Seems that virtually every attack made upon President Trump has fallen flatter than Miley Cyrus' tits.
There should be some kind of penalty for morons that file false charges against the president.
Seems that virtually every attack made upon President Trump has fallen flatter than Miley Cyrus' tits.
There should be some kind of penalty for morons that file false charges against the president.
The news of the new Trump tax cuts / budget has been completely wiped off the news by:
OJ's release (supposedly went to Las Vegas - not kidding)
The 58 person massacre in Las Vegas
..and now it looks like singer Tom Petty might have died from heart attack at 66
One trivial coincidence about the Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock: he lived both in Mequite, Texas and Mesquite Nevada.
I could find NOTHING on the guy.. not even a traffic citation.
I have one hunch.. he got heavily in debt from gambling, and his girlfriend dumped him. That is just a hunch.
.. and as I predicted.. the moonbats are already on the "gun control" rant.
One thing I wonder about, it says the man had at least 10 rifles in the hotel room. Isn't there a limit on how many guns one person can legally own? I know that in Alabama and Texas, it is illegal to SELL vibrators and dildos.. and there is a limit on how many dildos you can own.. I think the limit is 3, but when I searched it said 6. This is why in many catalogs, vibrators are sold as "massagers" for the neck, etc.
The photo is the house in Mesquite TEXAS that Paddock lived in.
You can bet that the moonbats will find a way to blame Trump for this. It's probably because Melania wore sneakers instead of boots to the President's Cup golf tournament.
The moonbat handbook says that they will go for the "gun control" angle to blame Trump.
They're doing it, at least originally, not now, to protest how police officers disproportionately shoot, attack, arrest, target black people.
The protest is based on lies and purposely misleading stats.
Blacks make up 13% of the US population.
Blacks make up 54-56% of the violent crimes.
Blacks make up 43% of cop killers. I haven't seen an stats on wounding police by race.
Blacks make up 26% of the people shot (wounded or killed) by police.
Black cops are the most likely to shoot, while white cops are the least likely to shoot.
Less than 0.9% of ALL police shootings are "unjustified".
Studies have shown that there is no "kill all da blacks" mentality in the police.
The only thing studies have shown is that cops are more physically aggressive when arresting blacks. This is due to the fact that blacks resist arrest more.
This is the problem. When talking about the issues, you can't leave out huge chunks and have an honest conversation. It's something we see with BLM, feminists and every other SJW. They are purposely dishonest.
The only thing I would disagree with is that "less that 0.9% of police shootings are unjustified". I would tend to say that "less than 0.9% of police shootings ARE justified".
One thing I would ADD is that by far, when blacks are victims of crime, the perpetrators are also black.
It troubles me that police are supposed to reduce problems in society, when in fact, I often wonder if they create more problems than they solve. I am biased though, because I know of a cop whose sister is also a cop, and the two of them murdered a woman that was the one-time girlfriend of the cop. I am probably the only person that knows what they did. In fact, the sister is the one that killed the woman in a hit man scenario. They tried killing me also, but I was wise to them. They are both quite insane. Even other cops used to remark about both of them being nuts. It doesn't bother me too much though, because both of those cops lives are quite miserable. The brother developed severe ulcerative colitis forcing him to take a desk job because he can't go 3 hours without a bout of diarrhea and abdominal pain. The lives of cops are OFTEN miserable because they either have no conscience OR they have a conscience and the guilt catches up with them.
@Fred, there was a case many years ago in which a policeman was refused a job because he was too smart. The reason is that police work is dull and will bore a sharp mind. He went to court and I believe won.
When you start talking about the abuses by the police – and there are many -- I would ask you then to rethink your stance on kneeling during the NFL. The protest started because Kaepernick wanted to draw attention to what the police have been doing to black people in the US. Trump changed the message to disrespecting the flag/vets.
In light of what you think about the police, what do you think of the kneeling protest AND Black Lives Matters in the context of a reaction to police abuse?
The subject of what is being protested is lost when the protesters are total assholes.. such as the BLM people.
I actually love police, all they need is worstershire sauce.
The NFL players are not "citizens" expressing themselves. They are wearing a uniform, being paid a fortune, and being presented to millions of people - many of them children - on live TV. Trump is right. You kneel.. and your fired. Simple as that. What's next? Players shooting a bird / giving the finger on live TV? Dropping their pants and taking a dump in the endzone? (one recently simulating urinating in the endzone - and you couldn't tell that it was simulated from a distance).About 2 years ago, there was a revelation in New York in which the resumes of people with high IQs were being REJECTED.
