea party and the independent Ross Perot. It could be argued that if Ross Perot had not run as an independent, George Bush Sr. would have defeated Bill Clinton. Neither of the Bush presidents were very good presidents - so no big loss. It's difficult to evaluate a president until they are out of office. It's becoming more obvious by the day that Sheik Obama was probably the worst president of all time. The reason for that is Obama's goal was to "Make America 2nd Rate Again". In that regard, Obama almost succeeded.
RE: The Atlantic Politics & Policy Daily: Dear Jim
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly examining a draft letter written by President Trump enumerating his reasons for firing former FBI Director James Comey. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Trump will make an announcement on DACA, the Obama-era program offering protections for young undocumented immigrants, on Tuesday. Meteorologists are tracking Hurricane Irma, a storm brewing in the eastern Atlantic ocean that became a Category 3 hurricane on Thursday. Trump is expected to visit Texas and Louisiana on Saturday, his second visit to the flood-ravaged region this week. The U.S. economy added 156,000 jobs in August, and the unemployment rate increased slightly to 4.4 percent.
I wonder how Herr Mueller got his hands on a DRAFT of a letter. Also, a draft letter has little or no relevance. I also wonder how it got reported that Mueller got his hands on a DRAFT of a letter.
That's a good wrap up of the current events in the USA. Irma is unusual in that it has developed into a very powerful hurricane prematurely. Nobody has any idea what it's ultimate path will be yet.Something else occurs to me.. presidents rarely write their own letters or speeches. They have someone else write them, and they are told what to include in them. The president then edits it and it goes back and forth.
What bothers me is that someone at the justice department.. probably Rosenstien.. gave Mueller that irrelevant draft letter. -
RE: Scientololgy scam - getting tax exempt status by claiming to be a church
Ah, the old grocer's apostrophe!
it's members
'its' there is a possessive not a contraction. But then I'm sure you knew that
Your comments are loaded with grammatical errors.
If you were literate, you would have said " ITS ' is the possessive form whereas ' IT'S ' is a contraction, but then I'm sure you knew that. : )"You have two fragmented sentences, incorrect capitalization, and incorrect punctuation. I only mention this because I'm not sure you knew that. : )
Scientololgy scam - getting tax exempt status by claiming to be a church
Name one church of any kind that requires its members to pay for courses. That would be Scientology.
Although the cost is relative to your income, the CHEAPEST you can complete their courses for is about $250,000How is it possible for an organization to both be commercial and very profitable.. while also enjoying tax exempt status?
Lock her up!.. and Comey too!
Don't go telling a lie..especially to the FBI
Youtube Video -
RE: Brand NEW Aug 31, 2017 - Hillary is in BIG TROUBLE!
More evidence that Comey not only planned to exonerate Clinton BEFORE the investigation had even examined the 17 witnesses, he also ordered the FBI to allow several of those witnesses to DESTROY their laptops! No wonder all most of the liberals have vanished. They know they have made several very stupid mistakes and it really is the end for them.
I used to buy used government laptops. They were the best quality (since bought with taxpayer money). They were sold at a deep discount, and in almost new condition because they had barely, if ever, been used (government workers aren't known to do a lot of work). The only catch was.. they had their hard drives REMOVED. They were made by HP.
What's old news is new news again. RIP Moonbats!
Hillary was "alleged" to be a lifetime crook and fraud, who abused her powers as senator and Secretary of State.
Much of the evidence of this would be contained on her illegal server that she illegally kept in her own basement in the form of at least 33,000 emails. (she was even using her Secretary of State email account years after she was no longer Secretary of State!)
Congress then ordered her to turn over those emails. Instead, she blatanly defied Congress and not only deleted the emails, but did everything possible to prevent those emails from ever being retrieved with both software, and by physically destroying government property on which the information was contained. None of this is an opinion, it's all factual and indisputable.
The agency given the task of investigating domestic federal crimes is the FBI. The FBI failed to do so, and was even being illegally instructed by Obama's crooked Attorney General Loretta "Should Be" Lynch to refer to Hillary's wrongoings as a "matter" rather than an "investigation".
Comey reluctantly stuck his nose into Hillary's pile of shit - mainly because of the enormous pressure from other FBI agents.Because of Comey's indecisiveness and ambiguity.. and lack of confidence by both the left and the right.. Trump FIRED Comey.
THAT resulted in a firestorm of complaints that Trump firing Comey was "obstruction of justice" so a special counsel was formed.. head by Comey's predecessor and bestest buddy Herr Mueller. Again.. all of that is factual.. no opinions.Then, for some reason.. Herr Mueller felt obliged to go beyond the scope of his investigation of "obstructing of justice" and stated with this "Russian Collusion" witch hunt. Again.. no opinions.. just facts.
A couple of days ago, the "russian collusion" investigation got destroyed when it was revealed that Russia was not the source of the leaks.. so there was nothing to have collusion about! Apparently, at least 7 different countries managed to gain access to those illegally deleted e-mails because the security was so poor. I recall that the password for the account was set to PASSWORD which is ridiculous! (it's actually not that surprising, because the master password for a dozen small police departments in central and south Florida that I worked on many years ago was "PASSWORD".
