Still no response to any of the important topics I posted.
Because just now liberals are too busy eating children (after properly roasting them on skewers)!
Still no response to any of the important topics I posted.
Because just now liberals are too busy eating children (after properly roasting them on skewers)!
I mean like: ban the gays & lesbians from a peaceful and normal life, deny them the right of having families & jobs as others do, outlaw them, instill the venom of shame and self-hatred in their mind, call them sick and perverts, etc.How is that not islam?
This is one facet of islam, of christianity, of judaism and some dozens of other religions…
As far as I know —among many examples— it was not islam which led Alan Turing (genius in mathematics) to endure chemical castration and eventually commit suicide in 1954; imho it was the bigotry & narrow-mindedness of a christian society, namely: post-war England.
I happen to live at only a few hundred meters of the memorial plaque shown as attachment (before the 67 of Montorgueuil street in Paris).
It recalls how two men, Jean Diot and Bruno Lenoir, arrested by the police while having sexual intercourse, were sentenced to death and burned alive. This happened in 1750, under the reign of Louis XV (“the beloved”), king of France and (according to the catholic Church) “representative of God”.
At that time the cruel, savage, intolerant & homophobic religion in Europe was not islam…
You do realize that you guys don't treat all situation like this, right?
As for me I always do.
Do you mean like "throw the fags from the roof tops" muslims?
I mean like: ban the gays & lesbians from a peaceful and normal life, deny them the right of having families & jobs as others do, outlaw them, instill the venom of shame and self-hatred in their mind, call them sick and perverts, etc.
Maybe the man alleging religious persecution was denied asylum by the immigration judge, then by the Board of Immigration Appeals because… he was not persecuted that much?
Or failed to demonstrate it??
As the Board of Immigration Appeals noticed:
“Inasmuch as the respondent has not satisfied the lower
burden of proof required for asylum, it follows that he
also has not satisfied the higher clear probability
standard of eligibility for withholding of removal.
The Immigration Judge did not clearly err in finding that
the respondent ‘neither alleged past torture, nor asserted
a fear of torture in the future’”.
Therefore let's Justice follow its course, shall not we?
N. B. or maybe the immigration judges were bored having Christians on US soil spitting their hateful anti-LGBT propaganda like –for example– the one who wrote this piece of sht in the same media:
Place where homosexuals and women are beaten and killed by Muslims.
Maybe you don't know that revoking same-sex marriage & adoption was part of Le Pen's program?
As for women, her ultra-catholic niece Marion Maréchal-Le Pen (member of French Parliament) has taken some stands against abortion…
I've recently uploaded relevant (always!) pictures to a few torrents and – as the site asks (“Please upload only BIG Pictures in GOOD quality!”) – I found some nice ones on the web:
• the vertical (“portrait”) ones with a resolution of 1280×1920 px;
• the horizontal (“landscape”) ones with a resolution of 853×1280 px.
I'm surprised to discover that, after approval, all my pics have been discarded & replaced by smaller pictures (533×800 px & 800×533 px)! apparently uploaded by another user.
How can this be possible?
(I mean: if earlier uploaded pics were waiting for approval, in theory I should not have been able to “Add screenshots and covers”…)
Example with this torrent:
I uploaded nine big pictures (it took me ~ half an hour to find on the web & upload them), each one replaced by small ones. ???
[nb]Attachment: one of my uploaded pics (compare with the actual one).[/nb]
It's because men generally don't know what it's like to take it in the ass… :afr:
And their greatest fear (I mean the homophobic ones) is to discover that they might enjoy it!
C'est un torrent qui était poussé à la top du liste (triée par défaut par date),
par le changement du date "Added" (ajouté).
OK, mais comment doit-on faire pour qu'un « vieux » torrent remonte et apparaisse au sommet de la liste du PictureBrower ?
Quelle action doit-on effectuer ?
Est-ce que n'importe quel utilisateur peut choisir de faire remonter un ancien torrent, ou bien seulement l'“uploader” initial ?
Voilà ma question : j'observe que, sur la page de nombreux torrents, on peut lire la mention Added (suivi d'une date), mais aussi la mention Original upload: (suivi d'une date).
J'ai du mal à saisir la différence entre uploaded et added.
Je donne un exemple avec ce torrent :
Il a été « uploadé » en février 2012, mais « added » en septembre 2015 ; j'avoue que je n'y comprends rien, et je n'ai rien trouvé de très instructif sur la question…
Est-ce la même personne qui a uploadé deux fois le même torrent ?
Ou bien une autre (et si oui comment) ?
S'agit-il d'un “duplicate” ?
La perplexité m'habite…
Bonjour, j'aimerais savoir à quoi correspond la mention Totaltraffic, qui figure sur la page de chaque « torrent ».
J'ai observé à plusieurs reprises que le nombre indiqué décroît parfois avec le temps.
Voir l'exemple en pièce jointe (compare.png), issu de l'un de mes propres torrents.