In the case of Colon Coprolite, he should not have dropped to a knee to protest police, but his idea of having pig police socks was great! If I didn't live in Florida where it's too damned hot to wear socks, I would wear socks like that.
Lastly.. there is a silver lining to everything. Football is 99% hype.. and actually quite boring. Anybody that disagrees with this should try watching a game without the play-by-play or knowing which teams are playing. That could easily be done by watching a Canadian Football game. I wonder if the Arena Football players are doing this kneeling shit. This current NFL trend is like opening Pandora's box, and it can't end until the NFL ultimately makes a rule against it - they have to or it will never end. By having these ambiguous, random, nonsensical, offensive protests, the popularity of football is going down the toilet.. where it belongs. Sports like soccer, rugby, and hockey are superior to football. Football is a pussy sport with far too many stops in the action, far too many rules, and the players wear so much protection and padding that you can't see the human in the silly costume and a tank could run over them without harming them much.
So, in short, you're saying that when a player puts on the uniform they lose their individuality and become a representative of the team, is that correct? By extension, since people usually support a team because they identify with it, a protesting bended knee ends up representing the people who support that team.
That makes sense.
To that I would add that I turn on sport to escape from reality, not be immersed in it. There's more than one reason Hollywood's been losing big at the box office these past few years and now those reasons are spilling over into sports.
Exactly! And I have a very recent example to illustrate what you just said. They have rebooted the series "Will & Grace". The premier episode aired recently.. and was hated by both the left and the right. It focused heavily on attacking Donald Trump in an absurd way. That is especially stupid for a TV series, because the big money in TV series is their eventual syndication. Any show that focuses on the news of the day is destroying it's own value for future syndication. TV shows have historically avoided direct links to current events for that very reason.
I'm not going to comment on the races of the people in this photo, nor which race is doing what and why. I honestly don't even know why they are doing it.
They're doing it, at least originally, not now, to protest how police officers disproportionately shoot, attack, arrest, target black people.
Trump, by bringing it up, changed the meaning to disrespecting the police and veterans.
In turn, people are doing it to protest Trump.
The protest has now become convoluted so that no one is sure who is protesting what. Perhaps that's the point, to disrupt the meaning so that it stops.
Police do treat black people like garbage.. but really.. the police also treat white people like garbage now also.
But, just to make another point, ignore what I just said in the previous sentence.
Do black people think they are going to gain respect in the eyes of anybody by hijacking the sport of football for their own ambiguous, unspecified goals? They are disgracing their own race.. doing damage to themselves. Nobody is sitting back and saying "Gee, ya know.. after watching those protests, I am ashamed to be white!"
I'm not ashamed to be white because of them.. but because of people like Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, John McCain, Michael Mooreon, John Pedosta, Justin Bieber, Kathy Griffin, Rosie O'Donnell, Tom Cruise, and Kirk Cameron.
They need to ask OJ what he thinks of football players disrespecting the National Anthem.
Sometimes, they substitute "America The Beautiful" for the National Anthem. I wonder if those BLM morons would take a knee while Ray Charles was singing that.
You hit on something else too.. if someone lives in one state, and purchases their health insurance in that state.. What happens when that person moves to another state? Or even if they are just on vacation in another state? Or overseas?
That all depends. For most people healthcare is tied to employment so if they move to another state they probably have a new job or they have an insurer that operates in multiple states.
ObamaCare plans are actually sold at the COUNTY level. If you don't live in a county where that plan is sold you need to change plans. You are allowed to change plans.
Generally, all plans offer emergency coverage out of state. Most plans do not offer ANY type of coverage out of the country. Medicare has some limited circumstances in which it can be used in Canada but no other country.
hmm.. if someone moves to another country.. I am sure they still get their social security checks / benefits, but I bet they lose their medicare benefits. They take money out of mt dad's ss before he ever sees it. If he moved to another country, I wonder if they would continue to talke $$ from his ss to pay for medicare that he isn't getting.
Here's a wild idea.. put a tax on tobacco that is used to fund cancer treatments.
I'm not going to comment on the races of the people in this photo, nor which race is doing what and why. I honestly don't even know why they are doing it.