Just yesterday, it was revealed that Comey had written up an exoneration of Hillary 3 months before even interviewing Hillary or any of the other significant witnesses. Comey anticipated what was going to happen, and carefully orchestrated this fraud. There is no question that Trump did the right thing by firing Comey. Again.. facts not opinion.
Therefore.. since Trump was justified and frankly had no choice other than to fire Comey.. there was no obstruction of justice, and there was no basis for enlisting a special prosecutor (Herr Mueller) to investigate Trump. That also wipes out the russian collusion investigation initiated by Herr Mueller.
So.. the anti Trump movement has collapsed before they even got anywhere with it. Stick a fork in it.. it's DONE!
The major moonbats such as Feinstein and Pelosi know that they can't pursue their attacks on Trump.. and have rapidly changed course into a "cover your ass" mode.
Meanwhile.. Moonbats in Europe are laughing at the victims of Hurricane Harvey as being nazis who have incurred the wrath of god.
Example of a looney moonbat
There was a moonbat contributor on Fox News today reflecting the absurd opinions of quite a few moonbats.
He was saying that the economic and job growth after Trump won the election is due to the policies of Obama.
What bullshit. Sheik Obama occupied the White House for EIGHT YEARS and during that time jobs went to hell and the economy grew at it's slowest rate ever - at 3%.. not to mention doubling the national debt to $20 trillion.. accumulating more debt that all 43 presidents that preceeded him including the debts incurred by the revolutionary war, spanish american war, civil war, korean war, cold war, vietnam war, Gulf War 1, Gulf War 2, WW1, Grenada, Somalia, WW2, the great depression, and the disaster at the end of Dubba Bush's presidency. Things were is such poor shape at the end of Bush Jr's presidency that virtually ANYBODY would have had a better recovery than Sheik Obama. What goes way up is certain to come down, and what goes way down is certain to rise up. I don't think Obama could have done a worse job burying the USA if he tried. Oh wait, what am I saying? He WAS TRYING to bury the USA! "Hey guys.. the economy is going to shit.. and the debt is doubling… and social security is going bankrupt.. what else can I do to fuck the country? I know! Force everybody to have useless, overpriced healthcare that almost nobody can afford nor want! YES WE CAN!"Watch this video.. and answer me... just what is it that Obama did? He certainly had some plan in mind with "Yes We Can".
RE: The Vatican is the DRIVER, of the ANTICHRIST SYSTEM
Vatican though doesn't play any longer the role it used to..
I think you are referring to the last hundred or two hundred years of the Vatican… this most recent pope is not representing the fundamental tenets of the Catholic Church. A very crude simplification of the current pope is "Do whatever the fuck you want... only STOP getting caught having sex with little boys! We can't afford to pay the settlements!" This is a major blow to the recruitment of Catholic priests, because the perk was that they could use their role as a priest to be an absolute shield against being nabbed for having sex with little boys. They also got away without wearing pants and instead covering their naughty parts with long robes.
Several hundred years ago, the popes were completely different. Many times there were multiple people claiming to be the pope at the same time for various reasons including that some popes were monsters.
Time for the sedition to end
Yesterday, some moonbat decided it would be a good idea to try and ram his motorcade… bad idea.
Perhaps it is time to start prosecuting seditious scum such as Hillary Clinton, Madonna, Kathy Griffin, and Maxine Waters who make open threats and incite riots against the president.
I want to point something out particularly about Hillary and Auntie Maxine. Most of the time, they don't specify anything that Trump has done wrong. Instead, they just call upon people to rise up and resist him. That is criminal behavior.
Brand NEW Aug 31, 2017 - Hillary is in BIG TROUBLE!
Specifically, James Comey originally used the argument that the evidence found against Hillary was lacking an “intent” element, meaning they didn’t find she intended to break the law. Well, WikiLeaks just produced all the “intent” we need.
On March 2, 2015 The New York Times reported that Hillary Clinton used a personal email server as Secretary of State.
Later on March 2, 2015 Hillary Clinton’s top aide and attorney wrote John Podesta that “we are going to have to dump all those emails.”
You can clearly see the email from John Podesta below to Cheryl Mills saying,“On another matter….and not to sound like Lanny, but we are going to have to dump all those emails so better to do so sooner than later”
So there you have it folks! Comey’s ‘intent’ element has just been produced and things are going to only get worse, because it’s expected that Hillary’s 33,000 deleted emails will be released this week as well.
Zero hedge also points out that, “a search for Lanny Davis reveals the following curious exchange between Robby Mook and John Podesta from March 8, 2015, just days after the abovementioned exchange, in which Mook says:”
“We gotta zap Lanny out of our universe. Can’t believe he committed her to a private review of her hard drive on TV.”
Clearly, the Clinton camp has been hiding and destroying evidence the entire time and they have just incriminated themselves for all of America to see.