I have one solution for this problem though. In this picture, you see a line of people standing, with a line of people kneeling in front of them. How about putting the line of people standing in FRONT of the people who are kneeling? Then we would not even have to look at those idiots.. and the people standing could fart in the faces of those kneeling. Since they wear jockstraps, there is almost no filter between their assholes and the noses of those behind them. Those kneelers would get a good steamy mist of anal wind.
are can be fixed very easily. We need to have a public option. A state run health plan would force costs down because most people are going to choose the public option. This isn't unheard of. This is exactly how Medicare operates. 85% of people on Medicare choose the public option. Medicaid operates the same way in my state (and a few others). Most people choose the public option there too but I do believe there are benefits to the private plans.
1. Private businesses/companies shouldn't be allowed to give their employees healthcare as a perk.
2. The state should have its own health plan (I'm guessing this is how Medicaid/Medicare work)
3. The federal government should operate a public option that individual businesses can pay into rather than pay for their employee's healthcare themselves.
I don't know if the federal government necessarily needs to offer the public plan. It could be administered at the state level provided that it is portable and a person can freely move from state to state. This has risks as states like Alabama and Mississippi will happily create the worst plans in the country. They seem to like to be at the bottom.
You hit on something that I noticed when driving several times from Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Lousiana, and Texas… and that is.. Alabama and Mississippi are toilets compared to other states.
You hit on something else too.. if someone lives in one state, and purchases their health insurance in that state.. What happens when that person moves to another state? Or even if they are just on vacation in another state? Or overseas?
Healthcare is a cesspool of abuse. Other than a broken arm, my father never went to a doctor his entire life other than for his stent at 81 years old which only took 1 hour. I have never needed a doctor other than a $50 out of pocket visit to get a pain killer and antibiotic for one bout of gastroenteritis.
Another thing about health insurance that is insane.. is that it nearly always excludes medical issues that all people face, such as vision, hearing, and dental.
@Adam, when a hospital charges 78,000 dollars (or 5000 in my school's case), where does that money go? Doctors aren't that rich. Seems like someone's getting a larger piece of the pay than they deserve.
udents anyway.
Wait, are you saying the insurance companys don't actually pay that large amount?
Insurers pay MUCH less than the bill you receive in the mail. A $5000 charge to you would probably be paid at around $400 by an insurance company.
What? :blink:
Then why do hospitals make a big show of putting those super high costs on our bills, well, your bills. One step in making the healthcare industry seem less evil would be to show them charging less.
The industry does it to force people to buy health insurance. It's either that or go bankrupt (or die).
Let them go bankrupt. In capitalism.. failures go bankrupt.. and should. The moonbats like to prop up failures by throwing money at doomed disasters. Everytime the republicans try to change healthcare at all, the moonbats start whining that people will die. People do die. All people will eventually die except for me. It's just a matter of when. The moonbats don't even wait to evaluate the changes or even read the proposed legislation.
@Fred, there was a case many years ago in which a policeman was refused a job because he was too smart. The reason is that police work is dull and will bore a sharp mind. He went to court and I believe won.
When you start talking about the abuses by the police – and there are many -- I would ask you then to rethink your stance on kneeling during the NFL. The protest started because Kaepernick wanted to draw attention to what the police have been doing to black people in the US. Trump changed the message to disrespecting the flag/vets.
In light of what you think about the police, what do you think of the kneeling protest AND Black Lives Matters in the context of a reaction to police abuse?
The subject of what is being protested is lost when the protesters are total assholes.. such as the BLM people.
I actually love police, all they need is worstershire sauce.
The NFL players are not "citizens" expressing themselves. They are wearing a uniform, being paid a fortune, and being presented to millions of people - many of them children - on live TV. Trump is right. You kneel.. and your fired. Simple as that. What's next? Players shooting a bird / giving the finger on live TV? Dropping their pants and taking a dump in the endzone? (one recently simulating urinating in the endzone - and you couldn't tell that it was simulated from a distance).
About 2 years ago, there was a revelation in New York in which the resumes of people with high IQs were being REJECTED.
In the case of Colon Coprolite, he should not have dropped to a knee to protest police, but his idea of having pig police socks was great! If I didn't live in Florida where it's too damned hot to wear socks, I would wear socks like that.
Lastly.. there is a silver lining to everything. Football is 99% hype.. and actually quite boring. Anybody that disagrees with this should try watching a game without the play-by-play or knowing which teams are playing. That could easily be done by watching a Canadian Football game. I wonder if the Arena Football players are doing this kneeling shit. This current NFL trend is like opening Pandora's box, and it can't end until the NFL ultimately makes a rule against it - they have to or it will never end. By having these ambiguous, random, nonsensical, offensive protests, the popularity of football is going down the toilet.. where it belongs. Sports like soccer, rugby, and hockey are superior to football. Football is a pussy sport with far too many stops in the action, far too many rules, and the players wear so much protection and padding that you can't see the human in the silly costume and a tank could run over them without harming them much.
I work in healthcare. A single payer system would likely put me out of a job. I will find something else to do.
A few years ago a few states decided to allow plans to be sold across state lines. Not a single insurer was interested. The only way it would work is if the thousands of insurers across the country consolidated into a small number of companies. That is the opposite of what the GOP is trying to accomplish.
This is really interesting. Working in healthcare you have insight that most of us don't.
From your perspective 1) I The Affordable Healthcare Act working as it should and 2) how do you think it should be amended (or should it be repealed and replaced with something else)?
The ACA is actually working better. Every county will have a plan next year despite Trump telling us that it's a total disaster. The places with only one plan option are mostly rural areas so maybe something needs to be done in those areas. Any business is tough for rural areas. The FCC just allowed Verizon to cut off a bunch of rural customers (some of them fireman and police officers) because they were too expensive.
ObamaCare can be fixed very easily. We need to have a public option. A state run health plan would force costs down because most people are going to choose the public option. This isn't unheard of. This is exactly how Medicare operates. 85% of people on Medicare choose the public option. Medicaid operates the same way in my state (and a few others). Most people choose the public option there too but I do believe there are benefits to the private plans.
If Obamacare can be fixed easily, then why don't the democrats come up with a fixed plan to promote? They have done nothing but sit on their hands. When it comes to congressmen, there is not that much difference between a republican and a democrat. It's like choosing whether to have your left leg amputated or your right leg amputated.
I read a story the other day about the rise of TODDLERS shooting themselves and other people. This is what happens when you give everyone a gun.
That reminds me of the rise of elderly abuse and baby snatching in Bolton, England.
My fix for healthcare is to prohibit employers from offering insurance. The employers are an unnecessary middle man who only drive up costs. Let everyone buy their insurance individually. This will force insurers to actually compete for customers and drive costs down.
This would hurt me personally as I work for a large hospital system and pay almost nothing for healthcare.
That actually makes sense, but I don't think it is possible to make that happen.
One thing that comes to mind is that government jobs include insurance as part of a perk in lieu of a better salary. They are able to offer insurance to their employees at a group rate, which would cost the employees a fortune to buy on their own. That same situation occurs when an employee of a large corporation, or even to an extent with a large company. One company I worked for was spread across 2 states and 3 divisions. The total company was probably about 100 employees. They gave us some insurance that was virtually worthless. The benefits were almost insignificant, and the deductibles were extremely high. As I recall, I only used it once. I had a root canal done for roughly $400 about 20 years ago. The insurance plan covered about $5!
Anyway, when insurance is being doled out in "group plans" then those benefiting from it are the those that have the medical issues, those that bitch the most about medical issues that are of their own invention, greedy and fraudulent providers, etc. Basically, the group coverage evolves into disconnecting the people from caring about the abuses… as long as they get their personal piece of the pie. For instance, my dad's 2 day hospital stay with just a 1 hour procedure was billed to medicare for $78,000. Even though my dad paid almost no part of that $78,000, he still bitched about the $30 co-pays to visit specialists, and the $15 / month cost for one of the medications. Imagine if he got stuck with the tab for $78,000!!!
Governments and corporations won't stop meddling in the insurance game.. however.. I have an idea that is along those lines...
When we go to pick up medications for my dad, we pick them up even though he no longer takes most of them. The pharmacy keeps doling out the pills even though the doctor discontinued them. We pick them up anyway since it costs us nothing. So do a bazillion other people. What they should do is make it illegal to give things away 100% free. At the bare minimum, the recipient should have to pay at least 5% of everything they get in healthcare. That would put an end to quite a bit of the abuses. Even at 5%, patients would bitch to their providers about having been billed for procedures that were unnecessary or not even done, or over priced.
If someone said to you: "would you like to have your surgery done by Doctor A for $100,000 or Doctor B for $5000??" you would probably pick Doctor B if you had to pay some or all of that money. If your insurance was covering all or almost all the tab.. then you would probably pick Doctor A.
It gets to be a sick joke. At many Optician places, they have a selection of frames to choose from which are about $60. They have a separate selection of frames which are virtually identical to the $60 frames, only they are for people with insurance coverage and they cost $350 and up! I call that fraud and gouging, but since the consumer doesn't feel the hit directly, nobody does anything about it.
There's no excuse for allowing Mateen to slaughter all those people over a 30 minute period before going in to stop him.
Government workers tend to have a "license to loaf" at the county and city levels.
Well, a quick google search shows that people did ask why it took so long for law enforcement to act. The answer I read most often was a variation of
"The answer to whether authorities made the right move by not going in more quickly may rest in two questions: Was this an active-shooter situation or a hostage crisis? And at what point did it pivot from one type of scenario to another?
In active-shooter situations, police are now trained to respond immediately, even if only one or two officers are available to confront the suspect. In a hostage crisis, law enforcement generally tries to negotiate."Further googling revealed that no investigation was launched after, so no wrongdoing was found.
Hindsight will always be 20/20 in these kinds of situations.
… and WHO would investigate it?
What you said was exactly correct!
There was no wrongdoing found.. because there was no investigation launched!!
In Florida, and probably in other states, cops have nothing more than a GED or High School diploma. It used to be that they wanted cops who can think. Now they want cops that "do" instead of "think".
The cops followed Mateen into the club, then fled the club. They never should have left. The hostage aspect ended when Mateen started slaughtering the people inside.. and continued to do so for over half an hour.
Getting back to what you pointed out... regardless of whether the police acted appropriately or not.. no investigation was ever launched! There is no excuse for not investigating what happened.
I have another story that occurred in St. Petersburg Florida a few years earlier. This man who was a friend of the mayor had a warrant out for his arrest. A cop went to his house, and his mother said he was not home. The cop didn't believe her and it turned out the man was in the attic. The man had a gun. Now, keep in mind that this man was trapped up in the attic, he wasn't going anywhere. meanwhile, an off-duty cop showed up. The cop got impatient, and tasered the man. The man was not happy about being tasered, and shot the cops, killing them both. Then somehow the house was set on fire - with the man still in the attic.. killing him. The entire house was bulldozed the next day preventing any investigation. The only reason the story ever got published is because the man was the mayor's buddy.
She stopped being funny 20 years ago.
Now she plays the victim while attacking everyone she doesn't like.
That sound about right. Long ago, she was funny.
Hillary also plays the victim while attacking everyone she doesn't like.
While on this topic.. the news media twisted that story all to hell. There are always cops outside that club during operating hours. A cop noticed Mateen and followed him into the club. The cops that were inside the club fled when the shooting started. The swat team surrounded the building.. while Mateen spent over half an hour slaughtering those 50+ people. ** I guarantee you that many of the victims were shot by the POLICE. ** I don't understand **why they didn't cut electricity to the building to make it so the shooter could not see (and they would have night vision), or shoot in some sort of tear gas, or send in dogs, etc. **The police were like the Keystone Kops in that incident, and yet the media made them out to be heroes. It's amazing that all those people were killed, yet not one cop suffered a significant injury. Hmm…. It's sort of like firemen who wait for a building to be reduced to ashes before doing anything.
Well, this doesn't really touch on the main issue of whether guns should be regulated, outlawed, are making a positive or negative difference but I'll work with what I've got.
It's easy for you and I, who have no law enforcement training, to sit read and speculate after the fact. There are protocols in place for these kinds of situations. When the situation is unprecedented, they look for the closest fit and adapt or apply it. I can not fault the police based on what I've read on the incident.
As for speculating that people were shot by police, unless you have evidence to support that, forensics reports, etc. we must go by what is already public knowledge: Mateen shot those people. Conspiracy theories are fun, kinda like plot crafting when watching a TV show between episodes, but this kind of speculation can take root and create mistrust in local law enforcement, something we need less of.
I'm not sure why you're talking about firemen. You make it sound like they don't do their jobs.
There's no excuse for allowing Mateen to slaughter all those people over a 30 minute period before going in to stop him.
Government workers tend to have a "license to loaf" at the county and city levels.
When she went back to the states she had another issue and went to the doctor under Obamacare. She said the first thing that the doctor's office did was make sure her insurance was all in order and that all the forms were signed before they would consider looking at her.
This is pretty standard and it has nothing to do with ObamaCare. They likely would have still seen her even if she didn't have insurance or if the insurance wasn't active. Providers spend a great deal of time and effort (and money) trying to get their money from insurance companies.
So then, what's your fix for healthcare? (And say it in a Boston accent
Moonbats don't have any solutions to anything other than to throw money at it.